Destruction of the Separatist supply storage base

During the Clone Wars era, the Galactic Republic undertook a mission with the goal of seizing a strategically important Separatist supply storage base. Intelligence had reached the Republic and the Jedi Order indicating that the asteroid in question held crucial resources such as medications, weapons, materials for ship repair, and foodstuffs, all of which were desperately needed by various worlds. To secure these essential supplies, a combined force of Jedi and Republic personnel was dispatched. Nevertheless, the entire facility, along with its valuable contents, faced complete destruction, a consequence attributed to the actions of Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, who was secretly working as an agent for Count Dooku.


Quinlan Vos (pictured) worked as a double agent for Count Dooku as part of his own plan to destroy the Sith.

As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion, the Jedi Order obtained information concerning the whereabouts of a Separatist supply storage base. This extensive base was cleverly hidden within the confines of an asteroid. The information indicated that the asteroid housed medications, weapons, ship maintenance components, and foodstuffs that would be of tremendous assistance to worlds in dire need. Upon discovering the existence of this storage base, the Jedi High Council initiated a mission to capture it and distribute the contained supplies to worlds in need. The Jedi intended to both aid those in need and deprive the Confederacy of Independent Systems of these resources.

Jedi Master Mace Windu assigned Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos to oversee this critical operation. He also instructed the two masters to bring two other Jedi with them and a sufficient number of clone troopers to transport the supplies. Kenobi chose his former Padawan Anakin Skywalker for the mission, along with another Jedi Knight named Akar-Deshu, a close associate of Vos. Unbeknownst to the Jedi and the Galactic Republic, Vos had succumbed to the dark side of the Force and was secretly serving as Count Dooku's secret apprentice. Vos had secretly aligned himself with Dooku in an effort to uncover the identity of his clandestine Sith master Darth Sidious and eliminate both Sith Lords. To earn Dooku's confidence, he provided the Separatists with information about the planned Jedi and Republic operation.

The mission

Anticipating resistance from Separatist starfighters, Kenobi, Anakin, Vos, and Desh traveled to the asteroid base in their Eta-2 Actis-class interceptors. As expected, six vulture droids emerged from the asteroid base, engaging them in combat. The Jedi starfighters swiftly dispatched the droid fighters and successfully navigated the tunnel leading into the base, where they discovered a vast stockpile of resources.

After Anakin, Kenobi, and Vos had landed their starfighters, Desh piloted his Jedi starfighter back to their Arquitens-class light cruiser to instruct the clone troopers to deploy transports. Before the Jedi could commence exploration or assessment of the cavern, Clone Commander Cody arrived with three transports. However, before the Jedi and clones could begin loading the supplies, Vos discovered that the Separatists had rigged the entire asteroid to explode. Disarming the bombs was impossible, as there were at least six of them, all set to detonate in three minutes.

With no way to disarm the bombs, the Jedi and clones were compelled to abandon the asteroid storage base. They managed to escape minutes before a massive explosion tore through the asteroid, destroying the majority of the supplies. Following the explosion, Master Kenobi instructed Desh to keep a single transport nearby to search for any salvageable debris, as Kenobi believed that some supplies might have survived the explosion, which had not completely shattered the asteroid. While Desh remained behind to salvage supplies, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Vos returned to Coruscant to inform the Council about the failed mission.


To commend Master Vos for his actions in saving lives during the unsuccessful asteroid salvage mission, the Jedi Council tasked him with leading an attack on a Separatist listening post located on the planet Vanqor. However, Vos informed Count Dooku about the planned Jedi and Republic operation. Consequently, the Separatists were able to evacuate the facility before the Jedi and clone troopers arrived. Suspecting that this incident was not a mere coincidence, Vos' Jedi colleagues and the Council began to suspect that a traitor was leaking information to the Separatists.

These suspicions of treason were confirmed when Desh discovered evidence among the asteroid debris indicating that the bombs were Republic-issue weapons. As a result, the Jedi concluded that there was a traitor within their ranks. While Windu suspected that Vos had planted those bombs, Kenobi urged caution until they had sufficient evidence to either prove or disprove Vos' treason. Agreeing with Kenobi, Yoda decided to speak with Vos in private. After Yoda sensed that Vos had indeed fallen to the dark side, the Council sent him on a mission to assassinate Count Dooku in order to test his loyalty to the Jedi and Republic. This led to the events of the second battle of Christophsis.

