The Pistoeka sabotage droid, also known as the buzz droid, represented a sabotage droid design produced by the Colicoid Creation Nest. These droids possessed the capability to communicate using the Colicoid language. During the latter part of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems employed them to render enemy vehicles inoperable. The Mark One Pistoeka sabotage droid stands out as an earlier iteration.
They were deployed onto enemy starfighters using specialized discord missiles. Upon reaching their target, they would unfold, revealing a body that resembled an insect. Functioning with remarkable speed, they utilized a variety of destructive tools, including drilling cutters, buzz saws, and other sharp implements designed to dismantle ships. Despite the effectiveness of their tools, their central eye presented a vulnerability; a direct hit could disable the buzz droid. A strike to this prominent red eye would trigger a chain reaction throughout the droid, leading to its near-instantaneous shutdown.

Pistoeka sabotage droids, commonly referred to as buzz droids, functioned as expendable weapons crafted by the Colicoid Creation Nest for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They were typically launched via discord missiles from platforms like HMP droid gunships, vulture droids, or droid tri-fighters, each capable of carrying up to seven buzz droids. These sabotage droids were equipped with diverse specialized tools, including a circular saw, drill head, pincer arm, and plasma torch, enabling them to rapidly dismantle starfighters, vehicles, and even other droids. Although individually insignificant, a swarm of buzz droids could swiftly cripple a craft by targeting its critical systems. Measuring 0.25 meters in diameter, the droids incorporated red sensor systems.
Similar to the scav droids employed by the Nihil during the High Republic Era, the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized buzz droids during the Clone Wars to sabotage enemy vehicles. An early version, the Mark One Pistoeka sabotage droid, featured a doonium shell.
During an incident on Carida, a super tactical droid dispatched several buzz droids with orders to destroy the remaining droids aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer and D-Squad. M5-BZ subsequently opened an airlock, ejecting them into hyperspace. In another instance, buzz droids targeted Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor during the Republic's defense of Cato Neimoidia, nearly resulting in his death. However, the swift actions of his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and astromech droid, R2-D2, led to their destruction, saving Skywalker's life.

During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, an HMP droid gunship deployed a number of buzz droids to disable a shuttle transporting clone trooper CT-5385, known as "Tup", back to Kamino. Following the ship's incapacitation, Separatist forces captured Tup for Count Dooku's personal examination. During the Battle of Coruscant, several buzz droids attacked the Eta-2 Actis-class interceptors of General Skywalker and General Obi-Wan Kenobi. While the buzz droids destroyed Kenobi's astromech droid, R4-P17, Skywalker and R2-D2 eliminated the buzz droids.
Four years after the Galactic Empire rose to power, the Free Ryloth Movement modified a large number of buzz droids to detonate. Stored inside modified vulture droids, they were deployed to attack the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Perilous above Ryloth. Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as "Thrawn," acquired and worked to repair two Mark One buzz droids during his time serving on the Blood Crow.
Leading up to the Battle of Jakku, Lieutenant Palal Seedia of the undercover 204th Imperial Fighter Wing released a swarm of buzz droids with the intention of disabling the New Republic Star Destroyer Deliverance. However, the sabotage only resulted in the deaths of an engineer and the captain of the Deliverance.
The Pistoeka sabotage droid made its initial appearance in the 2005 prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, where it was referred to as the buzz droid. The droid was later formally identified as the Pistoeka sabotage droid in the 2015 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, published by Dorling Kindersley.