91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps

The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, also known as the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Force, the 91st Expeditionary Corps, or simply the 91st Recon Corps, functioned as a clone trooper corps within the structure of the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, a widespread galactic conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, command of the 91st was given to Jedi General Adi Gallia alongside Clone Marshal Commander Neyo. Throughout the duration of the conflict, Jedi General Mace Windu also held a command position within the corps, while Oppo Rancisis and Stass Allie took command during and after the Siege of Saleucami. Subsequent to the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire and the initiation of the Great Jedi Purge, the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps underwent reorganization to serve under the newly established Imperial Army.



The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, alternatively referred to as the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Force or the 91st Expeditionary Corps, was a corps within the Grand Army of the Republic. As such, it was comprised of 36,864 troopers organized into sixteen regiments. It included Lightning Squadron, a specialized armored cavalry squadron composed of Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers. The clone troopers of the 91st also included Biker Advanced Recon Commandos in addition to standard troopers, clone sharpshooters, clone trooper officers, and heavy weapons clone troopers.

Jedi General Adi Gallia was in command of the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, although Master of the Order General Mace Windu also led portions of it, notably during the Battle of Ryloth. During the Siege of Saleucami, Jedi General Oppo Rancisis, a member of the Jedi Council, temporarily assumed command of the 91st. Following the siege, Jedi General Stass Allie took command to eliminate remaining pockets of resistance. The commanding clone officer of the 91st was Clone Marshal Commander Neyo, who was assigned to the position after being promoted earlier in the Clone Wars.

Equipment and vehicles

91st Biker Advanced Recon Commandos on patrol aboard BARC speeders

The standard clone troopers of the 91st Recon Corps were distinguished by deep red markings and a unique insignia on their armor. These standard clone troopers utilized Phase I clone trooper armor, ARF trooper armor, and later Phase II clone trooper armor along with phase II BARC trooper armor. Soldiers within the 91st Recon Corps were commonly armed with DC-15 blaster rifles and DC-15A blasters.

A variety of vehicles were used by the 91st Recon Corps. The corps' aerial assets included LAAT/i gunships. Ground vehicles consisted of walkers such as All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports and BARC speeders. On occasion, members of the 91st Recon Corps were stationed aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance. During their assault on Lessu, the capital city of Ryloth, the corps also utilized blurrg, indigenous beasts of the planet.


Clone Wars

Battle for Ryloth

As a component of the Grand Army of the Republic, the 91st Mobile Recon Corps participated in the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. The clone troopers within the unit considered themselves to be elite soldiers.

Early in the war, the 91st was involved in the Battle of Ryloth, where Jedi General Mace Windu, accompanied by Clone Commander Ponds, led their forces in an attempt to liberate the capital city of Lessu City. While en route to Ryloth's capital along a cliffside road, General Windu's armored forces were ambushed by a group of Armored Assault Tanks. Although the Separatist Alliance forces briefly halted the Republic troops, they were ultimately defeated by Lightning Squadron, who deployed from the 91st's AT-TEs. Following this skirmish, Windu, Stak, and Razor encountered General Cham Syndulla of the Twi'lek Resistance and his troops after they eliminated a droid patrol. Initially, Syndulla hesitated to cooperate with Windu due to concerns about another Republic occupation. However, upon learning that the Separatists were bombing Twi'lek villages using Hyena-class Droid Bombers, Syndulla agreed to assist the Republic.

Upon reaching Lessu, Windu and two ARF troopers concealed themselves within an MTTs that was part of a convoy entering the city. Windu then instructed Syndulla and Commander Ponds to launch their attack once a bridge was secured. The battle droids scanned the cargo on the bridge and discovered Windu and his men. After subduing the droids, Windu advanced his troopers across the bridge as the droids attempted to deactivate it. As he fell, Windu managed to jump onto one of the STAPs and reach the other side of the bridge. Windu then held off the droids while Stak and Razor proceeded to the control room. After destroying the droids in the control room, they reactivated the bridge and defended it against a small number of droid reinforcements, including a pair of commando droids. Syndulla and his men engaged the battle droids while Windu moved to capture Separatist Emir Wat Tambor, ultimately liberating Lessu.

Battles on Saleucami and Malastare

Sometime after the Battle of Ryloth, the 91st fought on the planet Saleucami. Alongside Commander Mekedrix of Roon's military defense forces, three clones from the 91st, including an officer, participated in the engagement on BARC speeders.

Due to the Confederacy's success on the planet Malastare, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine authorized the use of an electro-proton bomb to disable the Separatists' [droid army](/article/separatist_droid_army]. While the bomb was effective, it unexpectedly created a sinkhole. Windu, along with Ponds and troopers "Hawkeye" and "Trapper" discovered the Zillo Beast.

Crisis on Endurance

Following the Battle on Malastare, a young Boba Fett infiltrated Windu's Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance. Although Fett failed to kill Windu, he caused the ship to crash on the planet Vanqor. While most of the crew evacuated, Fett, assisted by Aurra Sing, Bossk, and Castas, captured Admiral Shoan Kilian, Commander Ponds, and a clone naval officer. Soon after, Ponds was executed by Aurra Sing.

Battle of Patitie Pattuna

Later in the war, Gallia's Jedi cruiser was attacked by a Separatist fleet led by General Grievous. When Grievous boarded her cruiser, Gallia and her troops engaged the cyborg in combat. Despite putting up a strong fight, she was ultimately defeated and captured. She then witnessed Grievous attacking a pirate ship. Gallia was eventually rescued by Plo Koon, "Wolffe," and the 104th Battalion; however, Grievous escaped before he could be apprehended.


In 20 BBY, Clone Commander Neyo's DUM-series pit droid, WAC-47, was transferred from the 91st to Colonel Meebur Gascon's D-Squad. This squad of droids later saved high-ranking members of the Republic Military, including Neyo, from a Separatist attack on the Valor space station.

Siege of Saleucami

Commander Neyo executing Order 66 on Stass Allie

As they had earlier in the war, the 91st was sent to Saleucami during the Outer Rim Sieges. After the Republic claimed victory, General Stass Allie, Neyo, and another clone lieutenant patrolled the post-battle landscape. At that moment, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine initiated Order 66, which caused clone troopers throughout the galaxy to turn against and kill their Jedi leaders. Consequently, Allie was executed by Neyo and the other clone while on a speeder bike patrol.

Under the Empire

Following Order 66 and the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, the 91st Recon Corps continued its service as part of its ground forces, actively supporting the new regime.

