The Special Forces Tracker Unit, known by many names such as the SpecForce Pathfinders, Alliance Pathfinders, Rebel Pathfinders, or simply the Pathfinders, was a special forces group serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Later, they transitioned into a Special Forces unit for the New Republic. These Pathfinders functioned as commandos with specialized training in the art of infiltration. Their primary tactic involved guerrilla warfare, enabling them to penetrate territories slated for capture or liberation.

Euwood Gor, an Alderaanian, served within the ranks of the Pathfinders. However, he ultimately integrated into the local culture and abandoned much of his previous life to join anti-Imperial efforts on the planet of Onderon. This led him to align with the extremist Saw Gerrera's Partisans. Gor's allegiance to the Partisans persisted until the Jedha insurgency, where he met his demise when the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station unleashed its destructive power during the destruction of Jedha City. Soon after, the Pathfinders, under the leadership of Sergeant Ruescott Melshi, united with other volunteers to form Rogue One, a unit put together by Captain Cassian Andor and Sergeant Jyn Erso. Their mission was to steal the Death Star's plans from the data vault within the Citadel Tower on Scarif.
After the rebel forces retreated following the Battle of Hoth, several Pathfinders, including Needle and Kes Dameron, were assigned to the Fourth Division. Dameron, Needle, and their fellow Pathfinder Frell later executed a heist at the Imperial Museum as part of Operation Starlight. During this operation, the Pathfinders, along with rebel allies Landonis Balthazar Calrissian and Lobot, sought to steal the museum's Autonomous Translator Module, Mark II to use its knowledge of the obsolete Trawak language for use in creating new rebel codes. During the mission, Needle made the ultimate sacrifice by allowing himself to be captured, prompting the museum curator to order his execution. General Han Solo deployed the Pathfinders as his strike team during both the Battle of Endor and a raid at the Wretch of Tayron.
While the Pathfinders drew members from a diverse range of planets, many originated from Outer Rim worlds under the control of the Galactic Empire. In contrast to their Imperial adversaries, the Rebel commandos did not have the advantage of formal Academy training. However, they received instruction from former Imperials, such as their leader, General Crix Madine.