
Trench, a Harch admiral and commander of naval forces, remarkably survived numerous supposed deaths throughout his extensive military service. Originating from Secundus Ando, he distinguished himself in conflicts against the Galactic Republic, all while relishing the fear he instilled in his adversaries. Many years following his reported demise at the Battle of Malastare Narrows in 34 BBY, he reappeared during the Clone Wars, becoming a significant officer within the Confederacy of Independent Systems navy. From the dreadnought called Invincible, he directed the Confederate blockade of Christophsis, which resulted in a conflict with a Republic battle group under the leadership of Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, in addition to his old rival, Admiral Wullf Yularen. When Skywalker and Yularen attempted to use an experimental stealth ship to penetrate the blockade, Trench initiated a perilous game of pursuit. Although Skywalker outmaneuvered him by turning a barrage of tracking torpedoes against the Invincible, Trench was able to live through the destruction of his flagship.

During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, Trench apprehended clone trooper Tup—who had mysteriously shot down Jedi General Tiplar—and sought to dispatch the clone to Separatist leader Count Dooku for study, but a Republic team intervened and rescued Tup. In the Battle of Anaxes, Trench laid siege to the Republic shipyards at Anaxes for many weeks, exploiting the Techno Union's secret access to a Republic strategy algorithm. Even as the battle's momentum shifted, Trench remained determined to eliminate the Jedi and their clone infantry. Although he activated a bomb situated below the assembly complex on Anaxes, Skywalker infiltrated Trench's flagship, the Invulnerable and compelled the admiral to reveal the code to disable the device. When Trench attempted to strike back, Skywalker plunged his lightsaber into his chest, inflicting a fatal wound that even the resilient Harch could not survive.


Early life

Trench was a male Harch from the world of Secundus Ando. Over the course of his military career, Trench participated in several battles, primarily involving combat between cruisers. He sometimes fought against opponents employing cloaked starships in these battles, defeating them through the use of tracking torpedoes locked onto the vessels' magnetic signatures.

Trench eventually advanced to command a corporate fleet that established a blockade around the planet of Malastare in 34 BBY. Trench successfully maintained his position against a Republic fleet dispatched to break the blockade, led by Admiral Wullf Yularen, inflicting heavy damage on their ships. However, a Jedi-led team under the command of Master Kep-She managed to overcome Trench, obliterating his flagship and seemingly killing him in the process. Despite this, Trench survived the battle due to his species' robust physiology and a damaged pressure suit.

Clone Wars

Blockade of Christophsis

"I smell fear, and it smells good."

Trench, along with his tactical droid, TI-99, was later dispatched to Christophsis to aid General Loathsom and Count Dooku's assassin, Asajj Ventress in capturing the planet for the Confederacy and blockading the planet to strengthen their control over the system. There, he commanded the blockade from his war-painted flagship, the Invincible, to prevent Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and other republic relief forces from being resupplied and to cripple any attempts to penetrate the blockade. Trench then held his lines against Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's fleet. Trench then observed as the Republic fleet retreated behind the moon and instructed his forces to recharge their cannons.

While the Jedi withdrew and reorganized, Trench believed he had won the initial engagement. His tactical droid expressed confusion and inquired whether they should pursue. Instead, the Admiral directed his troops not to follow the enemy, adhering to the commands issued by higher authority. Following this, Trench instructed his droids to recycle the ship's shields and allow the cannons to recharge to full power. The Admiral, content with the situation, took his place on the bridge and awaited the return of the Republic ships.

Admiral Trench giving orders

However, Trench's old adversary from Malastare Narrows, Admiral Wullf Yularen, was also present with Skywalker during the battle. After recognizing Trench's trademark insignia and crest painted on his flagship, Yularen studied all the information Republic Intelligence had provided on the Admiral's tactics, enabling him to devise a counter-attack. This took the form of an experimental stealth ship, piloted by Anakin Skywalker himself with Admiral Yularen as an advisor. Unaware of the existence and capabilities of the cloaked ship, Trench grew impatient with the Republic fleet and, to pressure them into attacking, dispatched a squadron of Hyena bombers to attack Organa's refugee camp, specifically targeting the command center as a plan to draw out the Republic on the surface who Trench viewed as "cowards."

When the Republic fleet did not attack, Trench realized something unusual was occurring. Trench then detected a cloaked ship moving to attack him. Trench and his crew then managed to raise the Invincible's thermal shields. Trench launched torpedoes at the stealth ship, but missed. Trench then ordered a volley of lasers to be fired at it, and since no shots landed, Trench was able to deduce that the pilot was a Jedi, not a clone.

Trench sent a message to Skywalker, stating that he had encountered cloaked ships before. He also boasted that Christophsis' citizens and resources would join the Separatist Alliance. Trench also advised Skywalker to retreat, as he was destined to fail. Trench prepared for the Jedi's inevitable second offensive. Eventually, the cloaked vessel revealed itself, but this time, the crew possessed knowledge of Trench's tactics when dealing with cloaked ships.

Trench accepting his fate

After Skywalker attacked, Trench was able to track the ship's magnetic signature using tracking torpedoes so he could follow and destroy them. Initially, Trench's tactic proved effective. However, he would be forced to lower his shields to do so and the droid advised that such a maneuver would be unwise. In a moment of compulsive anger and against the droid's advice, Trench gave the order and the torpedoes were launched. After seemingly attempting to evade the missiles, Skywalker then directed the ship towards the Invincible's bridge. A horrified Trench then realized what Skywalker was intending and desperately ordered the shields up, but to no avail as they were recharging. Trench accepted his fate, but was able to survive once again. However, he did not escape this second defeat unscathed as he lost his left eye, left cheek mandible and all three of his left arms, which required cybernetic replacements.

Battle of Ringo Vinda

Trench speaks with Dooku

Trench, along with the super tactical droid Kraken, later commanded the Separatist forces on the space station at Ringo Vinda against Jedi Generals Tiplee, Tiplar, Skywalker, and their clone forces. Trench chose Kraken as his advisor over another T-series tactical droid because he knew the planet's complex environment, combined with the constant fluidity of control over territory aboard, meant he would make full use of Kraken's assistance.

As the Republic approached breaking his lines, Trench witnessed one of the clone troopers kill General Tiplar, causing the Republic to retreat. Trench then contacted Count Dooku and described his observations, noting that the clone appeared "like he was in a trance of some kind". Trench's attention to minor details proved crucial, enabling Dooku and his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, to create a cover-up before the Jedi Order could uncover the existence of Protocol 66. Trench then instructed Kraken to capture and deliver the clone to Dooku, despite the Republic's blockade. After successfully kidnapping the clone trooper "Tup", the Count applauded the Harch's success, Trench then tasked Kraken to personally escort the captured Clone to Dooku himself. However, the mission failed as the Republic recaptured Tup and Kraken was decapitated by Skywalker. Following the recapture of Tup, the Republic eventually withdrew its forces from Ringo Vinda.

Battle for Anaxes

Admiral Trench meets his demise after being interrogated by Anakin aboard his flagship.

During the later stages of the Clone Wars, Trench, now on the offensive, commanded the Confederate forces during the Battle of Anaxes, fighting for the Republic's vital shipyards on Anaxes in a campaign which lasted for several weeks. Trench utilized his own tactical skills, along with exploiting Clone Captain CT-7567's strategy algorithm against them, using the Techno Union's test subject on Skako Minor, a captured ARC trooper named "Echo." Skywalker, Rex, and Clone Force 99 rescued Echo from the Techno Union, but Trench remained unaware of this due to Wat Tambor's greed.

When the Republic attacked Anaxes again, Trench had expected an easy rout by the Republic forces, only to be surprised when the entire force at the plant was disabled. In response, he went to his backup plan; a bomb in the Anaxes assembly complex that would rip the planet apart. Echo attempted to decipher the sequence to disarm the bomb, but the jamming signal incapacitated him before he could decipher the last number for Mace Windu, who was leading the Republic forces at the complex. Skywalker, having anticipated Echo would be unable to complete the job, forced his way to the dreadnought's bridge, where he cut down Trench's super tactical droid and accompanying BX-series droid commandos. Skywalker then threatened Trench for the last number, but the Harch refused, claiming that Dooku would kill him if he lost Anaxes. When Skywalker threatened to do it instead, Trench called his bluff, assuming that Skywalker would accede to Jedi nobility, only to be proven wrong when Skywalker sliced off his left arms proclaiming that he did not possess "such weaknesses", prompting him to quickly give up the number. As Skywalker relayed it to Windu, Trench attempted to electrocute him with his staff, but Skywalker resisted and ran the Harch through the chest with his lightsaber, fatally wounding him. Skywalker then grabbed the dreadnought's self-destruct detonator and indifferently bid the Admiral farewell as he dropped dead. Trench's body was subsequently vaporized when the clone commando Wrecker triggered his flagship's self-destruct, wiping out the Invulnerable and most of its surrounding fleet.


Although Trench's Christophsis flagship, Invincible, was destroyed by Anakin Skywalker in a cloaked stealth ship during the Battle of Christophsis, some of the flagship's modules were salvaged and used to modify a Separatist dreadnought owned by Berch Teller's rebel cell to attack the Empire's Sentinel Base in 14 BBY. During the New Republic Era, Trench was mentioned as having been a notable Harch in "Species From A to Z," a survival compendium sent out by Carson Teva.

Personality and traits

Trench's file brought up by Yularen including his signature crest seen emblazoned on his flagship.

Trench was a Harch male who stood at 1.89 meters (6 feet, 2 inches) tall, with brown hair, red eyes, and gray skin. Following the Battle of Christophsis, the left side of his head became cybernetic, including the left eye and chelicera, as well as his left mandible. Trench's cybernetic replacements also included all three left arms and one electronet launcher.

Trench was a formidable Harch admiral, significantly larger than the average member of his species, as these arachnids rarely reached such size due to their exoskeletons being unable to support the weight of the fur. He was a highly decorated military genius, and his aggressive tactics and maneuvers in combat were responsible for the destruction of numerous Republic fleets. Admiral Trench became a figure of terror on the battlefield, showing no mercy or remorse toward his opponents. His skill in hunting cloaked ships through the use of tracking magnetic signatures was also noted and recorded in the Republic Intelligence record, which was studied during the blockade of Christophsis by Admiral Yularen. Admiral Trench had a distinctive crest, resembling his face, emblazoned on all of his ships.

Trench was a brilliant and ruthless tactician.

Trench took pride in his numerous battle victories, attributing them to his tactical acumen, which led to an overconfident personality and frequent boasting about outsmarting his adversaries. Trench often viewed his battles as a game, frequently taunting and cajoling his enemies as he made his moves, leading them into vulnerable positions for elimination. However, his overconfidence nearly resulted in his demise at the hands of Anakin Skywalker when he made an uncharacteristic oversight that left him vulnerable to incoming missiles. Even when death seemed imminent, Trench did not panic or display distress; he simply accepted his fate.

Following his defeat, Trench was immediately equipped with "top-of-the-line" cybernetics, replacing half of his limbs and face to ensure his swift return to service. Learning from his mistakes of lowering his guard, Trench carried an electrostaff-cane variant, and one of his cybernetic arms was equipped with a stun net, which he used against Skywalker before his demise.

On Ringo Vinda, the planet's complex environment, combined with the constant fluidity of control over territory aboard the ringed space station, meant Trench needed the assistance of another tactical droid. This time, he opted for the superior ST-series super tactical droid, over another T-series model and Commander Kraken was vital in assisting the admiral in their campaign against the Republic.

When confronted and threatened by Anakin Skywalker, Trench initially refused to capitulate to his demands, knowing it would mean his death at Dooku's hands for losing Anaxes to the Republic. He confidently asserted that Skywalker's Jedi nobility would prevent him from striking down an unarmed opponent. However, when Skywalker proved he wasn't bluffing by ruthlessly slicing off Trench's prosthetic limbs, the Admiral quickly relented and gave up the final number. Despite this, he attempted to exploit Skywalker's distraction to attack him with his electric cane, a move that proved futile and fatal.


Trench's first ship

Trench's first flagship was part of a corporate fleet present at the Battle of Malastare Narrows, where Trench blockaded the planet and engaged Wullf Yularen's Republic fleet. He was successful until a Jedi-led task force intervened and sabotaged his campaign. It was presumed that he had perished with his ship, but this was later disproven at the Battle of Christophsis in 22 BBY.

The Invincible

The Invincible served as the Harch commander's first command ship after his reemergence, blockading the planet of Christophsis, providing a wide range of attacks, and it was said that the cruiser could blockade a planet on its own. Unlike the stock variant of a Separatist dreadnought; Trench's was well-equipped with heavy deflector and thermal shields which allowed for a powerful defense. However, Trench underestimated the opposing commander, General Anakin Skywalker, resulting in him losing the upper hand and Anakin taking advantage of the Admiral's temper by redirecting Trench's projectiles to the bridge of his ship.

The Invulnerable

The Invulnerable was the final flagship used by Admiral Trench, seeing action during the Battle of Anaxes. Onboard, he received transmissions of a stolen Republic strategy algorithm from the planet Skako Minor, routed through a Cyber Center on the surface of Anaxes, and used it to counter the Republic's moves.

Behind the scenes

Admiral Trench as he appears in the opening newsreel of the episode "The Bad Batch" in story reel format.

Admiral Trench was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, making his debut in the second season episode "Cat and Mouse," voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who also voiced the Clone troopers in the series.

Trench was confirmed to have survived "Cat and Mouse" and made his return in the series in the sixth season episode "The Unknown," where Trench is alive with half his body consisting of cybernetics. Additionally, Clone Wars writer Brent Friedman confirmed on his Twitter account that he wrote a four-part episode arc that wasn't published that featured Trench. The episode arc, was screened at Celebration Anaheim Star Wars convention as story reel form apart of The Clone Wars Legacy project in 2015, which would have featured the return and death of Admiral Trench. The episodes were later released on The unfinished episodes later aired as part of the revival.

The story reel version of "On the Wings of Keeradaks" contains a reference to Trench that was removed in the episode's final version.

