Shyriiwook, a language used by the Wookiees, existed alongside other Wookiee languages like Thykarann and Xaczik. This language, comprised of growls and howls, presented a significant challenge for non-Wookiees to both speak and comprehend, often proving harsh on their vocal cords. The warbling whines and growls inherent in Shyriiwook were particularly difficult for human throats to produce. Despite these difficulties, humans could potentially achieve fluency with dedicated study. The inherent inability of Wookiees to articulate anything outside of their native languages further complicated communication. Notably, their language contained over 150 distinct terms for wood and a multitude of terms related to bloodshed.
To specifically facilitate the acceptance of the Wookiee Burryaga Agaburry as her Padawan, human Jedi Knight Nib Assek undertook the task of learning Shyriiwook. Sabine Wren demonstrated some ability to speak Shyriiwook, but she lost her voice after annoying Garazeb Orrelios for an entire day by serenading him in the language. Hondo Ohnaka possessed some knowledge of Shyriiwook, enabling him to quote numerous Wookiee proverbs.
Han Solo could understand Shyriiwook, allowing him to comprehend Chewbacca's speech. Their friendship began when they assisted each other in escaping the Imperial Army; Solo demonstrated his allegiance by addressing Chewbacca in Shyriiwook. Corbus Tyra, a criminal who impersonated Solo's father, Ovan, during a mission to locate a valuable urn alongside Solo and Chewbacca, neither understood nor spoke Shyriiwook. However, he inferred that the word "Harro" meant "yes" based on the context of Chewbacca's usage.
Major Harter Kalonia, a physician serving within the Resistance, was fluent in Shyriiwook. Through interactions with offworlders on Jakku, Rey acquired the ability to understand Shyriiwook. Another member of the Resistance, Beaumont Kin, also possessed knowledge of the language and acted as a translator, although his skills had become somewhat rusty by the time of the blockade of Kashyyyk, and he struggled with some Wookiee dialects.
- Ah. ("One.") [3]
- Ah-ah. ("Two.") [3]
- A-oo-ah. ("Three.") [3]
- Wyoorg. ("Four.") [3]
- Wyaaaaaa . ("Hello.") [4]
- _Roooarrgh ur roo. _ ("I have a bad feeling about this.") [4]
- Murghhhhh grrbokgh. (Another way of saying "I have a bad feeling about this.") [17]
- _Rrrrugh arah-ah-woof? _ ("How do you take your coffee ?") [4]
- _Wwwah rrroooaaah wha? _ ("Want to play holochess ?") [4]
- _Aarrr wgh ggwaaah. _ ("Jump to hyperspace .") [4]
- Rrraugrah. ("Hairless Imperial intruder.") [18]
- Rrashrakrrykap karaaa arrarakkyysh. ("Rid us of this menace.") [19]
- Yyyuurrrrrrruuunghh. (Roughly translated, "What the Hutt is going on in here and who do I have to whomp to make it stop?") [17]
- Vlarrrr muurrrgh rrgggg lurrrr. Brrr-annn gooowwrrrgh. (Loosely translated, "Find a really big weapon for me," though sounds much more poetic to native Shyriiwook speakers.) [17]
- Hronn murrgbushk. ("Something dead .") [17]
- Mrowgh ghrrmrowrig! ("Up into the trees !") [17]
- Rowrigghh hrmkuhhrnnn. ("The trees are life," roughly, though difficult to understand even to those who understood Shyriiwook, and of particular importance in Wookiee culture.) [17]
- Hhhummghhra nwurrr rowrigghh. (A Wookiee saying, also related to trees and paths and destiny.) [17]
- Hrung? ("Ready?") [17]
- Rwww. ("No.") [17]
- Yarrhh rrrrrrrunnnn mmonnrgh. (An old Wookiee expression that talks about being present to catch a Wookiee who slips out of a tree.) [17]
- Nyrrrrnyrrrr. Gronnnnnnda murrrrrg hhhuurrhuurr! ("Look at the holovid . There's clearly a door built into the statue. We just need to get there and get inside before the worm grabs us again!") [17]
- Nyrrr. Rumk nyrr. ("No, just hold on for a minute .") [17]
- Brooonaughhh rruug rrruo. (Loosely translated, "That's what you get for sending me on a pet-sitting job.") [17]
- Grrrrrrrraaaaaarrrrph. (Translation unknown) [10]
- Grrgaaggaa. (An expression of gratitude.) [10]
- Awwwrrrrrrrr. (A general purpose statement that expressed neither agreement nor disagreement.) [10]
- Arrrrggggg. (An objection of some sort.) [10]
- Grroooogrrraaaawrrrrrrrrmph. (An old Wookiee proverb, roughly translated in Galactic Basic Standard as "People often mistakenly judge a tree by its branches, but a wise Wookiee knows its strength is in its roots.") [10]
- Grrrrraaaarrrrr. (Hard to translate, but essentially an apology for a companion's behavior.) [10]
- Mmmmmmrrrrr. (An expression of agreement.) [10]
- Grrrrrrrrgaahga. (Another expression of agreement.) [10]
- Arrrgrrr? (A questioning expression.) [10]
- Grrrrrupmprrr! (An expression of disgust or irritation.) [10]
- Grrrrrwwwwwrr! (A wise expression.) [10]
- Grrrrrrrrraaggoooorrrrrrrrr! (Translation unknown.) [10]
- Grrrrafffffffffgrrr! (A panicked expression.) [10]
- Grrrumpg grrrumpgh grrrrrgeeer. (An explanation that the main star of the Throffdon system went supernova twelve hours ago.) [10]
- Grrrrrrrumph. (Yet another expression of agreement.) [10]
- Harraag. ("But, Han ") [20]
- Hhara Ggaaarr Nnnrr? ("Is that so?") [21]
- Wyaaaaa. Ruh ruh. ("Hello. How are you?") [22]
- Wyogg, ur oh. ("I am well, thank you.") [22]
- Uma. ("Yes.") [22]
- Muawa. ("No.") [22]
- Ur uh. ("Thank you.") [22]
- Ruh gwyaaaag. ("I am a friend.") [22]
- Rrarrrggh ("What you'll need") [23]
- Mrowgh Ghrrmrowrig! ("Up into the trees!") [24]
- Wraarr waaar wooo (Roughly translated, "The ship might be ready, but are you?") [25]
- Harro (Assumed translation, "Yes") [13]
For the 2018 Star Wars Anthology movie Solo: A Star Wars Story, the script included Chewbacca's lines written in English by screenwriters Lawrence and Jon Kasdan, so Alden Ehrenreich, the actor playing Han Solo, could understand the meaning. The sounds of Chewbacca's Shyriiwook were initially created by sound designer Ben Burtt, who used recordings of bears. For Solo: A Star Wars Story, additional recordings were made, including those of grizzly bears and seals, and these recordings, after some sound editing, were used to broaden Chewbacca's vocal expressions.