WAC-47, a DUM-series pit droid of a modified variety, fought for the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. As a member of D-Squad, he participated in a crucial operation alongside other droids, serving as the pilot for Colonel Meebur Gascon. Although programmed to be a pilot, WAC-47 believed he had untapped potential. A "program glitch" seemingly caused him to repeatedly misidentify Gascon as a Corporal. Initially, WAC and Gascon clashed due to the Colonel's treatment of droids as mere objects. However, they eventually developed mutual respect and understanding, leading to Gascon promoting WAC to the rank of Corporal.

During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], WAC-47 was a member of the 91st Recon Corps, under the command of clone trooper Commander Neyo. In the year 19 BBY, he was chosen to join Colonel Meebur Gascon's D-Squad. He showed up late to Master Windu's mission briefing at the Jedi Temple. WAC was assigned to pilot their shuttle.
At the beginning of their mission, WAC deliberately flew on a collision path to attract the attention of the Providence-class Dreadnought. After they boarded the dreadnought, WAC successfully created a diversion, keeping the battle droids guarding the dreadnought's vault occupied. Once they had the Encryption module, WAC and the rest of the squad were confronted by the super tactical droid of the dreadnought, Aut-O. Working together, they managed to disable him and escape the dreadnought.

While on their way to Coruscant, WAC and D-squad's shuttle was caught in a comet storm. Despite the hazardous conditions, WAC managed to pull the shuttle out of hyperspace. However, the shuttle ended up crashing on Abafar. WAC tried to assume leadership of the squad, but the others left him and Gascon behind. After reaching an understanding, Gascon and WAC cooperated, which led to Gascon's promotion of WAC to corporal. Together, they came across a stampede of Void strider and used it to get to Pons Ora and rejoin the squad.
After arriving at Pons Ora, WAC joined Gascon at Power Sliders to grab a bite, while the astromechs scouted the town for enemies. But when they announced their presence, the diner's cook, Borkus, rudely kicked Gascon and WAC out. WAC led Gascon to the side of the diner, where a swarm of insects was heading towards the garbage. Although disgusted by the idea of eating leftovers, Gascon saw no other option. But before he could take a bite, a human dishwasher named Gregor came out of the diner to throw out the garbage, accidentally hitting Gascon. Apologizing, Gregor offered him some food on the house. However, Gascon stared at Gregor and identified him as a clone trooper. Gregor seemed to have no knowledge of what a clone was and was forced to go back to work. Gascon and WAC then met up with the astromechs, who confirmed the presence of Separatists on Abafar.
D-Squad went back to the landing zone, confirming that Borkus had been honest. D-Squad agreed that they needed to save the cruiser. Gregor provided cover fire for Gascon and the droids as they headed to the shuttle. However, the battle droids spotted D-Squad and started shooting at them. A stray shot struck a rhydonium canister, knocking BZ and Gascon into it. The Colonel told WAC to abandon him, an order the pit droid quickly followed. However, Gregor returned for him and stayed behind to provide cover. Although Gascon and R2 insisted they could rescue him, Gregor promised he would return home. As the Separatists surrounded him, Gregor shot the nearby canisters, causing massive explosions. As their shuttle left Abafar, Gascon vowed that Gregor's sacrifice would not be forgotten and that they would await his return.
After their escape from Abafar, WAC and the rest of D-Squad traveled to the Republic cruiser. However, they found that the Star Destroyer was controlled by a battle droid force and filled with rhydonium, transforming the ship into a bomb that was meant to destroy the Republic strategy conference over Carida. Thanks to R2-D2's sacrifice, the Venator was destroyed before crashing into the station, and R2 was later repaired. Wac's owner, Commander Neyo, was among the many military officers at the strategy conference on the Valor when the rhydonium bomb went off. Neyo witnessed the result of his generosity, as his droid played a key role in foiling the Separatist plot. WAC was overjoyed to hear that the members of D-Squad would continue to work together for the rest of the war, much to Gascon's dismay.
During the Galactic Civil War, WAC became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. WAC was reunited with R2-D2 and helped him travel to Iego where the two spoke with C1-10P "Chopper." Chopper informed them of a homocidal droid on Gallios, and R2 departed Iego and from WAC to find the droid in order to combat the Scourge and rescue his friend C-3PO.
WAC-47, a modified DUM-series pit droid, was 1.19 meters (3 feet, 11 inches) tall, and had a black sensor. His hand-like manipulators allowed him to operate flight controls. Wac was determined to prove he was more than just a pilot during the Clone War. His behavior often irritated his D-Squad commanding officer, Meebur Gascon, whose rank of colonel was frequently mistaken for corporal by WAC, seemingly due to a programming error that prevented him from correctly registering military ranks. Wac also often argued with Gascon about military tactics. Nevertheless, the two came to an understanding on Abafar, even though Gascon was eager to leave WAC's company and was upset to continue serving with him after the mission. WAC, on the other hand, was thrilled to continue serving with his fellow D-Squad members after their mission. Upon seeing a hologram of C-3PO, WAC remarked that the protocol droid was a "handsome fella."
Wac-47 was a highly skilled starfighter pilot, and was recruited to D-Squad for the specific purpose of flying ships. He was also adept at maintenance, repairs, and infiltration. Wac distracted two B2-series super battle droid, leading them into a small room and locking the door behind them. This allowed Gascon and D-Squad to break into C-Deck and steal the encryption module.
Ben Diskin provides his voice.
A possible Easter Egg occurs once WAC receives his "promotion," as the WAC Corporal was a rocket used during the early days of the U.S. Space Program.