During the concluding stages of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master known as Obi-Wan Kenobi utilized an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor for his missions. As a pilot, Kenobi flew this interceptor on a critical operation to save Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine during the Battle of Coruscant. Ultimately, the starfighter met its end, destroyed on board the Separatist flagship called Invisible Hand.
Upon receiving intelligence regarding the whereabouts of a Separatist supply storage base located deep within an asteroid, both Kenobi and Master Quinlan Vos requested that Skywalker and another Jedi Knight, Akar-Deshu, join them to secure the base and its resources. The four Jedi traveled to the base using their Eta-2 craft and engaged in combat with six vulture droids that were defending the facility. Kenobi, Skywalker, and Vos landed their starfighters at the base, while Desh went back to their Arquitens-class light cruiser to gather reinforcements.
Following their unsuccessful attempt to retrieve the supplies from the storage base, the Jedi High Council dispatched Vos, accompanied by Kenobi and Skywalker, to lead an operation aimed at destroying a Separatist listening post situated on the planet Vanqor. The trio journeyed in their Eta-2s, accompanied by twenty-four Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters. Upon reaching the facility, they found it deserted, as Count Dooku had evacuated all personnel before their arrival. Unknown to the Jedi, Vos had secretly disclosed information about the operation to Dooku, as part of his strategy to infiltrate as a double agent to reach Darth Sidious and eliminate the Sith once and for all.

After Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was abducted during the Battle of Coruscant, Kenobi piloted his Eta-2 to undertake a rescue mission, together with Skywalker, who was flying his own Eta-2. During the intense battle, a vulture droid launched four discord missiles towards Kenobi and Skywalker. While Skywalker managed to destroy the missiles that were targeting him, the missiles chasing Kenobi released a horde of Pistoeka sabotage droids that attached themselves to his spacecraft. These droids swiftly began disabling the ship's systems and violently tore off the dome of his astromech droid, R4-P17, effectively destroying her. Skywalker attempted to shoot the droids off Kenobi's starfighter, but instead accidentally blew off his port-side s-foil, much to Kenobi's annoyance. Subsequently, Skywalker tried to ram into him to eliminate the remaining droids and succeeded, except for one that managed to crawl onto his own starfighter. R2-D2 then electrocuted the last droid. The pair then executed a crash landing within the Invisible Hand's hangar bay. The starfighter was obliterated when the Invisible Hand's aft section, which housed the hangar, detached from the front part due to the extensive damage it had sustained during its re-entry into Coruscant's atmosphere.
Kenobi later acquired a new blue Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor to replace his destroyed starfighter, along with a new astromech droid, R4-G9.
Obi-Wan Kenobi served as both the pilot and captain of the starfighter. R4-P17, Kenobi's astromech droid, fulfilled the roles of navigator and repair technician, addressing any damage sustained during combat situations.