Assault on an Imperial outpost

The morning following the Battle of Endor during the Galactic Civil War in 4 ABY, a Rebel Alliance strike team, known as the Pathfinders, launched an attack against an Imperial outpost situated on the moon of Endor. The target of the strike team was a base managed by remaining Imperial forces, who were seeking a chance to strike back after the Empire's defeat in the previous day's conflict. General Han Solo, determined to eliminate any remaining Imperial forces on the moon, spearheaded the assault on the outpost, leading both his Pathfinders and some of the native Ewoks of the moon.

Lieutenant [Shara Bey](/article/shara_bey] piloted a transport carrying the Pathfinders, who then employed the transport's weapons to neutralize the base's defenses before seizing control of the base itself. Once inside, they discovered Imperial intelligence that revealed the Empire's future plans, indicating that their conflict with the Empire was not yet concluded. Subsequently, Solo held a debriefing with other Alliance generals to discuss the operation.


The Rebel Alliance launched the Battle of Endor to deliver a devastating blow against the Galactic Empire.

During 4 ABY of the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic initiated a massive attack on the Galactic Empire, their adversary in the war, which took place above the Forest Moon of Endor. The rebels aimed to obliterate the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, an Imperial battle station with the capacity to annihilate entire worlds, and to kill Emperor Sheev Palpatine. As the Alliance Fleet engaged the Death Star and the Imperial fleet in combat over Endor, General Han Solo commanded a strike team of Pathfinders to the surface of Endor with the mission of destroying the generator that powered the Death Star's shields. The native species of the planet, the primitive Ewoks, aided the strike team, allowing them to overwhelm the Imperial troops on the moon and destroy the generator. The battle in orbit resulted in the deaths of both the Emperor and his primary enforcer, Darth Vader, as well as the destruction of the battle station.

The majority of Imperial forces retreated from Endor after the battle, but some were left behind. While some of these stranded soldiers surrendered to the rebels, others fortified their positions and launched a guerrilla campaign against the Alliance. This included some of the surviving Imperial troops from the main ground battle, who gathered at concealed bases across the moon. The last of these outposts was located on the side of the moon opposite the rebels' position. The rebels regrouped on the surface to celebrate in Bright Tree Village, the Ewoks' home, who had been instrumental in their victory over the Empire. Many rebels celebrated their victory, including rebel pilot lieutenant Shara Bey and her husband, Pathfinder Kes Dameron.

The assault

The morning following the Battle of Endor, Solo reassembled the Pathfinders and informed them that, despite the Empire's chaotic state following its defeat, the rebels had located an Imperial outpost on the far side of the moon. Aware that the remaining Imperial forces were seeking an opportunity to retaliate against the Rebel Alliance, and wanting to ensure the Ewoks would not have to deal with them alone, Solo and Alliance General Crix Madine decided that the Pathfinders would attack the outpost. Solo presented the plan to the Pathfinders, which involved a swift and forceful assault on the base with limited air support. Bey volunteered to pilot the air support.

The transport fires on the base, beginning the assault against the Imperial holdouts.

Bey piloted a transport carrying rebel soldiers along with Bright Tree tribe Ewok warriors, including the scout Wicket Wystri Warrick, who accompanied them to the base. She approached rapidly to conceal their arrival. Once the ship was positioned above the base, the rebels initiated an attack on the company of Imperial troops below, which included [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper], an All Terrain Scout Transport, and [scout troopers](/article/scout_trooper] riding 74-Z speeder bikes. The Imperial troops were quickly overwhelmed, and the Pathfinders disembarked from the vessel to engage the Imperials directly. They fought their way toward the base, while Bey continued to bombard the outpost with the ship's weaponry, destroying its defenses. With Bey maintaining the ship's position outside, the Pathfinders infiltrated the base and discovered a wealth of data in the Imperial computers. After completing their analysis, they returned to the transport, bringing with them information regarding Imperial communications and even plans for the period following the Battle of Endor.


After the outpost assault, the Pathfinders were sent on other missions, such as the raid at the Wretch of Tayron (pictured).

Following the discoveries made during the assault, Solo expressed his belief that the war was not yet over, a sentiment he shared with his Pathfinders. He then attended a debriefing with other Alliance generals to discuss the mission at the Imperial outpost, informing them of orders being disseminated throughout the galaxy under Palpatine's name, despite the Emperor's death days prior. Soon after the assault, Solo was granted a brief respite from the war to enjoy his honeymoon aboard the Halcyon star cruiser with his newly wedded wife, Princess Leia Organa.

The Pathfinders subsequently undertook numerous missions to locate and eliminate the remaining Imperial holdouts on Endor, and they had dealt with most of them within a few weeks. However, rumors persisted for years regarding surviving Imperials hiding in the forests and refusing to surrender. The war continued for some time after the rebels departed from Endor. The Pathfinders participated in several assaults after the battle, including a raid on an Imperial Security Bureau black site at the Wretch of Tayron. This raid provided the rebels with crucial intelligence needed to combat Operation: Cinder, the Empire's post-Endor operation designed to destroy multiple worlds as retaliation for the Emperor's death.

Shortly after the outpost mission, Solo sent a letter to Madine, praising Dameron's heroic actions during the mission and recommending him for a compensation package upon retirement. Madine approved the request following Dameron's own request to be discharged, and replied to Solo's message affirmatively. Kes's son, Poe Dameron, later kept a copy of both messages in his flight log compiled after the Battle of Starkiller Base of 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The assault on an Imperial outpost was first depicted in the first issue of the 2015 Star Wars: Shattered Empire comic miniseries. The issue was authored by Greg Rucka, illustrated by Marco Checchetto, and published by Marvel Comics on September 9, 2015. It was later referenced in the 2022 novel The Princess and the Scoundrel, written by Beth Revis. In an interview, Revis confirmed that she had intentionally referenced Shattered Empire 1, which featured the assault, to connect the work with other Star Wars media and to better establish the timeline of The Princess and the Scoundrel.

