Kidi Aleri, a Cerean specializing in signals analysis, became a communications expert within the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. She was selected to be among the members of the team led by Princess Leia Organa for a clandestine operation known as Operation Yellow Moon.
Within the military structure of the Alliance, Kidi Aleri functioned as a Cerean communications specialist. Prior to this role, she served as a signals analyst within the Imperial Survey Corps, a position she abandoned by deserting. General Airen Cracken suggested that she be assigned to Operation Yellow Moon.
During their journey to the planet Basteel, Aleri engaged in a fierce disagreement with Lokmarcha, another member of her team. She voiced her hope that her former Imperial colleagues would receive pardons if the Alliance emerged victorious from the war, a sentiment Lokmarcha countered by suggesting they deserved imprisonment or execution. Upon the team's arrival on Basteel, Leia Organa instructed Aleri to conduct scans for both Rebel and Imperial communications. Aleri complied, but she felt significant unease due to the rough landing near Eladro City and Nien Nunb's nonchalant piloting style. After landing, she joined Nunb and Antrot on a visit to the bazaar, while Organa and Lokmarcha convened with a local contact. Later, she rejoined the team at Bon Yoth's residence and ascended into the tunnels above the city to input the encryption codes into the hyper-transceiver beacon. Lokmarcha, upon realizing she had memorized all the Alliance codes, criticized her oversight. Aleri acknowledged her lack of foresight. She then climbed to the surface, awaiting pickup by Nunb. Despite the challenging climate, she successfully heard Nunb's call and transmitted the team's location.

Once aboard the vessel Mellcrawler, Aleri engaged in further arguments with Lokmarcha concerning the optimal methods for warming up and questioned the Empire's rapid appearance on Basteel. The following day, Aleri discovered that the codes she was utilizing were outdated, having been discontinued due to the possibility of Imperial slicers compromising them. She expressed concern that her actions might have inadvertently led to the Empire's presence in the Corva sector. She then presented the team with an unauthorized holofeed depicting the Imperial crackdown on Basteel. Despite Aleri's desire to update the encryption codes, Organa advised against it.
After landing on Thrinaka, Aleri questioned the decision not to land directly at the beacon placement site. Nunb explained that arriving by boat to the island was a more discreet approach. To better blend in with the local tourists, she purchased local attire, including a brightly colored tropical shirt. When Lokmarcha complained about the locals' preoccupation with the weather rather than the Galactic Civil War, she reminded him that their fight was precisely for their right to do so. Lokmarcha conceded that he had not considered it in that light before. She accompanied the team to the volcanic island designated as the beacon's location. Along with Antrot, she was escorted by Lokmarcha up the volcano's slope to install the beacon, while Organa remained on the beach to await a rendezvous with Aurelant. Following the beacon's activation, she returned to the beach and then back to Thrinaka.

During their return journey, Imperial forces intercepted them. Organa instructed Aleri to locate a comm channel for potential use if the Imperials attempted to jam their communications. Aleri successfully eavesdropped on the Imperial communications and informed Organa that Khione was leading the pursuit. After being captured by the pirates aboard the Daggadol, Aleri offered their ship in exchange for their freedom, but her offer was rejected. Once Organa persuaded the pirates to align with the Rebel Alliance, Aurelant inquired whether Aleri could tune a Horvax-16 transmitter. Aleri responded that while she was familiar with the Horvax-8 transmitter, she lacked knowledge of the Horvax-16's subaquatic amplifying array. Antrot then volunteered his experience in customizing communication equipment. The pair was then tasked with configuring the equipment to facilitate their escape from the planet.
En route to their next destination, Aleri shared footage of Imperial actions on Sesid with Organa, expressing her deep sadness. She lamented the suffering of everyone they encountered. Organa reminded her of the Empire's inherent evil and the necessity of their fight against it. Approaching the planet, Aleri noted the unusual quiet in terms of electronic communications. Nunb explained that the planet's inhabitants primarily focused on agriculture to feed nearby worlds. After landing, she joined the team in meeting with Nyessa, their local contact. Nyessa provided riding animals to enable the rebels to reach the communication tower and deploy the beacon. After falling off her urda three times, Aleri rode with Lokmarcha. Upon reaching the tower, Aleri realized it was merely a conduit, not a transmitter, and that she needed to modify the beacon's signal to prevent it from being lost within the planet's communication traffic.
Following the beacon's placement, the tech returned to the ground where Organa revealed the true purpose of Operation Yellow Moon. The Cerean was shocked and upset by the deception and refused to participate in any further actions that could potentially harm innocents. They returned to Jowloon and established an ambush in Old Grimshaw's barn. When Organa left the barn to confront the Imperials, Aleri seized an E-11 medium blaster rifle and joined her. She attempted to shoot a stormtrooper, but she forgot to disengage the weapon's safety. After doing so, Aleri accidentally discharged a bolt near the princess's head.
As they departed the planet, the Mellcrawler was intercepted by the Shieldmaiden. Aleri noticed the Star Destroyer hailing them and expressed dismay when the captain threatened to attack Jaresh if they did not surrender. After their escape, Aleri convened with the team to determine their next course of action. When Organa decided to proceed to Yellow Moon to warn off any approaching ships, Aleri stated her desire to accompany them and provide assistance. Lokmarcha pointed out that warning others risked alerting the Empire to Operation Yellow Moon's true nature, but Aleri proposed using a tightbeam to broadcast a new encryption code directly to any ships responding to the beacons' call. Following the meeting, she and Lokmarcha shared a romantic encounter on the acceleration couch.
Upon arriving at Yellow Moon, Aleri contacted and transmitted the encryption code to all the arriving ships. As they were being captured by the Imperials who had followed them, Aleri voiced her fear of potential interrogation. She managed to escape her cell after Lokmarcha detonated the electromagnetic pulse bomb concealed in his chest, disabling all electronics in the vicinity. She was devastated upon discovering his corpse. Organa instructed her to locate some binders for use as props in a deception to evade Imperial scrutiny. When they were discovered in the landing bay, Aleri managed to escape and board the Tydirium. Once aboard, she accessed the comm system and, following Organa's instructions, broadcasted to the Rebel ships that they were friendly to prevent being shot down during their escape. She also informed them of another Star Destroyer in the area and the presence of a fleet composed of all the ships that had responded to their beacons, which was engaging the Imperials. After their escape, Aleri mourned the loss of Lokmarcha, but Organa reassured her that he had loved her. She later transmitted an encrypted message to R2-D2 to enable Organa to communicate with Luke Skywalker.
Aleri was characterized by her slender build, pale complexion, large conical head, and blonde hair. She possessed an optimistic disposition, but displayed a certain naiveté regarding the complexities of the galaxy.
Aleri demonstrated exceptional skill in detecting signals and concealing messages within standard communications. She was also proficient in riding aryx. While capable of using a blaster, her proficiency with it was limited.
Aleri typically carried multiple datapads and wore headphones. The datapads were secured to her limbs for convenient access. Her headphones incorporated a built-in translator unit.