The MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser, alternatively referenced as the MPO-1400 Star Cruiser, the Chandrilan Class I starship, or just an MPO cruiser, represented a specific class of Star Cruiser. These vessels were utilized from the High Republic Era through to the New Republic Era, and were produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. A notable example of a Star Cruiser of this class was the Halcyon, which was run by the Chandrila Star Line. Its size was approximately double that of a CR90 corvette, and it featured a distinctive Drabor Configuration of thirteen engines.
The Halcyon, an MPO-1400 Purrgil-class star cruiser, served as the primary location for Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser, a high-end interactive adventure previously situated in Florida. While the starship's designation is a reference to the purrgil, a space-traveling species, its name suffered a spelling error within the pages of the novel The High Republic: Midnight Horizon.