Elite speeder bike

High-performance speeder bikes were enhanced speeder bikes utilized by the First Order. These speeders, operated by skilled black-armored stormtrooper scouts, were equipped with strong blasters and potent engines. The speeder bikes had a black color scheme, complemented by red stripes mirroring those on the breastplates of their riders. Positioned on each side of the speeder's front was a laser cannons, with two additional cannons, capable of vertical movement, situated between the nose's 'fins'. The engine was accessible via a panel that could be raised, located in front of the speeder's control sticks. These bikes were typically deployed for dangerous assignments.

They were transported on Resurgent-class Star Destroyers.

Behind the scenes

The elite speeder bike, along with its distinctively colored stormtrooper operator, debuted in the marketing campaign preceding the 2015 release of the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Nevertheless, neither the bike nor its rider were featured within the film itself.

Subsequently, it was seen in the 2020 episode "The Escape" of the animated show Star Wars Resistance.

