The SLD-26 planetary shield generator, a product of CoMar Combat Systems, functioned as a deflector shield generator. This device could safeguard a small moon or a substantial space station – even a large one – with an almost impenetrable energy shield for an unlimited duration of time. The Galactic Empire employed this particular model to ensure the safety during the construction of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station above Endor, the forest moon. The generator incorporated a base structure. Beneath the focusing dish was an independent power station, the power core of which had to be both highly efficient and long-lasting. A sizable, circular dish facilitated the shielding of immense spaceborne objects. Furthermore, eight smaller shield projectors were positioned along the dish's perimeter, contributing to the creation of an energy shield designed to protect a spatial object. At the center of the focusing dish was a positioning emitter antenna, its purpose being to assist in the shield's alignment.
The shield also played a role in maintaining the Death Star II in a fixed orbit around Endor, which induced significant geological disruptions. The sheer volume of power required for the deflector shield inflicted additional damage upon the moon. The Empire even projected that Endor would be among the Death Star's victims, as the moon was predicted to eventually fracture under the pressure. Ultimately, however, both the shield generator and the Death Star met their demise during the Battle of Endor.