The Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, alternatively known as the Sheathipede-class shuttle or the Neimoidian escort shuttle, functioned as a short-distance transport for both the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A larger variant of this shuttle was also in service.
Engineered by the Haor Chall Engineering Corporation, the Sheathipede-class was a transport shuttle characterized by its curved fuselage and claw-like landing struts that descended from the vessel's rounded undercarriage. Its overall design bore a resemblance to the Neimoidian soldier beetle. Measuring 14.4 meters in length, the shuttle was propelled by a pair of engines and incorporated an exit hatch at its rear. Certain configurations replaced the standard cockpit with a larger passenger area and were operated by automated pilots.

Standard Sheathipede shuttles lacked offensive weaponry and were equipped only with a rudimentary shield generator. Consequently, these vessels prioritized speed and a minimal sensor signature for reaching their destinations, rather than relying on heavy defenses. Many shuttles deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems underwent modifications, receiving enhanced shielding, reinforced armor, and more powerful engines. While less common, some were outfitted with light armaments, typically consisting of three laser cannons. These armed Sheathipedes were tasked with transporting valuable goods through dangerous zones and conveying high-ranking officers and dignitaries.
The Sheathipede-class shuttle served as a short-haul transport and escort, generally used to move individuals across a planet's surface or between a starship in orbit and the planet below. Neimoidian administrators within the Trade Federation employed these shuttles to travel from battleships to the surfaces of conquered worlds, often preferring versions with automatic pilots because the elimination of the cockpit made for more passenger room.
Viceroy Nute Gunray arrived in Theed during the Federation's occupation of Naboo aboard his personal Sheathipede-class shuttle, the Lapiz Cutter. He and his entourage disembarked from the vessel's rear hatch to assess their triumph over the Naboo people.

Viceroy Gunray continued to utilize these shuttles, and he escaped Geonosis after the start of the war a decade following the events on Naboo. He even used a transport ship to land on Rodia to confer with Senator Onaconda Farr. However, a Kwazel Maw destroyed his transport. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi later commandeered one from Dooku's Munificent-class star frigate to pursue the Sith Lord. Although they managed to shoot him down over Vanqor, a vulture droid destroyed the shuttle, and Count Dooku escaped, only to be captured by Hondo Ohnaka's pirate group afterward. General Lok Durd deployed a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle with his forces to Maridun. The shuttle remained at Durd's base while he and his troops departed to test his Defoliator weapon on a village of Lurmen colonists. Subsequently, a small group of Galactic Republic soldiers stranded on the planet, aware of Durd's presence, stole the shuttle to thwart his plans.
Doctor Nuvo Vindi possessed a Sheathipede-class shuttle that the Galactic Republic seized during a raid on his laboratory during the Blue Shadow Virus incident. During the Battle of Ryloth, a shuttle was designated to transport Wat Tambor and his droid TA-175, as they were aware that Republic forces intended to recapture the capital. Furthermore, Dooku wanted Tambor to evacuate immediately, as he planned to deploy Hyena bombers to bombard the capital, demonstrating the cost of a "Republic Victory". Despite Wat Tambor's refusal to retreat until all the treasure was loaded, TA-175 was able to depart without him on the shuttle, as Dooku ordered him via hologram to command the Hyena bombers to destroy Lessu immediately. However, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano successfully destroyed the bombers, leading to Wat Tambor's capture by Republic forces led by Commander Ponds, alongside the Twi'lek Resistance led by Cham Syndulla.
Another shuttle was stationed in Cad Bane's own Munificent-class star frigate during the Battle of Devaron, where Republic forces led by Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Captain Rex stole it after a failed attempt to retrieve the holocron stolen by the bounty hunter. Believing him dead, along with the holocron, it was revealed that Bane was able to fake his death by disguising himself as clone trooper named Denal and escape in a V-19 Torrent starfighter. Another shuttle was also used to recover General Grievous at the Battle of Saleucami.
Sheathipede-class shuttles were also present in the Separatist capital of Raxus Secundus when Padme and Ahsoka traveled there to initiate peace negotiations with Mina Bonteri, an acquaintance of Padme's. A shuttle was also utilized by Mother Talzin and her clan to transport Savage Opress to Dooku's palace on Serenno. This shuttle may have been a gift from Dooku himself. Another shuttle was employed following the unsuccessful Skirmish on Naboo during a prisoner exchange involving Anakin Skywalker and General Grievous. While Anakin was traded to the Gungans, Grievous was exchanged to the Separatists and was able to board the shuttle before it took off along with the remaining Separatist forces.
These shuttles were also located on Mandalore during a failed peace conference between the Republic and the Separatists. General Grievous also used a shuttle when his fleet attacked Obi Wan Kenobi's fleet.
After the Battle of Coruscant in the waning days of the Clone Wars, General Grievous traveled via a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle to Pau City on Utapau for a meeting with the Separatist Council.

Some time after the Clone Wars, Baron Tarko acquired his own Sheathipede-class transport shuttle. Three Sheathipede-class transport shuttles were discovered on Agamar amidst the wreckage of a Separatist supply ship. The Spectres and former Separatist General Kalani's garrison used them to escape a battle with the Galactic Empire. One shuttle, piloted by droids, was shot down during the escape, while the other two reached safety. One carried Kalani and several of his B1-series battle droids, and the other was the Spectres' shuttle, which they renamed the Phantom II.
The Spectres extensively modified and upgraded the Phantom II. Sabine Wren provided the shuttle with a new paint scheme. The vessel was armed with forward-facing cannons on the port and starboard sides, as well as ventrally mounted turrets located near the boarding ramp. The hull was reinforced with upgraded plating, and an astromech socket was added to the shuttle's shortened dorsal fin. It was also modified to dock with the Ghost, similar to the original Phantom.
During the New Republic era, a male Neimoidian named Hallion Nark from the Warbird gang possessed a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, which he landed at Jarek Yeager's repair shop on the Colossus.
The shuttle's design originated from ILM employees Larry Tan and Adam Savage, known for his work on Mythbusters, for its initial appearance.