Yarua was a male Wookiee and an experienced statesman. During the final years of the Galactic Republic, he served as the representative of Kashyyyk in the Galactic Senate. As a Senator, Yarua was in the Galactic Senate Chamber when Finis Valorum, the Supreme Chancellor, was removed from his office after the Trade Federation invasion of the distant planet Naboo. Early in the Clone Wars, during a mission to the moon of Staggec, Yarua possessed a valuable item. He concealed it within a doll belonging to his daughter, Viiveenn, when General Grievous launched an attack on the moon. To protect Viiveenn, Yarua sacrificed himself, pushing himself and Grievous out of an airlock, resulting in his death.
Yarua's debut was in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was released in 1999 and marked the beginning of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. The production utilized the same Chewbacca costume that was originally created for the original trilogy to portray Yarua in the film.