
Viiveenn, a female Wookiee, was the offspring of Yarua, a Senator representing the Galactic Republic. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], she went with her father and Senator Padmé Amidala on a diplomatic mission to the Moon of Staggec. However, upon landing, they realized they had walked into a Separatist ambush. Yarua concealed a valuable item he was transporting inside Viiveenn's doll, subsequently instructing her to seek refuge in a nearby forest.

The young Wookiee was later discovered in the forest by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had arrived to liberate the senators from captivity. Viiveenn guided them to her father's location, but then impulsively rushed towards him, resulting in her and Kenobi's capture and transportation aboard a Separatist starship. Kenobi successfully broke free before General Grievous confronted Yarua regarding the valuable item.

Upon Kenobi's return, he fought Grievous, who threatened Viiveenn during their duel. In a selfless act, Yarua propelled himself at Grievous to protect her, causing both the senator and the general to plummet through a hangar door and into the vacuum of space. Yarua did not survive, and a heartbroken Viiveenn received comfort from Kenobi and Amidala, who arranged for her return to the planet Kashyyyk so that her family could provide solace.


Bring your youngling to work day

Viiveenn was a female Wookiee, the daughter of Senator Yarua, who represented the planet Kashyyyk within the Galactic Senate of the Republic. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars] conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Viiveenn went with her father and Senator Padmé Amidala on a diplomatic mission to the moon of Staggec, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. After landing on the moon in their Consular-class cruiser, the two senators, Viiveenn, and Amidala's protocol droid, C-3PO exited the vessel. Amidala complimented Viiveenn and inquired about her name, with C-3PO acting as translator for the young Wookiee's replies.

Yarua sent Viiveenn to hide from the Separatists on the moon of Staggec.

The delegation from Staggec had agreed to an alliance with the Republic in exchange for a valuable item carried by Yarua; however, the senators found no welcoming party and quickly understood they had been lured into a trap when three Separatist frigates materialized in the sky above. Yarua then took a doll his daughter carried, concealing the valuable item within it, before returning the toy to Viiveenn and instructing her to hide in a nearby forest.

Meeting the Jedi

Viiveenn led the Jedi to her father.

Viiveenn followed instructions, avoiding capture by the Separatists after her father and Amidala were taken as hostages. The Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, dispatched to rescue the senators, later found Viiveenn in the forest, having tracked her from the cruiser's landing site. She explained the events and guided them to her father's captivity. En route, Skywalker surged ahead until she stopped him to prevent him from stepping into a trap. The young Wookiee then presented Skywalker with a flower before they continued.

The group eventually reached the edge of a cliff, where they observed B1-series battle droids leading the captive Yarua onto a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle. Before the Jedi could devise a plan, Viiveenn raced down the cliff, attempting to reach her father. Kenobi followed, shielding the Wookiee as the battle droids opened fire. The barrage incapacitated Kenobi, and both he and Viiveenn were loaded onto the departing shuttle before Skywalker could intervene.

A father's sacrifice

Yarua sacrificed himself to save Viiveenn from Grievous.

The prisoners were delivered to a larger Separatist vessel, where the droids guarding them left the prisoners unattended while searching for restraints for Kenobi, whom they believed to be unconscious. Viiveenn realized the Jedi had awakened, but he signaled her to remain silent before escaping to find Amidala. During Kenobi's absence, Separatist General Grievous confronted Yarua, demanding the valuable item, but Kenobi interrupted upon his return. The Jedi and the general fought, but after Kenobi gained the advantage, Grievous seized Viiveenn, holding his lightsaber to her throat. Kenobi demanded her release, but before either could act, the still-bound Yarua lunged at the general.

The Separatist released Viiveenn as he and Yarua fell backward through a shielded hangar door into space, killing Yarua and defeating Grievous. As she cried at the loss of her father, Kenobi embraced Viiveenn. Viiveenn and the Jedi later left the moon of Staggec in the Jedi's Eta-class shuttle alongside Amidala and the delegation from Staggec, whom Skywalker had rescued. The weeping Viiveenn was comforted by Amidala before falling asleep in her arms during the journey. Arrangements were made for a shuttle to return her to Kashyyyk, where it was hoped her family could comfort her. The Jedi reported being unable to find the valuable item Yarua had carried, unaware that it remained hidden within Viiveen's doll.

Personality and traits

Viiveenn was devastated by the loss of her father.

Viiveenn felt frightened when her father instructed her to hide in the forest, hugging him before obeying. When she saw him again, she rushed into danger to reach him, but she worried for Kenobi after he was incapacitated trying to defend her. During the confrontation with Grievous, she clutched at Yarua's leg until the general seized her, and after her father's death, she whimpered quietly, devastated by his loss. Viiveenn had brown hair and brown eyes. She spoke a Wookiee languages and did not understand Galactic Basic Standard.


Viiveenn wore ties in her hair on either side of her face and carried a small Wookiee-like doll.

Behind the scenes

Viiveenn was created for Hyperspace Stories 1, penned by Amanda Deibert and illustrated by Lucas Marangon. Before the comic's release on August 24, 2022, Viiveenn was initially mentioned on July 22 of that year in a blog post covering a panel at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim where the comic was first revealed.

