Crix Madine

Crix Madine, a male human, once commanded a commando force within the Galactic Empire's military. He later switched his allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, becoming a general in their ranks. As the officer in charge of clandestine operations, he conceived the attack strategy against the Endor shield generator and provided training to the soldiers who accompanied Han Solo to the forest moon. Following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Madine continued his service in the New Republic, a democratic government established by the Alliance.


Early life

Crix Madine in his Imperial days

Crix Madine, a male human born on Corellia in 34 BBY, began his career within the military of the Galactic Empire. This Empire was an autocratic power established at the close of the Clone Wars. During his time, Madine was the leader of a commando unit. He distinguished himself and rose to the military rank of general. Ultimately, he chose to defect and join the Rebel Alliance, a group resisting the Empire's oppressive rule during the Galactic Civil War. Holding the rank of General, his expertise lay in secret missions, including stealing Imperial resources and deploying infiltration teams onto occupied worlds. He was also skilled in Corellian boxing.

Galactic Civil War

Aboard Home One

Madine was on Home One alongside Chancellor Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar when Beilert Valance, a bounty hunter, furnished the Rebellion with schematics for a shield generator capable of withstanding attacks from orbital bombardment.

Operation Yellow Moon

Madine and several other members of the Alliance's leadership discuss the Death Star II.

Months following the battle on Hoth, Madine and other high-ranking rebel officers convened secretly on Zastiga. There, Chancellor Mothma revealed that the Alliance had learned of the Empire's construction of a new planet-destroying battle station, the second Death Star, above the Forest Moon of Endor. The Alliance resolved to destroy this battle station before its completion, but they needed time to assemble the Alliance Fleet near Sullust. Princess Leia Organa proposed a mission, named Operation Yellow Moon, to divert the Empire's attention to the Corva sector, located on the opposite side of the galaxy from Sullust.

Madine and the other rebel commanders concurred with her strategy, and Madine offered to join the mission as a commando. Admiral Ackbar declined his offer, stating that his expertise was required for planning the attack on the second Death Star. Instead, Madine selected Major Lokmarcha, one of his most skilled commandos, for the mission. Leia successfully completed the operation, although Lokmarcha and another rebel operative lost their lives. Leia also succeeded in stealing the Tydirium, an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, which Madine intended to utilize for the mission to Endor.

Battle of Endor

Madine briefs the Alliance forces on the ground assault part of the mission.

With the Alliance Fleet ready, Madine, Mothma, and Ackbar briefed Alliance forces on the plan to destroy the second Death Star. Due to Leia's theft of the Tydirium, the general devised a plan to sneak a strike team onto the Forest Moon of Endor. The Empire had constructed a shield generator there to protect the battle station. From the moon's surface, the Rebels could disable the shield generator, thus exposing the Death Star to the Alliance Fleet's firepower. To achieve this, Madine requested Han Solo, another general, to assemble and lead the strike team.

Leading up to the Battle of Endor, General Madine delivered a hologram briefing to the various starfighter squadrons within the Alliance Fleet, including Corona Squadron, which operated from the Mon Calamari cruiser Liberty. When Kendy Idele inquired about who would handle the deflector shield generator on Endor, Madine assured her that Solo's team would manage it. After several Corona pilots, including Yendor, discussed Han, Madine emphasized that Solo was one of their most valuable assets. He then tasked Corona Squadron with escorting General Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon and the Gold, Red, Green, and Gray Squadrons as they infiltrated the second Death Star. Madine's strategy ultimately proved successful, resulting in the Alliance's most significant victory against the Empire.

Following the destruction of the second Death Star, Madine maintained the fleet on high alert above Endor, concerned about a potential Imperial counterattack. The following day, Madine spoke with General Solo about an Imperial outpost still operational on the opposite side of the moon from the shield generator. They both agreed that they could not allow the Imperials to remain and pose a threat to the Ewoks, and Solo led his strike team in a assault on the outpost.

War continues

General Madine continued efforts against the Empire after Endor.

Some months after the events on Endor, Madine and other members of the Rebel Fleet Command were present on a MC80 Star Cruiser at Muster Point: Stalwart. Alongside Admiral Gial Ackbar, he briefed rebel soldiers and pilots regarding the Empire's ongoing planetary assaults, including Operation: Cinder. Madine expressed his gratitude to the rebels for their efforts against the Empire and for the thousands of lives they saved by countering Operation: Cinder, but sadly mentioned that the war was far from over.

New Republic service

At some point following the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance underwent a reorganization and became the New Republic, with Madine assuming command of the New Republic Special Forces. After Admiral Ackbar received crucial information about Imperial fleet movements from an anonymous informant known as the Operator, General Madine participated in a hologram conference that included Commander Kyrsta Agate, Captain Saff Melor, and Chancellor Mon Mothma. When Madine questioned the reliability of this informant, Agate responded that the Operator had proven trustworthy thus far. However, Ackbar cautioned that the Empire was engaged in a long-term strategy. Following Ackbar's advice, Madine agreed to dispatch a small team of Special Forces soldiers, led by Sergeant Jom Barell, to investigate the Imperial presence on Akiva. Although most of the unit perished, Barell played a significant role in the successful rebellion on Akiva.

In 5 ABY, Madine attended the Liberation Day celebrations held at Chandrila's Old Gather-House. Mothma had organized Liberation Day to commemorate the liberation of a hundred former rebel prisoners from Ashmead's Lock on the planet Kashyyyk. However, these prisoners had been implanted with inorganic biochips, allowing Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, the true leader of the Imperial remnants, to transmit signals that transformed the prisoners into unwitting assassins. Rumors circulated that Madine perished during the attack on Chandrila.

Personality and traits

Crix Madine was a man with blue eyes and stood at an average height of 1.7 meters. He had reddish-blond hair and, at the time of the Battle of Endor, he had a full beard. As an officer, he treated the troopers under his command with great respect. He consistently ensured that his men were properly equipped and prepared for the hazardous missions he assigned them. When composing letters of notification to the families of rebels who died in service, Madine enlisted the assistance of a protocol droid.

Behind the scenes

Unused shot of General Madine from Return of the Jedi.

Crix Madine made his debut in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the concluding chapter of the Star Wars original trilogy. He was portrayed by Dermot Crowley, an actor from Ireland.

When Crowley arrived on set, he was clean-shaven, but the crew insisted he wear a false beard. Kenner Products had already commenced pre-production on Madine's action figure, which featured a beard, so Crowley was required to match the toy's appearance.

Due to the inherent risk of entrusting crucial expository dialogue to Admiral Ackbar, a Mon Calamari portrayed by a puppet, the filmmakers of Return of the Jedi filmed "backup" shots of Madine delivering the same lines. However, these shots were ultimately omitted from the final version of the movie.

Dark Droids 1 depicts Crix Madine as already knowledgeable about the Death Star II. However Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, in which Madine is informed of the Death Star II, takes place after Dark Droids.

