Liberation Day was a celebratory day put together by the New Republic. It commemorated the freeing of former Rebel Alliance prisoners from the prison known as Ashmead's Lock, located on Kashyyyk. Chancellor Mon Mothma of the New Republic proposed the name, which was then sanctioned by the Senate. Its purpose was to coincide with the peace negotiations planned between Chancellor Mothma and Grand Admiral Rae Sloane of the Galactic Empire. These talks were scheduled to occur in Hanna City on the planet Chandrila.
Hanna City's streets were alive with diverse cultural and musical displays during Liberation Day. However, the day's celebrations came to an abrupt stop when the released Ashmead's Lock prisoners, controlled by implanted chips, inexplicably and against their will attempted to assassinate key New Republic figures. This was part of an Imperial scheme masterminded by Gallius Rax. Mon Mothma and Kyrsta Agate sustained injuries, and there were unconfirmed reports of the death of Hostis Ij, Crix Madine, among others.
After the Galactic Empire's defeat in the Battle of Jakku, Liberation Day was transformed into the week-long Festival of Liberation. This change aligned with the New Republic's objective of promoting joyful celebrations, a stark contrast to the grim parades favored by the Empire.