Unidentified super tactical droid (Carida)

An ST-series super tactical droid was in charge of a mission aiming for the destruction of the Republic strategy conference, acting as its overseer. To achieve this objective, it took control of the Renown, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, and filled it with explosive rhydonium. However, after their escape from Abafar, D-Squad boarded the vessel, intending to deliver an encryption module and complete their assigned task, they proceeded to the bridge. The droid confronted them, demanding their surrender under threat of annihilation.

D-Squad then escaped, leading the tactical droid to dispatch a unit of OOM-series security droids to pursue them. When this proved unsuccessful, the droid deployed a large contingent of Pistoeka sabotage droids with orders to locate the Republic droids. This attempt also failed, as M5-BZ heroically sacrificed himself to eject all of the buzz droids into hyperspace. The Star Destroyer soon arrived at its target location. The super tactical droid then moved to activate the detonator, but was confronted by R2-D2, resulting in a short conflict. Ultimately, R2 severed one of the tactical droid's arms and set the detonator to explode prematurely. The droid pleaded with R2 to halt the process, but R2 activated the bomb. The resulting explosion led to the super tactical droid's destruction.


This droid, a ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, possessed yellow sensors and stood at a height of 1.94 meters.

Skills and abilities

Being a super tactical droid, this particular unit was equipped with armor, advanced strategic planning capabilities, and exhibited strong leadership qualities. It was also programmed to withstand interrogation by opposing forces.

Behind the scenes

The droid's appearance was in "Point of No Return," which is the thirteenth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5. Dee Bradley Baker voiced the droid, and he also voiced the clone troopers in the show.

