The Invincible, a Providence-class Dreadnought and also a capital ship, fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars as part of their naval forces. It was the flagship under the command of Separatist Admiral Trench of the Harch species. It acted as the command ship for the Confederacy's blockade of the planet Christophsis during 22 BBY. During the Battle of Christophsis, the Invincible and the blockade it led were contested by a Galactic Republic task force, with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker at its head. At first, the Republic attack failed, as the Invincible bombarded the entire task force, forcing them into retreat, thus securing the initial victory for Trench and his flagship. But soon after, Skywalker launched another assault on the Invincible, this time utilizing a prototype stealth ship. Following a prolonged engagement with the dreadnought, Skywalker, piloting the stealth ship, triumphed over the Invincible by redirecting its own tracking torpedoes back into the ship's bridge, leading to its complete annihilation.
In the later time of the Galactic Empire, Berch Teller, an Imperial defector, salvaged components from the wreckage of the Invincible. Teller then used these salvaged parts to create a downsized version of a Providence-class Dreadnought, which was eventually destroyed by Imperial forces close to the Gulf of Tatooine.

The Invincible was a Providence-class Dreadnought and capital ship that measured 2,177.35 meters in length. It was constructed by the Quarren shipbuilders of the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps at the manufacturing facilities located on the planet of Pammant. Its modular design allowed it to be crewed by B1-series battle droids. It was equipped with three Creveld-4 radial ion drives manufactured by Nubian, and a port hangar bay that could hold ten Hyena-class Droid Fighter/Bombers. The dreadnought also had seventeen heavy quad turbolaser cannons on its port side and seven on its starboard side, as well as seventeen dual heavy laser cannons on both its dorsal and ventral surfaces. It also featured two heavy ion cannons mounted at the front. Furthermore, the Invincible was armed with six twin light point-defense ion cannons on each of its port and starboard sides, six heavy flak cannons on each side, and 102 proton torpedo launchers capable of firing tracking torpedoes. However, the ship's shields needed to be deactivated to launch tracking torpedoes, leaving it open to attack until the shields were back to full power.
The Invincible also had recyclable thermal shields and forward deflector shields that could withstand heavy fire. These shields were capable of enduring barrages from the DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets of Venator-class Star Destroyers and the proton torpedoes fired from an IPV-2C Stealth Corvette, and they could be intensified for added protection. It also featured sensor and communications masts, as well as an interstellar communications array that could connect to open frequencies. The Invincible could also track the magnetic signature of other starships, including those equipped with cloaking devices. Its scanners could also determine if its turbolasers had successfully hit an enemy ship. The bow featured blue markings that resembled the eyes of its commander, the Harch Separatist Admiral Trench. Instead of the usual emblem of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Trench's personal symbol was displayed on both the port and starboard sides of its hull, a common feature on warships of the Confederate government.

In 22 BBY, some months after the Clone Wars began between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Separatist Droid Army invaded the planet Christophsis because of its valuable resources and its strategic location along the Corellian Run hyperspace route. After taking control of the planet's surface, the Confederacy established a blockade consisting of thirty ships: twenty-three Munificent-class star frigates and six Lucrehulk-class Battleships. All were under the command of Admiral Trench, a Harch regarded as one of the Confederacy's most skilled naval officers. Trench commanded from his flagship, the Invincible, which served as the command ship for the blockade. Trench and the Confederacy used the blockade to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching the inhabitants of Christophsis. However, despite destroying all cargo ships trying to deliver supplies, Senator Bail Prestor Organa and his Galactic Senate relief team managed to bypass the blockade. Trench reinforced his blockade after the team landed.
In response to Trench's actions, the Republic sent a task force of three Venator-class Star Destroyers and three Pelta-class frigates to engage the blockade. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker led the task force from his flagship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Resolute. Skywalker was also tasked with delivering relief supplies to Organa, whose forces were trapped on the surface as part of Trench's and the blockade's strategy. Upon the Republic's arrival, the Invincible and the other Separatist warships began exchanging turbolaser fire with Skywalker's fleet, which unsuccessfully attempted to break through Trench's blockade. As the two fleets exchanged fire, the Invincible advanced on the Republic fleet, firing on all opposing warships and destroying one of the Republic's supply ships. As the barrage continued, Skywalker ordered his fleet to overcharge their reactors to break through the blockade, prompting Trench to order the Invincible and his fleet to hold their position and strengthen their forward deflector shields.

However, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, arriving in the Christoph system aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Negotiator, ordered the Republic fleet to retreat behind Christophsis' moon, stopping their plan. The Invincible and the rest of the blockade ceased their attack as the Republic retreated. As the Republic fled, TI-99, Trench's T-series tactical droid, asked if they should pursue, but Trench explained that their orders were to maintain the blockade, not chase, and that the Republic would return. Trench then ordered the Invincible's bridge crew to recharge the dreadnought's shields and reset their cannons as the Republic regrouped.

While the Republic regrouped, Trench, on the Invincible, asked TI-99 for an update on the surface battles. The droid reported that resistance from the native population was collapsing, and the Confederacy expected full control within half a planetary rotation. To draw out the Republic fleet, Trench launched a two-pronged attack on the resisting natives, deploying a squadron of Hyena-class bombers from the dreadnought's port hangar to target the surface. The bombers flew directly over Skywalker, who was ordered by Kenobi to use a prototype stealth ship to continue their supply run, and succeeded in their mission, prompting Senator Organa to inform the Republic fleet.
As a result, Skywalker attacked the Invincible again aboard the stealth ship. Skywalker revealed himself to Trench and the dreadnought by deactivating his ship's cloaking device and firing several proton torpedoes at the Invincible's command bridge, but the Providence's thermal shields deflected them.

Trench immediately ordered his dreadnought to fire four tracking torpedoes at the Republic ship, but they missed, hitting flares deployed by the stealth ship. Shortly after, the Invincible fired a barrage of lasers at the cloaked vessel, but its scanners indicated they missed. Despite the failed attack, Trench realized that a clone trooper could not have navigated the laser barrage so easily—it had to be a Jedi.

The Harch admiral ordered the crew to connect him to an open communications channel to send a warning to Skywalker and the stealth ship's crew. Trench stated that while he appreciated the Jedi engaging him in ship-to-ship combat and the Republic had an impressive ship, he had dealt with cloaked ships before. He added that the ship and its technology would not save its crew, and because they failed to defeat him, their allies on Christophsis would die, and the planet's resources and inhabitants would join the Separatist Alliance. Trench urged Skywalker to retreat while he could, as the Harch would be his doom, and then ended the transmission.
Trench guessed that despite his message, the Jedi Knight would likely attack again. Confirming Trench's theory, Skywalker decloaked and fired four more torpedoes at the Invincible's port hull, but the dreadnought's shields deflected them again. As it recloaked, the Providence locked onto the stealth ship's magnetic signature before it disappeared.

With Skywalker's ship's magnetic signature acquired, the Invincible tried to fire more tracking torpedoes but had to deactivate its shields. With shields down, the dreadnought fired its torpedoes, prompting Skywalker to decloak again, divert all power to his ship's engines, and fly directly toward the unshielded Invincible, sending the torpedoes into its bridge and destroying the dreadnought. After the Invincible's destruction, the Republic fleet returned and attacked the rest of the blockade, which was in disarray due to the loss of its command ship.
Another Providence in the Confederate Navy had the same hull markings as the Invincible. Sometime between 21 BBY and 19 BBY, after the Battle of Christophsis, that Providence participated in an assault on a Republic fleet commanded by Kenobi and Skywalker. By 19 BBY, the Invincible was featured in an issue of Space Battles magazine, which circulated throughout the war. A poster of the Invincible's featured issue was displayed on a wall inside the Omicron-class attack shuttle Marauder of the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Force 99 during the Battle of Anaxes.

Although the Invincible was destroyed during the Clone Wars, some of its modules were salvaged and sold on the black market. In 14 BBY, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Republic's successor, Imperial defector Berch Teller acquired the Invincible's modules and used them to build a downsized version of a Providence-class Dreadnought for his resistance group. An Imperial technician later informed Moff Wilhuff Tarkin that parts of Teller's Providence were supposedly from the Invincible, surprising the Moff.
Teller used the warship and its modules to attack the Empire's Sentinel Base in the Arkanis sector, but had to retreat after the Venator-class Star Destroyer Electrum intercepted him. Later, Teller used the warship again in a battle near the Gulf of Tatooine, a region of space near Tatooine. He planned to ambush an Imperial convoy transporting the hyperdrive for the Empire's secret Death Star superweapon project to Sentinel Base. However, Moff Tarkin discovered the plan and led reinforcements, resulting in the destruction of Teller's warship and the remaining modules of the Invincible.
Later, an artist, possibly the Ithorian Gammit Chond, learned of the Invincible's destruction. Chond depicted its destruction above Christophsis on a map in the Graf Archive. A student discovered it during a final exam in 35 ABY, years after the end of the First Order-Resistance War. The Graf Archive restored and published the artist's depictions to the wider galaxy.
The Invincible was commanded by Harch Separatist Admiral Trench, who had the ship painted to resemble him. The droid TI-99, a T-series tactical droid, served as Trench's second-in-command. The ship was operated by a crew of B1-series battle droids.

The Invincible first appeared in "Cat and Mouse," episode sixteen of season two of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which aired on March 26, 2010. The episode guide on identified the ship. Wayne Lo illustrated concept art for the Invincible, titled "Taranch Dreadnaught Ep217." A three-dimensional model of the Invincible was included in the Jedi Temple Archives special features for "Cat and Mouse" on The Clone Wars' second season's Blu-ray release.
In "Cat and Mouse," a data screen on the Resolute displayed tactical information about the Invincible, describing its weapons as "deadly" and its shielding as "very powerful." The data screen also showed an excerpt, transliterated into Aurebesh, from an article on Wookieepedia, the free-to-edit, unofficial Star Wars online encyclopedia. The article described the Dreadnaught cruiser, introduced in the 2006 Star Wars Legends novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn, the first book in the Star Wars: Darth Bane Trilogy.
The tenth issue of the 2022 Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories comic series, written by Michael Moreci, illustrated by Riccardo Facinni, and published by Dark Horse Comics on November 1, 2023, features a Providence-class Dreadnought in its opening battle. The Providence is based on a shot of the Invincible in "Cat and Mouse" and includes hull details unique to Trench's ship. However, the events of Hyperspace Stories 10 must occur between 21 BBY and 19 BBY, after the Invincible's destruction. Therefore, the Providence in Hyperspace Stories 10 must be a different ship.