Lokmarcha, a soldier from Dressel, held the rank of major within the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Tragically, he perished during the Operation Yellow Moon assignment.
Serving as a major in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's commando forces, Lokmarcha was assigned to provide security for Operation Yellow Moon by Crix Madine. During the pre-mission briefing, he attempted to assert his authority in combat situations, but Leia Organa clarified that she was ultimately in command. He reluctantly conceded to her leadership.
During their journey to Basteel, Lokmarcha and Kidi Aleri engaged in a dispute regarding the appropriate treatment of Imperials should the Empire fall. While Aleri advocated for mercy, Lokmarcha argued for trials followed by execution. Organa intervened, rebuking Lokmarcha for arguing with a teammate. He defended his actions, claiming he was toughening Aleri up for combat. He then confided that he was aware Operation Yellow Moon was a diversionary tactic, and that Organa had instructed him not to disclose this information to the rest of the team. As they approached Eladro City, Lokmarcha cautioned the claustrophobic Antrot that he likely wouldn't find the location appealing.
Upon landing, Lokmarcha accompanied his team into the city. He expressed concern that the crowded bazaar would hinder his ability to safeguard Organa. After the team dispersed in the bazaar, he accompanied Organa to the residence of Bon Yoth, a former rebel, to establish contact. When Yoth resisted their entry, Lokmarcha forcibly gained access. Yoth refused to aid the rebellion, prompting Lokmarcha to label him as fearful. Despite declining to rejoin the rebellion, Yoth revealed a hidden route to the surface to Organa and Lokmarcha: a climb through his chimney into a network of vents and tunnels within the rock, allowing them to plant a hyper-transceiver beacon. Organa insisted that Antrot and Aleri accompany them, citing their potential technical expertise, and dispatched Lokmarcha to retrieve them from the bazaar, despite his doubts about their ability to handle the difficult climb.
Once the team reunited, Lokmarcha took the lead, ascending the chimney first. Reaching a tunnel intersection, he scouted ahead while the others rested, discovering another chimney that could lead them to the surface. After planting the beacon, Aleri entered several Alliance codes from memory. Lokmarcha criticized her for memorizing codes, warning that capture could expose them to the Empire. Upon reaching the surface, the team huddled under a sheet of insulation provided by Antrot, awaiting the arrival of Nien Nunb in his ship. Lokmarcha was successfully extracted along with the rest of the team, safely departing the planet.

During the journey to their next destination, Lokmarcha occupied himself by sharpening a large knife, while the rest of the team watched an unauthorized holofeed depicting the Imperial crackdown on Basteel. Aleri revealed that the codes they were using might be compromised. Lokmarcha observed Organa closely, anticipating whether she would disclose the true purpose of Operation Yellow Moon. Upon landing on Sesid, Lokmarcha stated that he preferred this planet over Basteel. Nunb suggested changing into clothing more appropriate for the planet's tourist atmosphere. Lokmarcha was forced to wear purple shorts, a t-shirt advertising a local smazzo band, and polarized eye lenses, storing his weapons and armor in a duffel bag.
The team rented a repulsorcraft, and Lokmarcha commented on the tourists' frivolous concerns about the weather amidst a galactic war. Aleri reminded him that the rebellion was fighting for their right to have such concerns. Lokmarcha conceded her point. He piloted the craft to the rendezvous point, enabling Organa to meet her contact while the rest of the team planted the beacon. Upon reaching the island, Lokmarcha determined that he should accompany Antrot and Aleri to the top of the volcano to plant the beacon, but hesitated to leave Organa unprotected. Organa ordered him to go with Antrot and Aleri, explaining that she could defend herself, but the tech and the communications specialist were not so capable. After planting the beacon, Lokmarcha returned to find Organa asleep on the beach. The team boarded their repulsorcraft and began their return to Thrinaka, when Nunb warned them that Imperials had landed and were searching the town. Lokmarcha took evasive maneuvers and instructed Organa to use electrobinoculars to locate enemies. She spotted Stormtroopers on waveskimmers and switched places with Lokmarcha, so that he could fire on their pursuers. When the princess steered their craft into a submersible that surfaced in front of them, Lokmarcha warned against it since it was unknown who was on-board it but Organa reasoned that it was safer than being shot at by the Imperials.

The vehicle submerged, evading the Imperials, but Lokmarcha and his team were confronted by Draedan pirate Aurelant and his crew. Lokmarcha moved to protect the princess, but she told him to stand down since they were heavily out-numbered. He was disarmed and watched as Organa negotiated with the pirates. Lokmarcha and the rest of the rebels were able to escape the planet with Aurelant's assistance.
Lokmarcha and the team landed near Jowloon to meet their contact, Nyessa. As they walked through the village, Aleri pointed out some stormtroopers on patrol, but Lokmarcha warned her not to draw attention to themselves. Upon meeting the village matriarch, they were loaned a pair of urdas to ride to the communication tower and plant a beacon. Lokmarcha rode with Aleri, while Organa rode with Antrot. At the tower, Aleria realized it wasn't a transmitter but a conduit, and worried their signal would get lost in all the traffic. Lokmarcha encouraged her to improvise a method to make their signal more detectable. While Aleri and Antrot were busy, Lokmarcha met with Organa to discuss Nyessa's plan to oppose the Imperial presence on the planet. He convinced the princess that they had to follow through on the plan to make sure they kept the Empire's attention on them and away from the fleet. Once Aleri was done placing the beacon, Organa had a crisis of conscience and decided to reveal the true nature of Operation Yellow moon despite Lokmarcha's objections. The rest of the team agreed with the princess and agreed to help defend Nyessa. Lokmarcha took a sniper's position in a barn overlooking the square where Nyessa and her people would confront the Imperials. After Antrot set off a charge to startle the animals corralled in the square, Lokmarcha shot off the lock so that they would stampede over the Imperials. When some of the forces were able to avoid the animals, Organa decided to directly fight them. The commando demanded that she stay hid in the barn, so that he could protect her but she told him to just shoot anyone who came near her. During the skirmish, he shot several stormtroopers.
Once safely in hyperspace en route to the rendezvous, Lokmarcha voiced his objections to Organa's plan to meet any ships that responded to the beacons and warn them off. He argued that the Empire could decipher the codes and discover the full scope of Operation Yellow Moon. Aleri suggested using a tight-beam broadcast to prevent eavesdropping. Later, Lokmarcha and Aleri shared a romantic embrace on the acceleration couch.
During an ambush by the Shieldmaiden, Lokmarcha instructed Antrot and Organa to postpone their plan to self-destruct the Mellcrawler, revealing that he had his own plan. He also disclosed that he had learned of Organa's plan due to Antrot's sleep-talking habit. He was captured along with his crewmates and imprisoned on the Star Destroyer. He told Khione that he would reveal all the he knew if he could see Organa. The Captain determined he would not, but allowed him to enter Organa's cell so that the princess would be forced to watch as an interrogation droid tortured him. He then detonated an electromagnetic pulse bomb that he had implanted in his chest, resulting in his immediate death and disabling a significant portion of the Star Destroyer. This allowed Organa and her team to escape.
Lokmarcha was originally slated to lead the mission to destroy the second Death Star's shield generator on Endor. Following his demise during Operation Yellow Moon, he was replaced by General Han Solo.
Lokmarcha possessed a coldly pragmatic nature. He readily accepted the necessity of killing sentients for the greater good. Furthermore, he advocated for trials and executions for all former Galactic Empire personnel in the event of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's victory. He took pride in the fact that he always did his duty.
Lokmarcha was extremely skilled at combat, familiar with blasters and knives.