Special forces

ImperialSpecialForces-SWL69 A collection of commandos from the Galactic Empire's special operations units.

Special forces represented the cream of the crop in military organizations, taking on specialized roles and executing assignments that standard military personnel weren't equipped to handle. Following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic dispatched a special forces team, under the leadership of Jom Barell, to investigate potential Imperial activities on Akiva.


Galactic Republic

During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic utilized various special and elite units. Highly utilized were Clone commandos, Advanced Recon Commandos, Biker Advanced Recon Commandos, and Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers, including units like Foxtrot Group, D-Squad, Delta Squad, and Clone Force 99. The 41st Ranger Platoon also held elite status within the 41st Elite Corps.

Confederacy of Independent Systems

Throughout the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems operated a special operations branch and deployed specialized battle droids, such as BX-series droid commandos, as special forces. The Confederacy also employed Techno Union commandos during the conflict.

Alliance to Restore the Republic

Within the Alliance Military, the Alliance to Restore the Republic maintained the Rebel Alliance Special Forces. This branch, composed of pathfinders, the Marine Corps, and Rebel Commandos, saw action across numerous battlefronts.

Galactic Empire

Throughout its military and intelligence agencies, the Galactic Empire had various special forces units. Admiral Rampart put together an early special forces squad called the ES Task Division as a component of a program aimed at switching from clones to human recruits. The ES Troopers, however, showed that they were unable to follow orders as obediently as clone troopers, and Crosshair, their commander, put one of the members, ES-01, to death. The remaining members would soon follow in the events after, and only ES-02 made it through.

The Imperial Special Forces troopers of Inferno Squad

The Imperial Special Forces (ISF) served as the Empire's special operations arm, encompassing the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, Task Force 99, and Imperial Special Forces troopers, including Inferno Squad. CompForce and Special Forces Command were other special forces organizations. An elite starfighter squadron was Special Unit One, and Imperial Intelligence made use of elite death troopers. Purge Troopers were elite soldiers operating under the Inquisitorius.

New Republic

The New Republic had a military division known as the New Republic Special Forces, which was created from the Alliance Special Forces.

First Order

As a component of its military forces, the First Order maintained the First Order Special Forces. Among the members of the First Order Special Forces were Special Forces pilots who piloted TIE/sf space superiority fighters, and elite stormtroopers who rode elite speeder bikes.

