Hyperspace Stories 1, a canon all-ages anthology comic book series titled Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories, marks its inaugural issue. This initial installment was penned by Amanda Deibert, visually brought to life by Lucas Marangon, and brought to the public by Dark Horse Comics on August 24, 2022.
The Star Wars comic journey begins anew!
Senator Padmé Amidala's Republic mission faces peril when the Separatist General Grievous captures its members, prompting Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to undertake a daring rescue. However, their operation quickly unravels, leaving the Jedi isolated and besieged by a droid army. Experience danger and intrigue during the Clone Wars' peak in Star Wars: Hyperspace #1.
This series boasts celebrated heroes, nefarious villains, and unexpected plot developments, all crafted by acclaimed authors Cecil Castellucci, Amanda Deibert, and Michael Moreci!
Embark on brand-new, all-ages adventures across the Star Wars galaxy!
On the Moon of Staggec, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, Galactic Republic Wookiee Senator Yarua and his daughter Viiveenn accompany Senator Padmé Amidala on a diplomatic endeavor. Yarua has pledged a valuable Jedi artifact to Staggec's representatives in exchange for their allegiance. Upon the arrival of their Consular-class light cruiser, Amidala engages with Viiveenn but swiftly detects an unsettling silence, compounded by the absence of communication signals. Suddenly, multiple Separatist frigates materialize in orbit, prompting Yarua to conceal the Jedi artifact within his daughter's doll. Recognizing the imminent threat, Yarua embraces his daughter before directing her to seek refuge in a nearby forest, away from the approaching adversaries.
Simultaneously, at the Jedi Council Chamber on Coruscant, Amidala relays a hologram message to the Jedi Council, revealing the trap laid on the Moon of Staggec and requesting assistance due to the Separatist presence. Jedi Master Mace Windu promptly volunteers, but Master Obi-Wan Kenobi proposes himself and Anakin Skywalker for the mission, citing their history with Senator Amidala. Acknowledging the opportunity for Anakin to cultivate diplomatic restraint, Yoda and Windu concur with Kenobi's suggestion, permitting their departure despite the diminishing prospects for diplomacy.
Upon landing on Staggec, Skywalker, deeply concerned for Amidala, his secret wife, immediately sets out to locate her. Finding nothing aboard the Consular-class cruiser, the Jedi follow footprints leading to the forest, where they encounter Viiveenn. Drawing upon his experiences on Kashyyyk, Kenobi communicates with the girl in Shyriiwook, learning of her father's capture by battle droids along with the others.
As she guides them through the terrain, she offers Skywalker a blue flower she picked. They eventually arrive at a canyon, observing droids loading prisoners onto a shuttle below. Before they can devise a plan, Viiveenn slides down the cliff in an attempt to reach her father, but Kenobi intercepts her, preventing harm. However, Kenobi is incapacitated in the process, resulting in his and Viiveenn's capture alongside the other prisoners.
Skywalker attempts a rescue but is too late, as the shuttle has already departed. Meditating, Skywalker relies on the Force to guide his next course of action. Aboard a Separatist frigate, Kenobi, feigning unconsciousness, is taken to a prison cell. He follows the droids out of the door and meets up with Skywalker in the hangar where he has just landed their Jedi shuttle. Kenobi informs his apprentice that Amidala and the others are being held on level 3.
As Anakin proceeds to rescue them, he is surprised to find that Amidala has already freed herself and the others, leading them through the ship, blaster in hand. They greet each other in a way that doesn't reveal that they are married. Skywalker leads the group with his lightsaber at the ready. Meanwhile, Kenobi discovers Senator Yarua being interrogated by General Grievous. Kenobi leaps down from the vents, but when he demands Grievous release the Senator and his daughter, the cyborg activates his lightsabers and engages Kenobi in combat.
As Yarua and his daughter attempt to escape, Grievous seizes Viiveenn, threatening her with a lightsaber, exploiting the Jedi's compassion for innocents. Before he can act, Yarua charges at Grievous, tackling him through the shields and into the vacuum of space. While Yarua bravely sacrifices himself and takes Grievous momentarily out of the equation, the Jedi are able to lead the others to safety and flee to the Moon of Staggec aboard their shuttle.
While in hyperspace, Amidala consoles Viiveenn, and Skywalker assures his wife that she will make a great mother someday. After Kenobi informs them that transportation to take Viiveenn back to Kashyyyk is being arranged, he contemplates the significance of Senator Yarua's actions as the Jedi artifact hidden inside Viiveenn's doll is shown.