
GregorTheDishwasher-MiA Gregor pictured during his time working as a dishwasher

The role of dishwasher is a low-skill occupation, frequently seen in restaurants. After suffering from amnesia, the clone commando known as Gregor took on the role of a dishwasher.

Job Description

The responsibilities of a dishwasher included washing dishes, and may have also included other lower skilled tasks like taking out the garbage.


Gregor, the clone commando, suffered memory loss and found himself stranded on the planet of Abafar. Chef Borkus of the Power Sliders diner took him in, offering him a job as a dishwasher in exchange for lodging and food. He appeared to carry out his tasks with adequate skill, but displayed little enthusiasm for the work, and was happy to leave it behind when Colonel Meebur Gascon revealed his past as a clone commando.

Behind the Scenes

The position of dishwasher made its initial appearance in Star Wars canon within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Missing in Action."

