Hyperspace Stories #10 represents the tenth installment of the canon anthology series for all ages, a comic book titled Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories. Michael Moreci is the author of this particular issue, and he greatly enjoyed the writing process. The illustrations were created by Riccardo Facinni, and its release through Dark Horse Comics occurred on November 1st, 2023.
The Bad Batch find themselves in quite a predicament! They are stuck deep within enemy territory, completely surrounded by dangerous battle droids! Just another typical day for them!
While looking into reports about strangely altered battle droids, the squad is captured by a sinister Separatist scientist. This scientist intends to use the team in his disturbing experiments. As they try to escape this deadly game, the Bad Batch might find this mission is too dangerous, even for them!
Expect mad science and plenty of chaos in Star Wars: Hyperspace #10!
In the vastness of space, Republic Venators and Separatist Dreadnaughts clash in battle. Onboard one Venator, Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker guide a young Wookiee girl, Viiveenn, towards the hangar. Anakin is eager to join the space battle in a starfighter, but Obi-Wan suggests Anakin is questioning his own piloting abilities. Obi-Wan assures him that his ship experienced technical issues during the engagement with Tofen’s Raiders. Suddenly, a missile breaches the open bay doors, triggering a massive explosion on the deck. Amidst the wreckage and debris, Anakin jokingly suggests to Obi-Wan that he should pilot a ship since they have been separated, along with Viiveenn. Before the damage escalates, Obi-Wan escorts Viiveenn into an ARC-170 starfighter, but she loses her doll, which contains a Jedi artifact, in the process. Viiveen desperately wants it back, but Obi-Wan struggles to understand her. As they depart the damaged Venator, Clone Force 99, known as the Bad Batch, arrives and enters the hangar. Wrecker spots the Wookiee doll and immediately takes an interest, claiming it for himself. Crosshair objects, leading to an argument that Hunter breaks up, urging the squad to board their ship, the Marauder.
They leave the battle and eventually reach the Outer Rim moon of Hylanth. As they disembark and venture into the jungle, Hunter and Tech explain their mission: to deal with modified battle droids. Crosshair expresses his annoyance, suggesting that regular clones could have handled the task. Wrecker notices his sour mood and attempts to cheer him up with his newly acquired doll. They soon detect rapid movement but struggle to pinpoint it. Upon reaching a clearing, Tech reports that his scanners are clear. Suddenly, a holographic transmission appears, introducing Dr. Krail, who refers to the Bad Batch as “an assembly line creation,” similar to battle droids but with special differences and improvements. Wrecker is insulted by the comparison to battle droids, but Krail argues that there is no difference, showcasing his own “bad batch” of battle droids that he has already deployed. Crosshair is suddenly ambushed and dragged back into the jungle. Tech informs Hunter of a bunker deeper in the jungle based on his readings. As they advance towards it, they are confronted by a large armored droid, but Wrecker tells his squad to proceed while he handles it. He cracks his knuckles and lunges at the droid as Hunter and Tech search for the bunker.
Some time later, Hunter and Tech arrive at the bunker entrance. As they prepare to enter, they are attacked by a modified battle droid with four arms. Hunter instructs Tech to enter the bunker while he deals with the droid. Meanwhile, Wrecker continues his battle with the large armored droid, growing frustrated with its repeated taunts of “say goodbye”. Wrecker is eventually thrown against a tree, causing him to lose his helmet and his new doll to fall over the edge of a canyon. Wrecker is deeply offended by this, and he retaliates by charging at the droid, swinging it around by its feet, and tossing it over the edge to its destruction. Inside the bunker, Tech examines the modified droids and calls for backup upon discovering a captured Crosshair and the power source. While Tech distracts Dr. Krail, Hunter enters the bunker, allowing Crosshair to use a toothpick he had in his mouth to break free. Outnumbered and cornered, Krail activates his remaining droids, but Wrecker arrives just in time, unleashing his anger over the lost doll to destroy the droids before they can overwhelm his squad. With the enemy defeated, the Batch captures Krail and brings him back to the Marauder. When Tech asks Wrecker about the doll, Wrecker simply states that it is gone for good. However, after the Marauder departs Hylanth, a female from Banas named Halorum searches the canyon for valuable junk and discovers the doll.
The initial summary from the publisher incorrectly stated that the issue would focus on Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu as they protect a Galactic Republic delegation from marauders during a visit to an archaeological dig site that may contain Jedi artifacts. This was later clarified as an error, with issue 10 instead highlighting Clone Force 99, also called the "Bad Batch." The Dark Horse Comics publisher's summary was then updated to reflect this. The plot originally described was subsequently used in Hyperspace Stories 11.
The events in Hyperspace Stories #10 were first hinted at in Hyperspace Stories 9. In that issue, the psychometry-gifted Jedi Quinlan Vos touched Viiveenn's doll and saw visions of the events that would later unfold in issue ten. As foreshadowed in issue 9, Hyperspace Stories 10 depicts Viiveenn losing her doll. This sets the stage for future comics in the series, which are set later in the Star Wars timeline and feature the doll coming into the possession of various other characters. However, Hyperspace Stories 5 had previously suggested that Viiveenn had already lost her doll, as it was seen in the hands of a Gungan child. Furthermore, in issue 10, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are drawn to resemble their appearances in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, despite being depicted with their younger Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones looks in Hyperspace Stories 5. Additionally, the name "Clone Force 99," used in issue 10, honors the fallen Clone 99, who perished during the Battle of Kamino in 21 BBY. Therefore, the events of issue 10 must occur after the Battle of Kamino but before the conclusion of the Clone Wars, placing it between 21 BBY and 19 BBY. Consequently, Viiveenn must have lost and then recovered her doll before the events of Hyperspace Stories 5.