Sesid, the Draedan species' homeworld, was an aquatic planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories. Renowned as a sought-after tourist destination, many vacationers journeyed from across the galaxy to experience its tropical island paradises. The Galactic Empire engaged in pharmaceutical investigations on Sesid, and stationed a military garrison on this picturesque world to safeguard their assets.
Located within the Corva sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Sesid was a planet residing in the star system bearing the same designation.
Observed from space, Sesid presented itself as a radiant blue sphere, showcasing a cloud-covered atmosphere alongside numerous green and black specks, which were, in reality, the planet's abundant tropical and volcanic islands adrift in an ocean. At least one volcano on the planet exhibited activity during the Age of the Empire, positioned to the east of the primary island chain that encompassed the port town of Thrinaka. The beach's sand was black, scattered with white shells, transitioning into verdant jungle and the volcano's incline.
The turquoise waters supported expansive floating leaves, resembling spongy lily pads, functioning as landing platforms for the native inhabitants. The leaves' fibrous veins formed natural walkways, complemented by boardwalks constructed from a white wood adorned with purple and green swirls. Sesid's waters teemed with schools of tropical fish, while birds soared through the skies.
The indigenous Draedans were a species of humanoids characterized by silvery green skin, red eyes, and formidable teeth and claws. Aurelant, the resistance leader and pirate, held the conviction that no Draedan with any sense of pride would align themselves with the Galactic Empire.
The majority of Sesid's islands catered to the tourism sector, with local authorities readily accommodating visitors in exchange for an influx of credits. Sesid Traffic Control managed arriving spacecraft, typically guiding tourists to land on the massive floating leaves serving as landing platforms for islands like Thrinaka. Hundreds of species vacationed on Sesid, and multi-armed droid merchants were a common sight along the boardwalks. Repulsorlift boats constructed from wood were available for rent at exorbitant prices. Due to the potential for volcanic eruptions, numerous escape pods were maintained at the beach resorts, designed to propel individuals into space to evade natural disasters. These towering, black cylinders were arranged in clusters, and the government imposed fines for their use in non-emergency situations.
The Age of the Empire brought an end to freedom and hope on Sesid, and ignited a conflict with the Draedans. Imperial corporations conducted pharmaceutical research on Sesid, protected by a garrison that included [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper], waveskimmers and amphibious transports.
In preparation for the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic dispatched Leia Organa and her team to various planets along the Sanctuary Pipeline, Sesid among them, to disseminate misinformation as part of Operation Yellow Moon. While attempting to rendezvous with their contact, Aurelant, Leia's team faced an attack by stormtroopers, but were rescued by the Draedan pirates—whose leader was revealed to be Aurelant himself. He assisted Organa and her team in their escape, although the Empire swiftly retaliated, capturing numerous Draedans and reinforcing its presence on Sesid.
Sesid initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends roleplaying game supplement titled Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies. Its status as canon was confirmed following its inclusion in Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, a 2015 junior novel authored by Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry.
In the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, the name Sesid is incorrectly spelled as "Sessid" on page 153. The adventure book Rebel Rescues identifies Sesid as an island.