During the concluding stages of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knight known as Anakin Skywalker was known to fly an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. In an effort to save Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine during the Battle of Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker piloted this very interceptor. Ultimately, the starfighter met its end, destroyed on board the Separatist flagship called Invisible Hand.
By the year 19 BBY, the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor had been unveiled by Kuat Systems Engineering as the next generation replacement for the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor and its Delta-7B variant. Anakin Skywalker, replacing his Delta-7B, was among the initial Jedi to utilize the new starfighter, employing it extensively throughout the latter part of the Clone Wars. Just as he had done previously with his Delta-7B, he adorned it with a striking bright yellow paint scheme, supposedly as an homage to the Podracer he famously raced to victory in the Boonta Eve Classic during his childhood.

The Battle of Cato Neimoidia marked Skywalker's inaugural flight in his Eta-2, where he fought alongside his padawan Ahsoka Tano, who piloted her own Eta-2. During the engagement, a discord missile launched from a droid tri-fighter, unleashed a swarm of Pistoeka sabotage droids. These droids attached themselves to his fighter, causing it to become disabled and rendering him unconscious. Tano instructed R2-D2 to land the crippled ship on a nearby plain on a mountain, allowing her to leap from her own starfighter to rescue him. Tano succeeded just as Skywalker's starfighter plunged over the edge of the cliff to its destruction, but only after R2 escaped. The Eta-2 was later recovered and underwent repairs.
Following a message indicating that Padmé Amidala was missing and that her vessel had been discovered on Batuu, Skywalker, accompanied by R2-D2, piloted a new Eta-2 to locate her. Upon finding the ship at the Black Spire Outpost, Skywalker and Mitth'raw'nuruodo, more commonly known as Thrawn, devised a strategy to apprehend an attacker. Skywalker then used another assailant's body and pretended to have suffered engine damage to his Eta-2. Upon landing, he was ambushed by an Assassin droid but successfully destroyed it. Thrawn then captured the assailant and discovered his freighter, which was associated with the Separatists.
After the Jedi Order was given information regarding the location of a Separatist supply storage base situated within an asteroid, Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos requested that Skywalker and another Jedi Knight named Akar-Deshu accompany them in order to seize the base and its stored supplies. The four Jedi then traveled to the base in their Eta-2's and engaged six vulture droids defending it. Skywalker, Kenobi and Vos landed their starfighters at the base, while Desh returned to their Arquitens-class light cruiser to bring reinforcements.
Following their unsuccessful attempt to seize the supplies at the storage base, the Jedi High Council dispatched Vos, along with Skywalker and Kenobi, to spearhead an operation aimed at destroying a Separatist listening post located on the planet Vanqor. The trio journeyed in their Eta-2s, accompanied by twenty-four Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters. Upon reaching the facility, they discovered it had been abandoned, as Count Dooku had evacuated all personnel prior to their arrival. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, Vos had divulged information about the operation to Dooku, as part of his clandestine scheme to infiltrate the ranks and reach Darth Sidious in order to destroy the Sith once and for all.
During the Battle of Anaxes, Skywalker piloted his Eta-2, assisting in the containment of the droid invasion. The Separatists eventually gained an advantage, due to Admiral Trench's access to a stolen algorithm extracted from Clone trooper Echo, which compelled Skywalker and the other Republic forces to enlist the aid of Clone Force 99.

After Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was abducted during the Battle of Coruscant, Skywalker took to the skies in his Eta-2 to rescue him, flying alongside his master Obi-Wan Kenobi who flew in his own Eta-2. During the conflict, a vulture droid launched four discord missiles at Skywalker and Kenobi. In an effort to evade the two missiles pursuing him, Skywalker executed a series of continuous rolls with his starfighter, causing the missiles to collide with one another. However, the missiles trailing Kenobi unleashed a swarm of buzz droids that attached themselves to his starfighter and began disabling its systems. Skywalker attempted to shoot the droids off Kenobi's starfighter, but ended up accidentally destroying his port-side s-foil, much to Kenobi's dismay. Skywalker then attempted to ram into him to destroy the remaining droids and succeeded. However, one crawled onto his own starfighter. R2-D2 managed to destroy the last droid by electrocuting its central photoreceptor. Skywalker then used the starfighter's ion cannons to disable the Invisible Hand's shields, and the pair were forced to crash-land inside the dreadnought's hangar bay. The starfighter was ultimately destroyed when the Invisible Hand's aft section, containing the hangar, separated from the front upon entry into Coruscant's atmosphere due to the extensive damage it had sustained during the battle.
Following his transformation into Darth Vader, Skywalker would begin piloting a green Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, as a replacement for the one he had lost during the Battle of Coruscant.
Anakin Skywalker served as the primary pilot of the starfighter, also fulfilling the role of its captain. Skywalker's astromech droid R2-D2 was responsible for navigation and performing repairs should the ship sustain damage during combat.