
Nyessa, a female Kyuzo, was related to Grimshaw as his cousin. Not long after the Battle of Hoth, she engaged with delegates from the Alliance to Restore the Republic, requesting their assistance in dealing with the Imperial forces on Jaresh. Initially, they declined, but Princess Leia Organa, a leader within the Rebel faction, eventually consented to provide support. Leia then inquired of Nyessa whether a barn was available for concealment prior to the conflict. Nyessa proposed Grimshaw's barn, emphasizing its strategic position overlooking the corral where the Imperials were holding the local population's animals, and asserted Grimshaw's trustworthiness, despite their familial connection. As the battle unfolded, two Rebels rapidly exited the barn to engage the Imperials, while the commando Lokmarcha stayed inside, providing supporting fire.

