Meebur Gascon

Meebur Gascon was a Zilkin male hailing from Great Zilk. During the Clone Wars, he rose through the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, ultimately achieving the positions of colonel and later, Brigadier General.

Aspiring to reach the military_rank of Brigadier General, Gascon was regarded as a skilled military mind. He contributed his expertise to Republic Strategic Command from the time of the First Battle of Geonosis onward.


The heist

During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Meebur Gascon found himself in command of D-Squad. This unit consisted of various droids, including the astromech droids R2-D2, QT-KT, U9-C4, and M5-BZ, as well as WAC-47, a DUM-series pit droid. They received a highly classified secret mission to steal a decoding module from a secure vault located within an enemy battleship.

As the mission commenced, WAC, with excessive confidence, decided to take control of the situation. He set their transport shuttle on a direct path toward the target ship, intending to draw attention. This risky maneuver resulted in more attention than anticipated, as the shuttle was caught in a tractor beam, and the dreadnought's droid crew began to escort the astromechs away for questioning. However, the droids managed to overwhelm their captors and stealthily moved to the next phase of the mission. C4 initiated a temporary power disruption to bypass the security measures at the decoding module vault, while WAC skillfully deceived the droid guards guarding the vault's exterior. Yet, when Gascon attempted to unlock the vault door, he inadvertently inserted M5's tools into a power socket, resulting in a significant electric shock to the astromech, temporarily disabling it. Gascon then displayed uncertainty about the mission, admitting his lack of field experience. Following a discussion, the droids and Gascon discovered common ground.

Gascon holds the captured encryption module

The droids successfully bypassed the internal security systems of the vault, gaining entry to the module storage chamber. However, their actions attracted the attention of the ship's droid commander, Aut-O, who arrived with a contingent of battle droids to investigate. In a swift response, R2, who happened to be near a control panel for the chamber's artificial gravity, deactivated it, causing all the droids to float uncontrollably. This provided the droid team with the opportunity to eliminate the battle droids. Aut-O, still operational, made an attempt to impede them, but through cooperation, Gascon, WAC, and R2 managed to disable him. Despite his deactivation, Aut-O managed to trigger a general alert, compelling the team to evacuate immediately. Initially eager to escape capture, Gascon agreed to his team's desire to bring the damaged M5 along. Amidst the chaos caused by the alarm, Gascon and his droid team successfully escaped with the decoding module.

The wasteland

Gascon watches in horror at the comet shower that could end his mission.

During their journey back to Coruscant, they managed to repair M5-BZ. However, just as things began to settle down, a comet storm crossed their path. WAC-47 managed to pull their shuttle out of hyperspace to avoid a potentially catastrophic collision. Nevertheless, the ship was caught in the midst of the storm and struck by several icy comets. With the ship unable to continue, the team was forced to crash-land on a nearby desolate planet called Abafar. Gascon insisted on remaining near the ship and awaiting assistance. However, R2-D2, now in possession of the encryption module, took initiative and ventured into the wasteland to complete the mission. His droid comrades promptly joined him, and Gascon followed shortly after. As the group wandered aimlessly through the wasteland, Gascon began to lose his temper and argued with WAC-47. Soon after, they discovered a shipwreck, giving Gascon renewed hope.

However, upon finding the ship's crew deceased, Gascon began to lose his composure. WAC-47 proclaimed himself the leader, but the other droids overruled him and abandoned both him and Gascon. Soon after, WAC's unwavering determination revived Gascon's will to survive. Unexpectedly, they discovered that Abafar was not entirely devoid of life when a herd of strange, rat-like creatures stampeded across the wasteland. Trusting the creatures' instincts, Gascon and WAC hitched a ride on their backs. The creatures led them to a waterhole and a nearby city sunken into the planet's surface, where they were surprised to find the rest of D-Squad already present. Impressed by WAC's similarity to himself, Gascon promoted the delighted droid to Corporal, while the astromechs were left somewhat perplexed by this development.

The Clone

Gascon examines Gregor to confirm he is a clone trooper

Gascon and his squad arrived in a small town called Pons Ora. Accompanied by WAC-47, Gascon entered a restaurant to get some food, while the rest of D-Squad conducted reconnaissance. The diner's cook, Borkus, rudely dismissed the duo. Gascon went to the side of the diner to eat the scraps. Before he could begin, a human dishwasher named Gregor emerged from the diner to dispose of the garbage, accidentally hitting Gascon. Apologizing for his mistake, Gregor offered him some food. However, Gascon stared at Gregor and identified him as a clone trooper. Gregor seemed unaware of what a clone was and was forced to return to work. Gascon and WAC then met up with the rest of D-Squad, who confirmed the presence of Separatist forces on Abafar. Shortly after, D-Squad located a heavily guarded landing field with a transport shuttle. Although Gascon insisted they discreetly approach the shuttle, the droids pointed out that the Separatists might be searching for them after their adventure on the dreadnaught.

Recognizing that a direct attack would be suicide, Gascon decided to enlist Gregor's assistance. D-Squad located Gregor's apartment and gained his attention by having R2 project a hologram of Captain Rex. They explained his true origins as a clone, created to fight for the Republic. Gregor was reluctant to believe them, stating that he was fortunate that Borkus was paying his rent. Gascon corrected him, asserting that he was Borkus' slave. Since Gregor had amnesia, Gascon had R2 identify Gregor using the identification code on his wrist, revealing him to be a clone commando. Gregor then agreed to help D-Squad. They began searching for his equipment, unaware that Borkus was watching them. They went to Borkus' diner, only for him to approach them, revealing that he possessed Gregor's gear. Gregor demanded to know why he had withheld the truth from him. Borkus claimed he didn't care and reminded Gregor that he owed him a life debt. The clone retorted that he had made him a slave and demanded his gear. Borkus gained the upper hand on Gregor, but with the help of the droids, they tied him up. As D-Squad was leaving, Borkus revealed that the Separatists planned to destroy a Republic cruiser in orbit of the Republic fleet using the rhydonium fuel they had mined.

D-Squad then reached the landing zone, with Gregor providing cover fire for Gascon and the droids as they made their way to the shuttle. However, the battle droids spotted D-Squad and opened fire on them. A stray shot struck a Rhydonium canister, knocking down BZ and Gascon inside him. The Colonel ordered WAC to leave him behind, an order that the pit droid quickly obeyed. However, Gregor returned for him and the droid, staying behind to cover their escape. Despite Gascon and R2's insistence that they could save him, Gregor promised he would return home. As the Separatists surrounded him, Gregor shot nearby canisters, causing massive explosions. As their shuttle departed Abafar, Gascon vowed that Gregor's sacrifice would not be forgotten and that they would watch for his return.

The Star Destroyer Renown

Colonel Gascon discovers that the Clone officers were merely holograms.

After escaping Abafar, D-Squad landed on the Renown. Despite the droids' confusion regarding the closed hangar blast doors and the absence of crew members, Gascon dismissed their concerns. Upon reaching the bridge, however, they discovered that the clone officers were merely holograms. Suddenly, the ship jumped to hyperspace, revealing that it had been commandeered by Confederacy droids. D-Squad fled the bridge and evaded their pursuers in the hangar control room. D-Squad then noticed a device in the control room, which R2-D2 identified as a bomb trigger, as the hangar blast doors opened to reveal rows of rhydonium canisters. It became clear that the Confederacy intended to use the Star Destroyer to destroy the vessels of the Republic Navy. However, Gascon had no intention of stopping the bomb; his priority was to evacuate the ship as soon as it exited hyperspace.

Nevertheless, Gascon and the rest of D-Squad soon learned that the Renown was heading for a space station in the Carida system, Gascon panicked, identifying it as the location of the Republic strategy conference where the Jedi council and many high ranking Republic officers were stationed. Before they could decide on their next course of action, Gascon spotted a buzz droid spying on them, and they all gave chase. They chased the buzz droid only to be greeted by a whole swarm of them. D-Squad managed to eliminate all of them by opening the airlock, but in doing so, M5-BZ was also sucked out into space. Gascon then delivered a brief speech, promising that they would not let BZ's sacrifice be in vain by stopping the Separatists. Gascon devised a plan for D-Squad to escape on the shuttle while R2 reprogrammed the trigger mechanism to detonate prematurely. However, their plan was complicated when a super tactical droid went to arm the detonator while battle droids pursued D-Squad. Gascon and U9-C4 drew their fire while R2 fought with the super tactical droid. As everyone boarded the shuttle, Gascon refused to leave Artoo behind, but WAC initiated liftoff, leaving Artoo behind.

Ultimately, R2 gained the upper hand and successfully reprogrammed the detonator, causing the rhydonium to explode prematurely, destroying the Star Destroyer but saving the Republic fleet. Shortly after, Gascon managed to contact the space station, informing Anakin Skywalker of R2's sacrifice. Anakin dispatched salvage teams to scour the wreckage, who retrieved R2's remains and repaired him. Gascon personally commended R2's bravery and told D-Squad that he would be honored to serve with them again. An excited WAC then informed him that D-Squad had been assigned to Gascon's platoon, ensuring they would see each other for the remainder of the war, much to Gascon's dismay as he sobbed with sadness. Following his mission with D-Squad, Gascon achieved his aspiration of attaining the rank of Brigadier General.

Behind the scenes


Gascon's design was inspired by concept artwork created for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, initially intended for Jar Jar Binks. His voice was provided by Stephen Stanton, who also voiced Moralo Eval. Similar to Gascon, Eval's story arc was penned by Brent Friedman.

Non-canon history

Meebur Gascon's character makes appearances in several side-stories within the non-canon 2015 video game Disney Infinity 3.0's Twilight of the Republic Clone Wars-era narrative. A non-canon comic strip featured in the Launchpad section of Star Wars Insider 180 suggested that Gascon struggled to find employment after the Clone Wars, leading him to work in customer service for an astromech droid support company. While employed there, Gascon used a laptop on a desk and wore a headset, which he once used to instruct a customer on the location of a droid's toggle switch.

Published with Star Wars Insider 206, another non-canon Launchpad comic strip depicts Gascon during the Clone Wars inspecting the members of D-Squad, only to be angered he has been assigned a force composed of rejects: before Gascon stands Astromeh, "Honky Tonk" Gonk, CAL-Q-L8, and K2-H2O.

