During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance utilized the MC80 Star Cruisers as capital ships. These huge vessels presented a stark contrast to the sharply angled Imperial-class Star Destroyers, which were favored by the Imperial Fleet. In contrast to the Imperial warship, which had a pointed, dagger-like form, the Mon Calamari cruiser lacked sharp corners and was instead covered in ovoid shapes, giving it the look of an organic sculpture. Pods were attached all over the ship, housing turbolasers, sensor arrays, and viewing ports, the latter of which served the ship's initial purpose as a vessel for exploration and observation. Each cruiser boasted a distinct design. Despite their sleek contours, these ships possessed significant firepower, equipped with numerous turbolasers, SW-7 ion cannons, tractor beam projectors, and shield generators. A variant of the MC80 star cruiser was the MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser.
The MC80 Star Cruiser class played a crucial role in the Galactic Civil War, serving as the backbone of the Alliance Fleet. The ship's first documented deployment occurred in 18 BBY during the Invasion of Mon Cala. In that conflict, a group of MC80A and MC75 star cruisers, commanded by Admiral Raddus and Commander Gial Ackbar, successfully broke through the Imperial blockade and escaped into the galaxy.

During the establishment of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the MC80A cruiser Home One was present and became part of the Alliance fleet.
Following the broadcasted execution of King Lee-Char on Mon Cala, where he was killed by stormtroopers, the crew of the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet initiated a rebellion. Aided by the Alliance, the fleet evaded the Imperial blockade and retreated alongside the Alliance. This fleet, consisting of twelve Liberty types and two MC80A cruisers, along with other Mon Cala cruisers such as the MC75 Star Cruiser, arrived at the Mako-Ta Space Docks for conversion into full-fledged warships. However, this turned out to be a trap, and Death Squadron arrived to destroy the fleet. The rebels managed to escape, but only after suffering significant losses.
Several of these warships participated in the pivotal Battle of Endor. There, ships like the Liberty and Home One played a role in defeating the Empire and destroying the second Death Star.
Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Alliance transitioned into the New Republic, with the MC80 class continuing its service within the New Republic Defense Fleet. These ships participated in battles across the galaxy on planets like Fondor, Naboo, Kuat, and Kashyyyk. Numerous MC80 star cruisers, including both the MC80A and Liberty types, took part in the Battle of Jakku. During this battle, forces under the command of Ackbar on the Home One triumphed over the Imperial fleet, securing the Galactic Civil War victory.
Eventually, Home One was withdrawn from service in the New Republic fleet and subsequently utilized by the Resistance. In 35 ABY, MC80 Star Cruisers were part of a fleet assembled by Lando Calrissian to support the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces above the planet Exegol.