A Separatist outpost served as a CIS mobile command center on the planet of Maridun. The Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized it during the Clone Wars for the purpose of weapons evaluation.
In the year 22 BBY, Confederate General Lok Durd oversaw the construction of the outpost. Its primary function was to safeguard their landing ship and its precious cargo: the prototype Defoliator Deployment Tank. At this outpost, Durd, along with his technician, made preparations for the weapon's initial trial. Subsequently, Durd commanded battle droids to assemble in formation, awaiting the impending demonstration. Durd then requested two volunteers to step forward to ascertain the weapon's effects on droids.
Durd initiated communication with the Confederate Head of State, Count Dooku, through a hologram transmission, inviting him to witness the weapon's capabilities firsthand. Following the successful trial, Dooku instructed Durd to assess the weapon's impact on living beings, a task the general readily agreed to undertake on the nearby Lurmen village. Durd then led the majority of his forces to the village, leaving behind a limited number of troops at the outpost.
Little did Durd know, Jedi Generals Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Commander Bly, and Captain Rex had recently experienced a crash landing on the planet. Collaboratively, they devised a strategy to commandeer the shuttle and subsequently return to Lurmen Village to shield its inhabitants from Durd's destructive weapon. Skywalker, Rex, and Bly created a diversion for the external patrols, allowing Secura and Tano to scale the outpost's exterior walls. Working in unison, they successfully eliminate the remaining droids surrounding the base's command center and reclaimed the shuttle for their return to the village. Before their departure, they discovered and secured several shield generators that the group believed may come useful. The outpost was left abandoned.