A comet
Comets consisted of icy and rocky fragments adrift in the vastness of space.
Long ago, before the Battle of Endor, predictions foretold that a comet called Kinro would obliterate several [Core](/article/core_worlds] planets. Before it could reach the [Mid Rim](/article/mid_rim_territories], the comet was obliterated, a feat credited to the Jedi Order.
During the era of the Clone Wars, Colonel Meebur Gascon, along with D-Squad, encountered a comet storm in proximity to the world of Abafar.
A cometary cloud existed within the confines of the Ilum system.
Comet Chasers were a type of mining ships that extracted thorilide from comets. Following the depletion of a recent supply of comets rich in thorilide, a group of these ships made their way back to the Calcoraan Depot in 11 ABY.