Republic High Command

The Republic High Command, alternatively referred to as Republic Strategic Command, functioned as a military body within the Galactic Republic during the period of the Clone Wars. This organization's purpose was to oversee the Grand Army of the Republic, and it consisted of seasoned admirals and generals hailing from various Republic planets. The Jedi High Council selected Oppo Rancisis as their primary representative in Republic High Command meetings, making him a member; additionally, Colonel Meebur Gascon was regarded as one of the organization's most astute minds. Their meetings took place within the Strategic Planning Amphitheater, located in the Republic Center for Military Operations on Coruscant. Furthermore, they concealed the treachery of Clone Sergeant Slick that occurred during the Battle of Christophsis.

It was believed that subjecting Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to a fabricated trial, following his capture by the Separatists, and broadcasting it across the galaxy – potentially leading to his execution – would compel the Republic High Command to engage in negotiations with the Separatists and offer significant compromises.

Behind the scenes

The term "strategic command," referring to Republic High Command, initially appeared in Star Wars canon within the "Secret Weapons" episode. Subsequently, the thirty-fifth edition of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, released in 2015, formally identified a Republic High Command organization. Rise of the Separatists, a sourcebook by Fantasy Flight Games published in 2019, clarified that Strategic Command and High Command represented the same entity.

