Antrot, a mechanical whiz from Abednedo, dedicated his skills to the Rebel Alliance during the tumultuous times of the Galactic Civil War. He found himself as a member of Princess Leia Organa's hand-picked team for a covert undertaking known as Operation Yellow Moon.
General Airen Cracken recommended Antrot, the Abednedo technical guru, for assignment to Operation Yellow Moon. En route to Basteel, Antrot displayed minimal interest while observing Kidi Aleri and Lokmarcha's debate concerning the fate of captured Imperials should the Alliance emerge victorious from the war. During the Mellcrawler's bumpy descent into Eladro City, Antrot managed to maintain his footing, thanks to his custom-made magnetized boot soles. As the vessel entered the tunnel leading into the city, his nervousness grew, revealing his claustrophobia. However, upon landing and entering the bustling bazaar, he was quickly captivated by the numerous vendors. He later rejoined the team at Bon Yoth's residence and ascended into the tunnels above the city. There, Antrot strategically placed and activated a hyper-transceiver beacon. After exiting the tunnels, he awaited Nien Nunb's arrival. When Nunb experienced delays, Antrot offered the team a small piece of bendable insulation, hoping to shield them from the harsh environment.

Once safely away from the planet's surface, Antrot joined the rest of the team in warming up inside the Mellcrawler. He inquired about Nunb's delayed pickup, only to learn that the Empire had arrived and was scrutinizing ship registrations and documents. The following day, when Aleri voiced her concerns that the codes in use might be compromised, Antrot defended his actions, stating that he was merely using the codes approved by General Cracken's team.
Upon their arrival at Sesid, Antrot expressed worries about the beacon's ability to withstand the temperature at the proposed location. However, Organa clarified that they intended to place it on the volcano's slope, not inside the crater. After landing on Thrinaka, Antrot acquired local attire to blend in with the tourists, including large sunglasses and a hat displaying a local fishing charter's logo. He accompanied his team to the volcanic island designated for the beacon's placement. Lokmarcha escorted him and Aleri up the volcano's slope to position the beacon, while Organa remained on the beach, awaiting a rendezvous with Aurelant.

Following the beacon's activation, he went back to the beach and then headed back to Thrinaka. During the team's interception by Imperial forces and subsequent escape attempt, Organa instructed Antrot to set a timer on a detonator and attach it to a float-vest, hoping to disable their pursuers. He successfully disabled one waveskimmer, but soon succumbed to nausea caused by the intense evasive maneuvers. After Organa sought refuge on the Daggadol, pirates assisted him off their boat. Once Organa persuaded the pirates to join forces with the Rebel Alliance, Aurelant asked Aleri if she could tune a Horvax-16 transmitter. She stated that she was familiar with the Horvax-8 but did not have any knowledge on the subaquatic amplifying array that the Horvax-16 used. Antrot volunteered, mentioning his experience in customizing communication devices. The pair was then entrusted with configuring the equipment to facilitate their escape from the planet.
After touching down in the village of Jowloon, Antrot joined his team to meet Nyessa, the local contact on the planet. Nyessa provided mounts for the rebels to reach the communication tower and deploy the beacon. Antrot rode behind Organa on an urda. Upon reaching the tower, Antrot complained about the excessive physical exertion demanded by the mission. After Aleri placed the beacon, Organa revealed the true purpose of Operation Yellow Moon to the team. Antrot remained unfazed by the deception, simply commenting, "Intelligence personnel always lie." They returned to Jowloon and prepared an ambush in Old Grimshaw's barn. Antrot grumbled about the barn's itchy, dusty atmosphere and assured Organa that the remote charge he had set was functioning correctly. As soon as the Imperial forces arrived, he triggered the charge, causing the amassed animals to stampede and overwhelm the Imperials.
As they departed the planet, Antrot warned that the fertilizer cargo Nunb had acquired for trade was dangerously unstable. Following their escape from the Shieldmaiden's ambush, Antrot convened with the team to devise a plan. When Organa decided to proceed to Yellow Moon to warn off any potential ships, Antrot expressed his desire to verify whether his beacons had functioned as intended. Organa pulled him aside and requested that he rig the Mellcrawler to explode in case the situation became desperate. He informed the princess that the fertilizer onboard made creating a significant explosion very easy. Organa swore him to secrecy and accompanied him to the ship's hold. On their way, they encountered Lokmarcha and Aleri in a romantic embrace, prompting Antrot to express confusion at the couple's relationship, given their constant bickering throughout the journey. Organa explained that love is not always logical.
Upon their arrival at Yellow Moon, the Shieldmaiden captured their ship. Antrot retrieved the detonator, but Lokmarcha revealed his awareness of Organa's plan and instructed Antrot to dismantle the detonator and conceal the components in his pockets instead. He was captured but managed to escape his cell after Lokmarcha detonated the electromagnetic pulse bomb in his chest, disabling all electronics in the vicinity. He began reassembling the detonator, but the electromagnetic pulse had also disabled it. At Organa's request, he hot-wired the cell door, enabling her to lock Khione inside. He was bound with binders to appear as a prisoner, allowing Organa to bluff their way past security. However, unaware that it was a deception, he securely fastened the binders, restricting his movements and hindering his ability to reassemble the detonator. When they were discovered in the landing bay during their escape attempt, Antrot realized that the Mellcrawler was not positioned correctly, and the explosion would not cause any hull damage. He decided to board the yacht and reposition it, but was shot in the arm. He successfully boarded the yacht and piloted it into the optimal position to inflict maximum damage. He detonated the explosives and was killed in the massive blast, which also severely damaged the Shieldmaiden.
Antrot wore a powered monocle. His boots were modified with magnetic soles to improve his balance on ships. He carried a two-meter square piece of flexible insulation in one of his pockets.