During the Clone Wars period, specifically in 20 BBY, a significant naval engagement unfolded close to the planet of Patitite Pattuna. This battle began when the flagship commanded by Jedi Master Adi Gallia found itself under assault. The attackers were a fleet of warships belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, led by the Kaleesh General Grievous. As Gallia's vessel traveled toward the Galactic Republic for safety, the Separatist fleet ambushed and inflicted heavy damage on her Venator-class Star Destroyer, particularly its primary reactor, which then prompted Gallia to order an immediate evacuation of all personnel.
However, as the evacuation proceeded, Grievous, accompanied by several battle droids, boarded the crippled cruiser with the intention of capturing the Jedi Master. While the Star Destroyer's non-essential crew fled, Gallia and the Kaleesh commander engaged in a short duel, while clone troopers from the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps fought off Grievous's droids. Despite her best efforts, Gallia was ultimately defeated and taken prisoner by Grievous aboard his command ship.
As the Star Destroyer succumbed to the Separatist warships' turbolaser fire, the Republic droids C-3PO and R2-D2, who were onboard the Star Destroyer, successfully escaped to Patitite Pattuna using a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber. Sometime following the conflict, Gallia was rescued by fellow Jedi Master Plo Koon.

In the second year of the Clone Wars, specifically 20 BBY, Jedi Master Adi Gallia was aboard her Venator-class Star Destroyer flagship. She was heading back to the safety of the Galactic Republic after completing a relief mission on the planet of Aleen. Following the Aleen mission, Clone Commander Wolffe of the 104th Battalion transferred two Republic droids, the protocol droid C-3PO and the astromech droid R2-D2, to Gallia's cruiser.
While on route to the galactic capital on Coruscant, Gallia's cruiser approached the planet Patitite Pattuna, hoping to avoid an attack from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, despite their hopes, Kaleesh Separatist General Grievous and his fleet of warships ambushed Gallia's Star Destroyer. They had located the Venator, resulting in a battle taking place near Patitite Pattuna.

As Grievous arrived in the space around Patitite Pattuna, his fleet, which consisted of two Munificent-class star frigates and his personal Providence-class Dreadnought, began to converge on Gallia's Star Destroyer. Caught by surprise and unprepared, the Venator's port side was hit by the Separatist warships, causing substantial damage to its primary reactor. As the battle unfolded, Gallia, who was on her Venator's command bridge, instructed a clone navigation officer to immediately evacuate the clone troopers, who were part of the Republic Army's 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps under her command, alongside Clone Marshal Commander Neyo who was present during the battle.
Consequently, clone trooper pilots launched from the Star Destroyer's main hangar in Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters and BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers, engaging the Separatist fleet and attempting to defend against squadrons of Vulture-class droid starfighters. Simultaneously, other Republic pilots operated several Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships to aid in the evacuation of the clone troopers onboard, with Clone trooper flight crews overseeing their deployments. While the Separatist warships bombarded the Republic Star Destroyer, Grievous, accompanied by several battle droids, boarded the cruiser in an attempt to capture Gallia. As the Star Destroyer's nonessential personnel evacuated, the Jedi Master and a number of her clone troopers engaged the invading Separatist forces, leading to a brief firefight between Gallia's clones and several B1-series battle droids, while the Jedi Master and Grievous engaged in a short duel. As their numbers dwindled, the battle droids overwhelmed the clone troopers, and Gallia lost ground to Grievous, who managed to kick her towards an adjacent wall.

While trying to escape her besieged Venator, Gallia was separated from her clone troopers long enough for Grievous to capture her. As the battle continued, C-3PO and R2-D2, who were searching for an escape pod, managed to take control of a BTL-B Y-wing bomber that had been assigned to the astromech droid R5-L26. Fleeing the Venator in the bomber, R2-D2 dodged enemy turbolaser fire and destroyed a vulture droid. However, despite the Republic's efforts, Gallia was captured by Grievous aboard his dreadnought, and the Star Destroyer was destroyed by the Separatist warships. Meanwhile, the two Republic droids, pursued by a vulture droid into the skies of Patitite Pattuna, were forced to crash-land the bomber on the planet's surface after sustaining damage, but not before destroying the droid starfighter.
Jedi Master Plo Koon rescued the survivors of the attack and soon launched a rescue mission to free Gallia from custody on Grievous's dreadnought, which was successful despite General Grievous's escape. The rescue also resulted in R2-D2 and C-3PO reuniting with Republic forces.