Mission to steal a Separatist encryption module

The Galactic Republic's D-Squad undertook a mission to commandeer a Separatist encryption module during the Clone Wars. The objective was to acquire an encryption module from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specifically located on C-Deck of the Separatist dreadnought's Aut-O's flagship.


Following the interception of a transmission from General Grievous that proved indecipherable, and after a battle over an astronomical object, the Galactic Republic Military formulated a plan. They would dispatch the special forces unit D-Squad, a team of five droids under the command of Colonel Meebur Gascon, to infiltrate a Separatist dreadnought. This dreadnought was believed to house the encryption module required to decode Grievous's message. To bolster their chances of success, the Republic provided the droids with enhanced gadgets and a Maxillipede shuttle for transportation.

The mission

D-Squad's Maxillipede shuttle approaches Aut-O's Separatist dreadnought.

Having jumped through hyperspace to reach the target Separatist fleet, WAC-47, the DUM-series pit droid serving as D-Squad's pilot, programmed the shuttle to collide with the Separatist dreadnought. Instead of crashing, a tractor beam pulled their ship into the dreadnought's primary hangar. B1-series battle droids then searched the vessel. Gascon concealed himself within the hollowed-out body of the astromech droid M5-BZ, which functioned as a mobile command center for the diminutive colonel.

As two battle droids escorted the D-Squad members for interrogation, R2-D2, an astromech, used electricity to incapacitate one of the battle droids. QT-KT, another astromech, and WAC-47 took similar action to disable the other.

Gascon instructed WAC-47 to feign leading the other droids to a repair assignment as D-Squad made their way to C-Deck, the suspected location of the encryption module. U9-C4 created a brief power outage in the vault by employing his laser cutter to damage a console. However, his failure to secure himself resulted in him being thrown across the corridor by the laser's force. This energy surge drew the attention of Aut-O, the commanding ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid.

At the door leading to the vault containing the encryption module, WAC-47 impersonated a subordinate of General Grievous, claiming to be assessing the comm-vault's defenses. This ruse distracted two B2-series super battle droids, enabling the rest of D-Squad to proceed undetected. He then locked the perplexed super battle droids inside a room.

Gascon commands WAC-47 to lead the squad.

Colonel Gascon, controlling M5-BZ, tried to open the final door to the vault, but the door was trapped and electrocuted the droid, leaving the officer without a mobile command platform. Gascon admitted he lacked a plan to breach the vault, revealing his role as a military analyst. WAC-47 sarcastically suggested Gascon was merely a map reader, prompting giggles from the astromech droids. Despite the friction, Gascon and WAC-47 agreed to cooperate to complete the mission.

Aut-O decided to investigate the disturbance after another issue was detected: D-Squad had entered the vault, where QT-KT used her magnet to attract and neutralize all the swarm mines within the chamber. As R2-D2 engaged his rocket boosters to reach the encryption module suspended on a central column and retrieve it, Aut-O and his battle droids entered the vault, aiming to apprehend D-Squad. On Gascon's order, R2-D2 disabled the gravity within the comm-vault as he launched upwards. The floating battle droids opened fire, but U9-C4 destroyed several with his laser cutter, and QT-KT eliminated the remaining droids by launching the swarm mines at them. The super tactical droid grabbed R2-D2 just as he secured the device, and Gascon jumped onto Aut-O's head to distract him. Ultimately, WAC-47 restored gravity. Although Aut-O landed near Gascon and attempted to capture the small officer, R2-D2 detached from the central column and landed on Aut-O's head, decapitating him.

As more battle droids rushed to C-Deck, D-Squad, along with the incapacitated M5-BZ, discreetly returned to their shuttle. Gascon expressed his newfound appreciation for the droids, and their shuttle escaped into hyperspace.


D-Squad's shuttle encounters a comet storm near Abafar.

Despite D-Squad's successful acquisition of the encryption module and their escape from the Separatist fleet, the team encountered a comet storm near the planet Abafar while en route back to Republic space. The storm severely damaged the shuttle, and D-Squad crash-landed on Abafar's surface. While searching for a way to leave Abafar, D-Squad discovered a Separatist plot to destroy a Republic space station.

