Foxtrot Group

Foxtrot Group, commanded by Clone Captain Gregor and reporting to Marshal Commander Cody and General Obi-Wan Kenobi, stood as an exceptional squad of clone commandos. Functioning within the Special Operations Brigade, it was assigned to the 212th Attack Battalion. During the Clone Wars' second year, this unit participated in the calamitous Battle of Sarrish. The battle resulted in a disastrous outcome, with the unit facing extensive casualties and ultimately being decimated, save for Gregor, who, though wounded, managed to live. Gregor and his team were listed as missing following the battle, with Gregor eventually crashing a shuttle on the planet Abafar, where he developed amnesia.

Behind the scenes

The animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' fifth season's twelfth episode, "Missing in Action," which is considered canon, first referenced Foxtrot Group in Gregor's official military file. Although the episode identifies Foxtrot Group as a component of the 212th Attack Battalion, Star Wars Helmet Collection 21 asserted that the group was only temporarily assigned to the 212th for the duration of the Battle of Sarrish. This article operates under the assumption that the Helmet Collection's claim is inaccurate.

