
Borkus was a Sullustan of the male variety. During the Clone Wars era, he could be found on the planet of Abafar. In Pons Ora, Borkus was the owner and head chef of the eatery known as Power Sliders.


On the world of Abafar, in the settlement of Pons Ora, there was a Sullustan who operated Power Sliders. This Sullustan was Borkus. When a clone commando suffering from amnesia, named Gregor, found himself marooned on Abafar, Borkus, always looking for an opportunity, seized the clone trooper's gear. He then employed Gregor as a dishwasher at Power Sliders, providing substandard lodging and claiming Gregor's wages could barely cover it.

Borkus threatening Meebur Gascon with his chef's knife

When D-Squad, a group of droids belonging to the Galactic Republic, made their way to Abafar, Colonel Meebur Gascon, the team's commanding officer, entered Borkus's establishment seeking sustenance. He announced his affiliation with the Grand Army of the Republic. Borkus, in response, forced the Zilkin to leave, brandishing a knife as a threat. Outside, WAC-47, a pit droid, guided Gascon to the refuse containers behind Power Sliders in search of something edible. There, Gascon encountered Gregor, who was disposing of trash. Gascon immediately recognized him as a clone trooper, but Gregor, due to his amnesia, dismissed the claim. Later on, Gregor inquired with Borkus about the nature of clone troopers. Borkus, aiming to keep Gregor in the dark, reacted with anger and forbade his employee from ever questioning clones again.

Later that evening, Borkus discovered intruders within Power Sliders. Gregor and D-Squad had broken in to locate Gregor's clone armor. Borkus, in possession of the armor, aimed Gregor's own DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System at him. However, members of D-Squad swiftly incapacitated the Sullustan. Bound and left on the floor, Borkus yelled that they would never escape the planet and would be forced to work for him forever. He then erupted in laughter as Gregor departed with D-Squad.

