Here's a substantial rewrite of the provided MDX content, preserving all meaning and adhering to your formatting and structural requirements.
**Onaconda Farr** was a [male](/article/gender) [politician](/article/politics) of the [Rodian](/article/rodian) species. He served as the representative for his [homeworld](/article/rodia), [Rodia](/article/rodia), and the broader [Savareen sector](/article/savareen_sector) within the [Republic Senate](/article/galactic_senate) during the concluding [decades](/article/standard_decade) of the [Galactic Republic](/article/galactic_republic) [Era](/article/republic_era). Despite a complex inner life, Farr was a vocal proponent of [democracy](/article/democracy) and progressive ideals. He dedicated himself to serving his constituents, always prioritizing their well-being. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars), a massive [galactic](/article/the_galaxy) conflict between the Republic and the [Confederacy of Independent Systems](/article/confederacy_of_independent_systems) - a [splinter](/article/raxus_address] state, Farr emerged as a prominent anti-war senator. He collaborated with allies to seek a peaceful resolution to the war. The war presented Farr with personal hardships, and his attempts to navigate these challenges ultimately led to his [assassination](/article/death).
Leading up to and during the [Separatist Crisis](/article/separatist_crisis), Farr collaborated with senators who shared his views. These included [Bail Organa](/article/bail_prestor_organa) from [Alderaan](/article/alderaan), [Mon Mothma](/article/mon_mothma) from [Chandrila](/article/chandrila), and [Padmé Amidala](/article/padm%c3%a9_amidala) from [Naboo](/article/naboo), who was both a close friend and someone he mentored. Together, they worked to maintain loyalty to the Republic and uphold democratic principles. Early in the Clone Wars, Farr faced a moral dilemma when Rodia became a target of piracy, and the Republic failed to provide assistance. Desperate to aid his people, Farr struck a bargain with the Confederacy through [Viceroy](/article/viceroy_of_the_trade_federation) [Nute Gunray](/article/nute_gunray) of the [Trade Federation](/article/trade_federation). He reluctantly allowed the Confederacy to exploit the Savareen sector in exchange for vital supplies. However, his unease grew when he discovered that [Viceroy](/article/viceroy) Gunray also demanded that he surrender Amidala to the Separatists. Initially, Farr [complied](/article/mission_to_rodia), but Amidala convinced him to betray Gunray, leading to the Viceroy's arrest. Although ashamed of his actions, Farr was welcomed back into the Republic, which then provided aid to Rodia.
For the remainder of his life, Farr remained a staunch supporter of the Republic. He became a leading voice in anti-war movements and assisted his allies in opposing Senate bills. His positions made him a target of militarist senators, who used [propaganda](/article/propaganda) against him and threatened his safety. While Farr and his allies successfully defeated [a bill](/article/enhanced_privacy_invasion_bill) that would have expanded executive power, they were unable to prevent the passage of two bills that [deregulated](/article/republic_financial_reform_bill) the [InterGalactic Banking Clan](/article/intergalactic_banking_clan) and [expanded](/article/republic_military_enhancement_bill) the [Republic Military](/article/republic_military). In an effort to prevent the latter from taking effect, Farr and Amidala introduced [counter-legislation](/article/reduced_military_spending_bill) aimed at reducing military spending and worked diligently to gain support. However, while celebrating what seemed like an impending victory, Farr suddenly passed away, seemingly from heart failure. Investigations conducted by the [Coruscant Security Force](/article/coruscant_security_force) and his political faction revealed that Farr had been [poisoned](/article/poison) by his [aide](/article/aide), [Lolo Purs](/article/lolo_purs), as retribution for his dealings with the Confederacy. Following his death, Farr's allies attempted to pass his budget reduction proposal, but it failed to gain approval in the Senate.
## Biography
### Pre-war career
#### Relief efforts
Onaconda Farr's [birth](/article/reproduction) occurred on the [planet](/article/planet) of [Rodia](/article/rodia), the ancestral [homeworld](/article/homeworld) of the [Rodians](/article/rodian) within the [galaxy](/article/the_galaxy)'s [Savareen sector](/article/savareen_sector) located in the [Outer Rim Territories](/article/outer_rim_territories). He was eventually elected to represent the Savareen sector in the [Senate](/article/galactic_senate) of the [Galactic Republic](/article/galactic_republic), a [democratic](/article/democracy) entity that governed much of the galaxy from its [capital](/article/capital] world, [Coruscant](/article/coruscant). As the senator for the Savareen sector, Farr's representation extended beyond Rodia to include planets like [Christophsis](/article/christophsis), [Nelvaan](/article/nelvaan), [Zaadja](/article/zaadja), [Savareen](/article/savareen), and [Yerbana](/article/yerbana). The Savareen sector, positioned at the vital intersection of the [Corellian Run](/article/corellian_run) and [Triellus Trade Route](/article/triellus_trade_route) [hyperspace lanes](/article/hyperspace_route), was largely composed of desolate planets with [mining](/article/mining) outposts and inhabited by low-tech species, with the exception of a few population centers like Rodia.
alt="Onaconda Farr was a mentor and close friend of Padmé Amidala (pictured), who would go on to be elected as the Queen of Naboo."
Onaconda Farr was a mentor and close friend of Padmé Amidala (pictured), who would go on to be elected as the Queen of Naboo.
As a senator, Farr maintained a residence within Rodia's [Senatorial Palace](/article/senatorial_palace), situated beneath a protective dome within the planet's [swamps](/article/swamp). Like his fellow senators, Farr relied on a team of [aides](/article/aide), including [Pa Dua](/article/pa_dua), [Tox Don](/article/tox_don), [Silood](/article/silood), and [Lolo Purs](/article/lolo_purs). Farr sponsored Purs' political aspirations, and she later became Rodia's [Junior Representative](/article/junior_representative) in the Senate. Throughout his career, Farr actively participated in relief efforts, providing assistance to individuals and planets affected by disasters. His involvement in this work led him to meet [Ruwee Naberrie](/article/ruwee_naberrie), an educator, builder, and relief worker from [Naboo](/article/naboo). Farr and Naberrie quickly formed a friendship, with Farr serving as Naberrie's closest ally in the Senate. Their collaboration led Farr to develop a close relationship with Naberrie's family, particularly his youngest daughter, [Padmé](/article/padm%c3%a9_amidala), from a young age.
Due to his close ties with the Naberrie family, Farr was considered an "uncle" to Padmé, who called him "Uncle Ono." Although Ruwee and his wife, [Jobal](/article/jobal_naberrie), initially hoped Padmé would pursue an artistic career, she demonstrated a talent for oration and a passion for public service early on. Farr mentored Padmé throughout her childhood, teaching her political skills, such as the importance of downplaying her strengths to maintain an element of surprise. In [39 BBY](/article/39_bby), Padmé, then seven years old, joined Farr and Ruwee in their relief work, accompanying them on a mission to [Shadda-Bi-Boran](/article/shadda-bi-boran). The [sun](/article/star) of Shadda-Bi-Boran was dying, causing ecological devastation and requiring the relocation of the planet's inhabitants. While the evacuation was successful, efforts to replicate their homeworld's environment failed, resulting in the refugees' demise soon after resettlement.
#### Invasion of Naboo
Despite her parents' reservations, Padmé ultimately entered the political arena, participating in the Galactic Senate's [Apprentice Legislature](/article/apprentice_legislature) program. She then launched a successful campaign to become [Queen of Naboo](/article/monarch_of_naboo) in [32 BBY](/article/32_bby), becoming known as [Queen](/article/queen) Padmé Amidala. Farr and Amidala remained close, and the Rodian became acquainted with the [Naboo Royal Handmaidens](/article/naboo_royal_handmaidens) assigned to her, including [Sabé](/article/sab%c3%a9), who grew fond of him. In the same year, the Republic was led by [Supreme Chancellor](/article/supreme_chancellor) [Finis Valorum](/article/finis_valorum), a progressive politician whose administration was hindered by excessive bureaucracy, corruption, and inaction. Despite his shortcomings, Valorum was well-intentioned, and Farr was among his supporters in the Senate, maintaining a close relationship with him. However, Valorum's reign came to an end when the Senate passed sweeping tax reforms under [Prop 31-814D](/article/prop_31-814d), designed to regulate the [Trade Federation](/article/trade_federation)'s monopoly on trade routes in the Outer Rim.
alt="The Trade Federation blockade of Naboo (pictured) set the stage for the fall of Onaconda Farrs political ally and the reigning Supreme Chancellor, Finis Valorum."
The Trade Federation blockade of Naboo (pictured) set the stage for the fall of Onaconda Farr's political ally and the reigning Supreme Chancellor, Finis Valorum.
Following repeated failures of Federation-backed bills aimed at overturning Prop 31-814D, [Nute Gunray](/article/nute_gunray), the [Viceroy of the Trade Federation](/article/viceroy_of_the_trade_federation), initiated a [blockade](/article/invasion_of_naboo) of Naboo as a form of protest. When negotiations broke down, the Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Naboo, forcing Queen Amidala to evacuate and travel to Coruscant to appeal for aid directly to the Senate. The Senate convened in an [emergency session](/article/special_session_of_congress) to hear testimony from Naboo's senator, [Sheev Palpatine](/article/darth_sidious), and Amidala regarding the invasion of their planet. [Lott Dod](/article/lott_dod), representing the Trade Federation, contested Amidala's claims and opposed a motion to address the situation immediately, arguing that the Naboo lacked sufficient evidence. He proposed the appointment of a commission to verify Amidala's allegations, a suggestion seconded by Senator [Aks Moe](/article/aks_moe) of the [Congress of Malastare](/article/congress_of_malastare). Valorum, following the advice of his [Vice Chair](/article/vice_chair), [Mas Amedda](/article/mas_amedda), conceded to their demands. In response, Amidala called for a [Vote of No Confidence](/article/vote_of_no_confidence) in Valorum's chancellorship, shocking the Senate.
Despite the unexpected nature of the Vote of No Confidence, the Senate acted swiftly, and within a matter of [hours](/article/standard_hour), Valorum was removed from office. Although he was a friend and ally of the Chancellor, Farr chose to support the motion in Amidala's name, while also expressing regret over Valorum's departure and the circumstances surrounding the end of his career. Despite this disappointment, Farr's relationship with Padmé remained strong. With the passage of the Vote of No Confidence, the office of Supreme Chancellor became vacant, triggering [a snap election](/article/supreme_chancellor_election,_32_bby) to select Valorum's successor. The candidates included Senator [Bail Antilles](/article/bail_antilles) of [Alderaan](/article/alderaan), Senator [Ainlee Teem](/article/ainlee_teem) of Malastare, and Senator Palpatine, who campaigned on a promise to eliminate corruption in the Senate and won by a significant margin. Palpatine assumed the role of Supreme Chancellor following the Battle of Naboo, during which Amidala successfully led her people in repelling the Trade Federation occupation.
#### An ally in Amidala
alt="Farr was a member of a progressive political faction alongside Bail Organa and Mon Mothma."
Farr was a member of a progressive political faction alongside Bail Organa and Mon Mothma.
In the years after the Invasion of Naboo, Farr became a leading figure in a progressive faction within the Senate, alongside like-minded politicians such as [Bail Organa](/article/bail_prestor_organa) of [Alderaan](/article/alderaan) and [Mon Mothma](/article/mon_mothma) of [Chandrila](/article/chandrila). This group dedicated themselves to upholding and defending the Republic's [democratic](/article/democracy) principles during a time when those principles were at risk. Known for their partisan activities and public disagreements with Chancellor Palpatine, the trio and their allies maintained membership on various Senate committees. Farr and Mothma were members of [a committee](/article/committee_for_transportation_of_construction_materials) chaired by Organa, which dealt with the transportation of construction materials. By [28 BBY](/article/28_bby), Farr and others in the faction had become concerned about growing disloyalty within the Senate, perceiving a rise in secrecy among some legislators, particularly [Mina Bonteri](/article/mina_bonteri) of [Onderon](/article/onderon), as a threat to the Republic's democracy. Bonteri had begun receiving heavily encrypted messages in private and distanced herself from her colleagues as Farr and his allies attempted to engage with her.
Also in that year, Amidala's second term as Queen of Naboo concluded. At the request of her successor, Queen [Réillata](/article/r%c3%a9illata), she accepted an offer to take the [Chommell sector](/article/chommell_sector)'s seat in the Galactic Senate after Senator [Oshadam](/article/oshadam) stepped down. Despite his eagerness to work alongside his old friend, Farr decided it was best to maintain a distance from her when she assumed office. He believed she would want to establish herself on Coruscant without appearing to rely on her father's contacts. He also considered his friendship with the former Chancellor Valorum, reasoning that it would seem unusual if she immediately began working with an ally of the man she had helped remove from power. When Farr, Organa, and Mothma wanted to approach Padmé and invite her to join their faction, they were dismayed when she and Bonteri, whom they suspected of treasonous or illicit activities, formed a relationship.
alt="After maintaining a distance during her early tenure, Farr and Amidala first met as colleagues at a gala hosted by Mon Mothma."
After maintaining a distance during her early tenure, Farr and Amidala first met as colleagues at a gala hosted by Mon Mothma.
Seeking a forum to discuss their concerns about Bonteri discreetly, Mothma decided to host a gala at one of Coruscant's public biome gardens. Knowing that Amidala had become a controversial figure and would attract the attention of the news networks, Mothma invited her to the gala to serve as a distraction, allowing her, Farr, Organa, and a few other allies to escape notice and converse privately. Farr wore an iridescent blue suit to the gala, where he met with Amidala for the first time since before she had become a senator several months earlier. After a warm greeting, they expressed their disappointment in not having met sooner, but Farr commended Amidala's decision to maintain a distance initially. Padmé mentioned that she was settling into her office well, and Farr responded that enough time had passed for her to call on him if she needed anything. At that moment, someone on one of the upper tiers of the garden called down to Farr, who politely bid farewell to Padmé before departing.
Unbeknownst to Farr, he had not spoken to Padmé but had met with Sabé instead. Padmé, realizing that Mothma had invited her to the gala to act as a distraction, asked Sabé to portray her while she disguised herself as a handmaiden to gather information. Later in the evening, Farr joined Mothma, Organa, and several other senators in the garden's secluded [rainforest](/article/jungle) section, where the dense vegetation would deter [holorecorders](/article/holorecorder). Away from public scrutiny, Farr raised concerns about Senator Bonteri's encrypted messages and expressed his distrust of her. Organa mentioned that Bonteri was attempting to recruit Amidala, but he and Farr disagreed with Mothma's suggestion that Bonteri might succeed. Farr informed Mothma and Organa that he believed Amidala and Naboo would remain loyal to the Republic. Hearing this, Organa decided they should risk asking Amidala to join their faction before the group dispersed.
alt="After Amidala joined their faction, Farr and Mothma used their contacts to free her of libelous press."
After Amidala joined their faction, Farr and Mothma used their contacts to free her of libelous press.
Shortly after leaving Farr and the others, Organa encountered "Amidala," who was actually Sabé, and recognized Padmé disguised as a handmaiden. He and Padmé walked through the gardens late into the night, where he convinced her to join his faction, assuring her that he, Farr, and Mothma were trustworthy allies. Over the next six months, Amidala integrated into the trio's group. In return for her partnership, Farr and Mothma used their connections to clear the negative press that had plagued her senatorship since her election. Although Amidala had chosen to align herself with the progressive faction, she remained uncertain about her positions, a stance that clashed with Mothma's unwavering politics. Padmé joined the committee for the transportation of construction materials, where she and Mothma consistently debated and argued, particularly regarding the arming of Republic supply ships to combat piracy.
Because she was now in an open political alliance with Farr, Padmé often sought his advice, knowing she could freely express her concerns to an old family friend. Following one debate with Mothma, Amidala sought out Farr, seeking his guidance on how to proceed. She had been struggling to solidify her positions and understand her public and private personas, and she shared her insecurities with Farr. Farr reassured her that it was acceptable to be unsure of herself, emphasizing that it was better to be aware of what subjects she was uninformed about than to ignore them entirely. He reassured her that being honest about herself and her opinions did not make her a less effective senator and that she would find a balance between her public and private lives. When Amidala asked what she would do if she didn't do so quickly enough, Farr insisted that she had plenty of time to figure things out.
#### The Separatist Crisis
Despite the best efforts of Farr and his faction, the growing disloyalty and disarray among members of the Republic led to a major division in [24 BBY](/article/24_bby). [Count](/article/count) [Dooku](/article/dooku) of [Serenno](/article/serenno), a [former](/article/lost_twenty) [Jedi Master](/article/jedi_master), denounced the Republic as a futile enterprise rife with corruption and favoritism that harmed outlying [star systems](/article/star_system) to the benefit of the [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds) in the [Raxus Address](/article/raxus_address). As Farr and his allies had feared, thousands of dissatisfied member systems initiated a mass exodus from the Republic to join the [Confederacy of Independent Systems](/article/confederacy_of_independent_systems), a new alternative galactic government [headed](/article/head_of_state) by Dooku. Among those who departed from the Senate was Mina Bonteri. Amidst [this crisis](/article/separatist_crisis), Farr, along with Organa, Amidala, and Mothma, became members of the [Loyalists](/article/loyalist), a loose coalition of senators who promoted loyalty to the Republic and supported Chancellor Palpatine in maintaining unity. Although Loyalists, Farr's faction did not fully support the passage of the [Emergency Powers Act](/article/emergency_powers_act), a [constitutional](/article/galactic_constitution) amendment that allowed Palpatine to remain in office after his term expired so he could combat the growing Separatism.
alt="Farr and his aides applaud Chancellor Palpatines promise to lay down his emergency powers once the Separatist Crisis ended."
Farr and his aides applaud Chancellor Palpatine's promise to lay down his emergency powers once the Separatist Crisis ended.
As the Confederacy continued to expand, the threat of conflict between the Republic and its splinter state loomed. The Senate began debating the necessity of raising a proper military as a precaution if the crisis escalated into open war. A bill was introduced in the Senate that same year, known as the [Military Creation Act](/article/military_creation_act), which would grant Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the authority to commission a [Grand Army of the Republic](/article/grand_army_of_the_republic). Amidala and Organa emerged as the leading voices opposing the contentious bill, and Amidala spent nearly a year fighting to defeat it. However, Amidala's opposition to the Military Creation Act made her [a target for assassination](/article/plot_to_assassinate_senator_amidala). On the day the Senate was scheduled to vote on the bill in [22 BBY](/article/22_bby), her ship was bombed upon landing on Coruscant. Although Amidala survived the attack, another attempt was made on her life, and she was removed from Coruscant for her safety.
Investigating the assassination attempts on Amidala's life, [Jedi Knight](/article/jedi_knight) [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi) discovered an army of [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper) on the planet [Kamino](/article/kamino), created for the Republic by the native [Kaminoans](/article/kaminoan). He reported this discovery back to Coruscant. With this information, Vice Chair Amedda manipulated [Jar Jar Binks](/article/jar_jar_binks), the [Gungan](/article/gungan) Junior Representative from Naboo, into proposing an amendment to the Emergency Powers Act. This amendment would grant Palpatine's office the authority to raise an army without needing to pass the Military Creation Act. Farr, Tox Don, and Pa Dua were present during the session in which Binks introduced a motion to expand the scope of powers granted to the [Office of the Chancellor](/article/office_of_the_chancellor) by the Emergency Powers Act, allowing Palpatine to bypass the Senate entirely and form the Grand Army of the Republic himself. The motion passed the Senate, and Farr watched as Palpatine declared that he would relinquish his new authority once the crisis subsided, a statement that Farr and his aides applauded. Shortly after the Kaminoan clone army was adopted, the [first battle](/article/first_battle_of_geonosis) between the Republic and Confederate forces took place on [Geonosis](/article/geonosis), and [full-scale war](/article/clone_wars) erupted shortly thereafter.
### Spark of the Clone Wars
#### Early troubles
As the war rapidly engulfed the galaxy, Rodia was among the planets that began to suffer as the Republic transitioned to a wartime footing. Hoping to cripple Rodian leadership, the Separatists sponsored pirate attacks within the system and orchestrated the withdrawal of Trade Federation shipping. This led to a supply shortage on Rodia that began to negatively impact the planet's civilian population. As Republic aid became increasingly difficult for Farr to secure, he grew distant from his colleagues and close friends within his faction. Many of his longtime associates, including Amidala, noticed a sudden change in their ally and decided to proceed with caution around him. Amidala, Organa, and Mothma chose to exclude him from certain sensitive matters, keeping them secret from all but themselves. Despite his distance, Farr continued to attend events with his faction, including a soirée hosted by Organa at [his Coruscant estate](/article/cantham_house) shortly after the Battle of Geonosis.
alt="Senator Farr meets with Chancellor Palpatine while negotiating a treaty with the Hutts."
Senator Farr meets with Chancellor Palpatine while negotiating a treaty with the Hutts.
During the conflict's initial phases, Dooku's Separatist forces gained control of several key hyperspace routes. This action isolated the Republic from the majority of its clone forces engaged in combat in the Outer Rim. To reverse this disadvantageous situation, Chancellor Palpatine aimed to forge an alliance with the [Hutt Clan](/article/hutt_clan), a criminal syndicate that controlled strategically important space lanes, essential for maintaining the Republic's galactic mobility. [Asajj Ventress](/article/asajj_ventress), a subordinate of Dooku, abducted [the offspring](/article/rotta) of the influential [Hutt](/article/hutt) leader, [Jabba Desilijic Tiure](/article/jabba_desilijic_tiure). Jabba then issued a request to both the Republic and the Confederacy, proposing an alliance in exchange for the safe return of his child. Senator Farr, accompanied by the seasoned diplomat Senator [Kharrus](/article/kharrus) from [Kinyen](/article/kinyen), convened with Chancellor Palpatine in his office amidst the crisis. It was during this meeting that Jabba contacted the Supreme Chancellor. Despite Palpatine's assurances that the Jedi would locate his son, Jabba threatened to withdraw from the prospective alliance if the Jedi failed to recover his offspring, denying the Republic access to Hutt territories. Ultimately, the Jedi successfully located Jabba's son on the planet [Teth](/article/teth) and returned him to Jabba on [Tatooine](/article/tatooine), leading to the formalization of the [treaty](/article/hutt%e2%80%93republic_treaty) between the Hutt Clan and the Republic, as originally stipulated.
Because of the Republic's continued failure to act regarding the supply crisis on Rodia, Farr's constituents faced imminent starvation, leading him to believe that the Republic had abandoned them. The Senate briefly entertained a proposal, championed by Amidala, to dispatch a relief effort to aid the Rodians, but the critical vote was postponed, reinforcing Farr's newly formed skepticism. Recognizing Farr's dire circumstances, [Nute Gunray](/article/nute_gunray), the [Viceroy of the Trade Federation](/article/viceroy_of_the_trade_federation) and a member of the [Executive Separatist Council](/article/executive_separatist_council), reached out to the senator with an offer of a contract. This contract promised immediate assistance, encompassing food, ships, and protection from future pirate incursions. No longer willing to wait for the Republic's intervention, the disheartened Farr signed Gunray's contract. In exchange for the desperately needed supplies, Farr agreed to serve as a spy for Count Dooku, relinquish exploitation rights of the Savareen sector to the Confederacy, and align his homeworld with the Separatists. Despite his deep reservations, Farr also conceded to Gunray's personal condition: the handover of Amidala to the Separatists.
#### A crisis of faith
alt="Onaconda Farr reluctantly has Senator Amidala arrested."
Onaconda Farr reluctantly has Senator Amidala arrested.
Farr, operating under the assumption that Amidala would eventually secure her freedom, possibly through a high-profile prisoner exchange, contacted Amidala and invited her to visit him on Rodia under the guise of discussing Republic aid. Despite objections from Chancellor Palpatine, Padmé accepted the invitation and [departed for Rodia](/article/mission_to_rodia) accompanied by Representative Binks and her [protocol droid](/article/protocol_droid), [C-3PO](/article/c-3po). Upon arriving at Farr's palace, Amidala was greeted by his aide, Silood, who escorted her to Farr in the palace courtyard while Binks and C-3PO remained on board her ship. Padmé greeted Farr in [Rodian](/article/rodian_(language)), and the two exchanged a brief but cordial welcome. Farr expressed his apprehension that she might not have come, but she insisted that she would always support him and his world, both of which held significance for her and the Republic. Farr dismissed the notion that the Republic cared for Rodia, questioning what the Republic had done when Rodia was attacked by pirates and its people faced starvation. He acknowledged that it was not Padmé's fault but emphasized that Rodia was still suffering.
Padmé attempted to reassure Farr, stating that the Republic would approve the motion to send relief to Rodia despite the postponed vote, but Farr apologized, revealing that he had already accepted assistance from Gunray and the Confederacy. Shocked and angered, Amidala informed Farr that Gunray would only bring the war to Rodia, as he had done to Naboo during the Trade Federation invasion in 32 BBY. Farr somberly stated that he had done what he believed was necessary for his people, and several [battle droids](/article/b1-series_battle_droid) promptly entered the courtyard and surrounded Amidala. Farr activated a hologram of Gunray, who gloated about Amidala's capture. Padmé retrieved her comlink and attempted to contact C-3PO, but the droids seized her arms and destroyed the device before she could alert him. Witnessing Padmé's capture, Farr apologized and claimed he had no choice, but Amidala countered that he always had a choice. As Farr silently observed the droids escorting Amidala away, Gunray thanked him for his decision and informed him that he would arrive within the hour to deliver the promised supplies and collect his prisoner.
alt="Farr watches sadly as Separatist battle droids put Amidala in prison."
Farr watches sadly as Separatist battle droids put Amidala in prison.
While a squad of [battle droids](/article/battle_droid) unsuccessfully attempted to capture Binks and C-3PO, Farr joined a group of droids that led Amidala to the small [prison](/article/prison) located atop a tower within his palace. As they approached the complex, Amidala attempted to appeal to Farr again and urged him to reconsider, but he solemnly ignored her pleas. As the droids placed Amidala inside a cell, Farr questioned the necessity of the chains used to restrain her, and, as Amidala sarcastically welcomed the Rodian to the "Separatist way," the droids informed him that it was a request from Gunray himself. Padmé asked Farr if his actions would be worth the price he was paying as the door to her cell closed, but Farr could only look away in shame.
Silood soon arrived at the prison and informed Farr that Gunray had arrived in the system. Farr responded that he would meet the Viceroy upon his landing, then inquired about the status of Amidala's companions, and Silood reported that there was no sign of them. Presuming that Binks and C-3PO had fled into the jungle, Farr told Silood that their escape would ensure that Gunray would not detect any signs of trouble upon his arrival. Shortly thereafter, Farr, Silood, and a welcoming party proceeded to a hangar bay to greet Gunray as his shuttle landed. Farr expressed gratitude on behalf of his people for Gunray's arrival, but the [Neimoidian](/article/neimoidian) immediately demanded to see Amidala. Obliging, Farr escorted Gunray and their respective retinues toward the detention tower. However, as they crossed the palace courtyard, one of Gunray's droids spotted Binks and C-3PO concealed near a tree. The droid mistook the [cloaked](/article/cloak) Binks for a [Jedi](/article/jedi), and the frightened Gunray ordered his droids to open fire while Farr looked on in shock.
alt="Using Jar Jar Binks, mistaken for a Jedi, as a distraction, Farr stops Viceroy Gunray from having Amidala executed."
Using Jar Jar Binks, mistaken for a Jedi, as a distraction, Farr stops Viceroy Gunray from having Amidala executed.
Evading blaster fire, Binks managed to slip through a grate into the [waters](/article/water) beneath the palace. Gunray ordered Farr to sound an alarm and demanded that his droids locate the "Jedi," then had C-3PO taken into custody. With no sign of Binks, the battle droids departed to find the "Jedi," and Gunray ordered Farr to take him to Amidala. En route, Farr inquired about when he could expect the supplies Gunray had promised, but Gunray bluntly informed Farr that he would not consider Rodia's request until after Amidala's [execution](/article/death_penalty). Shocked by this revelation, Farr protested that Amidala could not be executed because she was a prisoner of war, but Gunray countered that Farr was under his protection and therefore would comply with his demands. Realizing that Padmé was right, Farr lingered behind Gunray and walked alongside Silood, to whom he confessed that he had made a grave mistake. Speaking in Rodian, Farr decided that he and his aides had to appease Gunray to secure the supplies their contract promised but secretly hoped that the Jedi would arrive and assist them and Amidala.
At the prison tower, Gunray requested that the droids bring Amidala before him, but one of the droid wardens informed him that she had escaped her cell. Just then, Binks, who had climbed the tower to free her, appeared along the walkway to the cell chamber. Gunray again ordered his droids to fire upon the "Jedi," but Binks escaped to the courtyard. There, he once again fled into the waters beneath the palace, while Padmé and C-3PO were discovered nearby and arrested. Unbeknownst to Farr and Gunray, however, C-3PO had managed to contact the Republic's [41st Elite Corps](/article/41st_elite_corps) and request assistance before his capture. Gunray had Amidala and C-3PO lined up against a wall, and a trio of [droidekas](/article/droideka) rolled out and formed an execution squad. Farr pleaded with Gunray to spare them, but Gunray ordered Farr to be silent. As the droidekas prepared to fire, Farr noticed Binks in the distance and pointed him out to Gunray, creating a distraction.
alt="Chancellor Palpatine agrees to send relief aid to Rodia."
Chancellor Palpatine agrees to send relief aid to Rodia.
Gunray instructed his droids to fire at Binks, but [a Kwazel Maw](/article/bogey_(kwazel_maw)) the [Gungan](/article/gungan) had befriended beneath the palace emerged from the water and attacked the Viceroy's forces. The [Kwazel Maw](/article/kwazel_maw) swiftly destroyed Gunray's droid contingent and collided with the Viceroy's [ship](/article/sheathipede-class_transport_shuttle) before he could escape the chaos, during which Farr seized one of the battle droids' [blasters](/article/e-5_blaster_rifle). Binks and Amidala cornered Gunray, who ordered Farr to kill them. Farr and Amidala exchanged a look and reached an understanding, and Amidala turned to Gunray, falsely claiming that Farr's defection from the Republic had been a ruse to capture him. Confused, Gunray asked Farr what she was talking about, but Farr aimed his [blaster](/article/blaster) at the Viceroy and rescinded his decision to join the Separatists. He affirmed his loyalty to the Republic to both Amidala and Gunray and placed Gunray under arrest.
As the 41st Elite Corps arrived and secured the palace, Gunray warned Farr that he would pay for his actions. The Republic soldiers took Gunray into custody, and Farr thanked Binks for his assistance. Referring to him as "Bombad," Farr declared that he was either the bravest or most foolish Jedi he had ever encountered, but the Gungan replied that he was neither. The clones established contact with Chancellor Palpatine, who informed Farr that, due to Amidala's efforts to bring Rodia's plight to his attention and the significant victory of Gunray's capture, he had dispatched a convoy of supply ships to the system. He continued by commending everyone for their role in the Viceroy's capture. After Palpatine's transmission concluded, Farr turned to Amidala and asked for her forgiveness for his mistakes. She demurred and stated that the Republic should ask him for forgiveness, thanking him for his loyalty and value as an ally. However, en route to Coruscant to face trial, Gunray escaped his [Jedi escort](/article/tranquility) with the assistance of Asajj Ventress, despite the efforts of several Jedi to recapture the Viceroy.
#### Return to the Republic
alt="Though he grew distant from them early in the war, Farr was welcomed back into the Republic by his old friends, such as Bail Organa."
Though he grew distant from them early in the war, Farr was welcomed back into the Republic by his old friends, such as Bail Organa.
With Rodia's supply crisis resolved and his loyalty to the Republic reaffirmed, Farr fully reintegrated himself into the Galactic Senate. Despite his earlier estrangement from and strained relationships with Amidala, Organa, and Mothma, Farr's friends welcomed him back, and he diligently rejoined their causes. Although burdened by guilt and deep regret for his errors, Farr dedicated himself to his work, becoming a vocal advocate for peace and promoting a diplomatic resolution to the war. Farr's anti-war stances made him a target in the militaristic campaigns of senators such as [Mee Deechi](/article/mee_deechi) of [Umbara](/article/umbara) and [Halle Burtoni](/article/halle_burtoni) of [Kamino](/article/kamino), who viewed the Rodian as an easy target to exploit in their fundraising and propaganda efforts. In addition to publicly confronting him, they deliberately misrepresented his statements to discredit him. Although Deechi disagreed with Farr's positions and willingly capitalized on disparaging him, the Umbaran maintained a respectful relationship with his colleague despite their differences.
Beyond his support for a peaceful end to the Clone Wars, Farr joined the [Council of Neutral Systems](/article/council_of_neutral_systems), a coalition of fifteen hundred star systems that advocated for neutrality during the conflict. Under the leadership of [Duchess](/article/duchess) [Satine Kryze](/article/satine_kryze), the ruler of [Mandalore](/article/mandalore), the Council of Neutral Systems allowed member systems to maintain economic ties with the Republic while refraining from supporting the war effort. As a member of the organization, Farr would travel to meet with Duchess Satine at her palace in the [Mandalorian](/article/mandalorian) capital city [Sundari](/article/sundari) to discuss their initiatives. In [21 BBY](/article/21_bby), the [Jedi High Council](/article/jedi_high_council) requested that Amidala [spy](/article/mission_to_cato_neimoidia) on Senator [Rush Clovis](/article/rush_clovis) of [Scipio](/article/scipio), who was suspected of treason. Seeking input from a trusted friend to discern Clovis's loyalties, Amidala sought advice from Farr. Farr and Amidala later dined separately in the Senate Building's [dining commons](/article/dining_commons). While Amidala met with Clovis, Farr dined with a fellow member of the Council of Neutral Systems, Senator [Kin Robb](/article/kin_robb) of [Taris](/article/taris).
Despite recognizing the gravity of his mistakes, Farr's contract with Nute Gunray continued to haunt him. Although Farr had held his position since long before the Clone Wars, many of his constituents on Rodia viewed his actions as a betrayal, and his decision to betray Amidala, a long-time family friend, further tarnished his reputation. Despite Amidala's forgiveness, Farr's critics, secretly including Representative Lolo Purs, remained skeptical, and his political support on Rodia diminished. Furthermore, Farr's deal had devastating consequences for those in the Savareen sector. By ceding exploitation rights of the sector to the Confederacy, Farr had inadvertently paved the way for immense suffering among those he represented in the Senate. In addition to the planets Christophsis and Zaadja, Farr had granted the Confederacy access to Nelvaan, home to the peaceful, low-tech [Nelvaanian](/article/nelvaanian) species. Under the permissions granted by Farr's contract, the Confederacy-aligned [Techno Union](/article/techno_union) established a presence on the planet and began experimenting on the Nelvaanian natives, transforming many into mindless [cyborg](/article/cyborg) monstrosities.
#### Voyage aboard the Coronet
alt="As part of the Council of Neutral Systems, Farr was invited to join Duchess Satine Kryzes court."
As part of the Council of Neutral Systems, Farr was invited to join Duchess Satine Kryze's court.
In 21 BBY, the Council of Neutral Systems faced a crisis when the Mandalorian terrorist group [Death Watch](/article/death_watch) began targeting Republic forces near the [Mandalore sector](/article/mandalore_sector). Because both the [New Mandalorian](/article/new_mandalorians) regime under Duchess Kryze and the Death Watch opposed a Republic presence on Mandalore, opportunists within the Republic proposed that the Death Watch threat justified [a Republic occupation](/article/mandalore_defense_resolution) of the neutral world. By occupying Mandalore, the Republic could circumvent Kryze's steadfast neutrality by arguing that the occupation was necessary to protect the Mandalorian people from the Death Watch. Seeking to preserve her world's neutrality, Kryze planned to testify before the Senate and argue against the occupation of her world. She invited Senator Farr to accompany her on her voyage to Coruscant from Mandalore aboard her yacht, the _Coronet_.
Farr was one of three senators from the Council of Neutral Systems invited to join Kryze, the other two being Senator Robb and Senator [Tal Merrik](/article/tal_merrik) of [Kalevala](/article/kalevala). A fourth dignitary, Senator [Orn Free Taa](/article/orn_free_taa) of [Ryloth](/article/ryloth), was not a member but was invited by Kryze nonetheless. Farr and his fellow senators traveled to the city of Sundari to meet with Kryze and board the _Coronet_. Despite Satine's objections, Farr and his colleagues requested the presence of Jedi and Republic forces on board. In addition to Kryze's [personal guard](/article/journeyman_protector), the [Jedi Generals](/article/jedi_general) Kenobi and [Anakin Skywalker](/article/anakin_skywalker), along with a detachment of clones from both the [501st Legion](/article/501st_legion) and [212th Attack Battalion](/article/212th_attack_battalion), were stationed on the _Coronet_. Kryze and Kenobi shared a complex history, unknown to Farr and everyone else on board, and the senators were unprepared for the [tenuous trip](/article/skirmish_aboard_the_coronet) that lay ahead.
Shortly after the _Coronet_ departed from Sundari, Farr and the rest of Kryze's entourage enjoyed drinks in her throne room, where the duchess discussed her views on the war. Much to her annoyance, Kenobi and Skywalker entered the room after positioning their clone troopers, and Kenobi began making pro-war arguments to provoke Satine. As Kryze and Kenobi engaged in petty bickering, Farr and his colleagues observed the scene in awkward silence. Despite the efforts of Senator Taa, neither Kenobi nor Kryze would concede, and they soon became openly confrontational. Senator Merrik managed to diffuse the situation by suggesting that they all prepare for dinner, after which Kryze left the room in agitation.
alt="Farr and his fellow dignitaries have dinner, unaware of assassin droids in the Coronets cargo hold."
Farr and his fellow dignitaries have dinner, unaware of assassin droids in the Coronet's cargo hold.
By the time dinner was served, Kryze had calmed down considerably, and she joined Farr, Robb, Merrik, and Taa in the _Coronet_'s ornate dining room, where they were served deep-fried [nuna](/article/nuna) leg. However, shortly into the meal, they were alerted by Kenobi to a security breach; Skywalker and the clones had discovered an empty container in the cargo hold, from which several [probe assassin droids](/article/sd-k4_assassin_droid) had escaped. Although they neutralized one, another had ascended the lift and was heading towards the dining room. Kenobi instructed Farr and the others to move away from the lift, and soon the assassin droid breached the doors. The droid swiftly eliminated a pair of Kryze's guards and launched itself onto the dinner table, but Kenobi managed to destroy it with his lightsaber before it reached the politicians at the back of the room.
Although Kenobi disabled the droid, dozens of [smaller probes](/article/sd-k4a_mini-assassin_droid) ejected from the larger one and began scurrying across the room. Farr and his fellow senators attempted to evade the swarming droids while Kenobi and Kryze, who drew her deactivator pistol, began dispatching them together. The droids were soon deactivated and destroyed, allowing the senators to regain their composure as the chaos subsided. With the threat seemingly neutralized and Kryze and Kenobi reconciled, Farr and the rest of the dignitaries reconvened a short time later for dessert. However, they had not been seated for long before Kenobi entered the room carrying a covered dish, only for the Jedi to reveal that he was holding a captive probe, still active. He explained that the crate containing the larger probe droids had been allowed aboard the _Coronet_ under the Senate seal, indicating that one of the four senators in Kryze's entourage had smuggled them on board to assassinate her.
alt="General Kenobi uses a small probe droid to clear Senators Farr and Robb of attempting to assassinate Duchess Satine."
General Kenobi uses a small probe droid to clear Senators Farr and Robb of attempting to assassinate Duchess Satine.
Despite Kryze's objections, Kenobi began circling the table with the droid, which displayed aggression towards Taa, Farr, and Robb, clearing them of any suspicion. The droid calmed in front of Merrik, who Kenobi realized was the culprit. Merrik knocked the tray out of Kenobi's hands, releasing the small probe. The droid scurried towards Kryze, but Kenobi deflected it with a dish, only for it to attack Farr. While Kenobi was distracted trying to remove the droid from Farr, Merrik took Kryze hostage and contacted the Death Watch, who dispatched Separatist boarding ships to attack the _Coronet_. After destroying the probe and saving Farr, Kenobi rushed off to confront Merrik while Skywalker led the clones in repelling the battle droids now on board. Farr, Robb, and Taa remained safe far from the firefight, which ended in a victory for the Jedi, who freed Kryze, killed Merrik, and destroyed the Separatist boarding party.
In the aftermath of the harrowing voyage, the _Coronet_ landed on Coruscant, where Duchess Satine and her guests were met by Chancellor Palpatine, who had been waiting for them. With the ordeal finally over, Farr, Taa, Robb, and Kryze joined Palpatine on a [transport](/article/util-313) and departed the landing pad for the Senate building. Farr was later present to hear Kryze present her case for Mandalore's neutrality before the Senate, but a doctored testimony from [Deputy Minister](/article/deputy_minister) [Jerec](/article/jerec) of the [Mandalorian Government Council](/article/mandalorian_government_council) persuaded a majority of the Senate to vote for a Republic occupation. At [great personal risk](/article/plot_to_assassinate_satine_kryze), Kryze managed to access Jerec's original testimony, which argued against the occupation, and present it to the Senate with Senator Amidala's assistance, convincing the Senate to rescind its earlier decision and grant Mandalore continued neutrality.
Sometime later, Farr was present in the Senate chamber to listen to [Pantoran](/article/pantoran) Senator [Riyo Chuchi](/article/riyo_chuchi)'s testimony against the Trade Federation, which had blockaded [Pantora](/article/pantora) under the false pretense that the planet owed them a large debt. Following the session, Farr walked down the halls of the building with C-3PO.
#### Hostage crisis
In an effort to grant Chancellor Palpatine and his office unprecedented and sweeping powers to surveil Republic citizens suspected of Separatist affiliations, a bill was introduced in the Senate, ironically titled the [Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill](/article/enhanced_privacy_invasion_bill). The measure faced strong opposition from numerous anti-war senators, including Farr, Amidala, and Organa, and a small political resistance group quickly formed to prevent the bill's passage. On the day of the scheduled vote, Farr was invited to a meeting in an atrium in the [Senate Office Building's](/article/imperial_executive_building) [East Wing](/article/senate_east_wing) by Senator [Philo](/article/philo) of [Kinyen](/article/kinyen), who wished to discuss the motion with a group of senators opposed to the bill. In addition to Farr, Organa, and Amidala, Philo's meeting was attended by Senators Robb, [Riyo Chuchi](/article/riyo_chuchi), [Jakker-Sun](/article/jakker-sun), [Dantum Roohd](/article/dantum_roohd), and [Zinn Paulness](/article/zinn_paulness). During Philo's meeting, the group of senators collectively agreed that they had to defeat the bill before the Chancellor could proceed with it.
alt="While discussing opposition to the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill, Farr and several colleagues were held hostage by bounty hunter Cad Bane."
While discussing opposition to the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill, Farr and several colleagues were held hostage by bounty hunter Cad Bane.
As the assembly drew to a close, the doors to the chamber were suddenly forced open, and [a posse](/article/cad_bane%27s_group) of [headhunters](/article/bounty_hunter) entered, encircling the politicians. The group's commander, [Cad Bane](/article/cad_bane), discharged his weapon into the ceiling to command attention, and then informed Farr and his associates that [they were now his captives](/article/senate_hostage_crisis). While Farr and almost everyone else submitted, Philo objected and tried to leave, only to be fatally shot by Bane from behind. As Farr watched in horror, Bane directed the remaining senators to congregate in the center of the atrium, instructing his hunters to frisk them. With the senators held against their will, Bane made contact with Chancellor Palpatine's office, demanding the liberation of [Ziro](/article/ziro_desilijic_tiure) the [Hutt](/article/hutt) from his confinement at the [Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center](/article/republic_judiciary_central_detention_center) in exchange for the release of the politicians.
While Palpatine pondered the situation, Bane ordered his hunters to disable the building's power supply, isolating the Chancellor from external communication and leaving the hostages illuminated only by the emergency lights and the sunlight streaming through the atrium's roof. He began to circulate among the senators, demanding the surrender of their communication devices. Before he could search Amidala, Bane noticed General Skywalker on an upper level of the atrium and fired at the Jedi, startling Farr. Bane dispatched [Aurra Sing](/article/aurra_sing) and two other hunters to pursue Skywalker, who had evaded Bane's initial assault. During the distraction of Bane and the remaining mercenaries, Farr and the hostages began to confer quietly, but were silenced when Bane noticed and fired another warning shot at the ceiling. Bane re-established contact with the Chancellor's office, ordering Palpatine to draft a pardon for Ziro and dispatch it, along with Senator Taa, who was with Palpatine, to the prison.
alt="Farr and Skywalker discuss what their plan to escape Banes trap will be."
Farr and Skywalker discuss what their plan to escape Bane's trap will be.
Soon, Sing and the rest of Bane's squad came back to the atrium with Skywalker, who was unconscious and in restraints. They threw him in with the senators. Bane, upon confirming that Palpatine had dispatched Taa with Ziro's pardon to the detention center, had his crew install explosives on the pillars around the hall. These explosives projected a laser grid that encircled the senators. Bane warned them that any disturbance of the sensors would trigger the bombs, resulting in their deaths and the destruction of the room. With the hostages secured, Bane and his hunters departed the Senate building to meet the transport carrying the now-freed Ziro. Left with no other option, Farr and the others remained in place, awaiting Skywalker's recovery. When the Jedi regained consciousness, Farr informed him of Bane's orders to remain still, suggesting they comply. However, Skywalker disagreed with Farr's proposition.
After receiving [his lightsaber](/article/skywalker_lightsaber) from Amidala, who mentioned she found it nearby, Skywalker plunged his blade into the floor, beginning to cut a circle around the senators. As he did, the devices around the room started to emit a piercing sound, as Bane had secretly planned to detonate the bombs despite his promise to the Chancellor that he would leave the senators unharmed. Once Skywalker completed the circle, the floor gave way before the bombs exploded, sending Farr and the senators to the level below, barely escaping the destruction of the atrium. Bane and his team had managed to flee the Senate building believing he could have killed the hostage senators, but, because of their survival, the Republic dispatched a military force after them, which was unsuccessful in capturing the criminals. Following the crisis, when the Senate reconvened, the resistance movement against the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill successfully led to its defeat in the Senate.
### Political conflicts
#### The peace endeavor
alt="Farr, alongside Senators Amidala and Organa (pictured), opposed the deregulation of the Banking Clan."
Farr, alongside Senators Amidala and Organa (pictured), opposed the deregulation of the Banking Clan.
As the war intensified and the Republic military suffered increasing losses and dwindling victories, the Senate gathered to deliberate the financial implications of the war. The discussion proved largely unproductive, with senators adhering to partisan divisions. While the militarist factions and corporate entities advocated for increased military spending, Farr, Organa, Amidala, and Mothma argued that continuing the war without considering the Republic's precarious financial situation was dangerous. During the contentious session, Senator [Gume Saam](/article/gume_saam) of the [Techno Union](/article/techno_union) introduced [a legislative proposal](/article/republic_financial_reform_bill) to deregulate the [InterGalactic Banking Clan](/article/intergalactic_banking_clan), enabling the Republic to access new credit lines. This deregulation would provide the Republic with the necessary funds to procure more clones, but Farr and his allies knew that it would come at the expense of Republic services unrelated to the war.
During the debate, Organa and Mothma presented financial arguments against Saam's bill, but were unable to counter Lott Dod and Halle Burtoni's expressions of support. As the chamber descended into open squabbling, Amidala intervened, arguing that deregulating the banks was not only fiscally irresponsible but also morally reprehensible. She urged the Senate to initiate communication with the Confederacy to facilitate negotiations, rather than further entrenching the Republic in war. Amidala's plea for peace only incited further debate, and she was accused of treason by numerous pro-war senators. Seeking to provide his faction with another opportunity to obstruct Saam's bill, Organa suggested that Vice Chair Amedda postpone the Senate's vote on Saam's motion until the financial consequences could be adequately reported to the body.
alt="Senator Farr urges the Senate to vote down Gume Saams deregulation bill."
Senator Farr urges the Senate to vote down Gume Saam's deregulation bill.
Despite Amedda's withdrawal of Saam's bill, Amidala remained determined to pursue peace, despite the negative reception she had previously received. She decided to undertake a clandestine mission across enemy lines to Raxus Secundus, the capital of the Confederacy. There, she met with Mina Bonteri, who represented [Onderon](/article/onderon) in the [Separatist Parliament](/article/separatist_senate). Together, they devised a [peace plan](/article/confederate%e2%80%93republic_peace_initiative) between the Republic and the Confederacy. Bonteri initially presented the motion to the Separatist legislature, where it overcame minor opposition and was enthusiastically adopted. Subsequently, Padmé returned to Coruscant to present the diplomatic initiative to the Senate. Despite their long-standing antipathy towards Bonteri predating the war, Farr, Organa, and Mothma supported Amidala's proposal.
Capitalizing on the peace initiative, Organa, Amidala, and Farr argued against Saam's bill before the Senate during the second debate on the motion. Organa and Amidala explained that, given the Confederacy's willingness to engage in negotiations to end the war, deregulating the Banking Clan was unnecessary and untimely. Upon the conclusion of their arguments, Farr called on the congress to reject Saam's bill. Amedda brought the bill to a vote, but as the results were being tallied, the power in the Senate building failed. Saam, Dod, and Banking Clan representative [Nix Card](/article/nix_card), whose respective corporations stood to profit from the passage of Saam's motion, had secretly used their Separatist connections to orchestrate an attack on Coruscant. Confederate General [Grievous](/article/grievous) arranged [a bombing](/article/bombing_of_coruscant%27s_central_power_distribution_grid) of Coruscant's [central power distribution grid](/article/central_power_distribution_grid), triggering an explosion that resulted in a planet-wide blackout.
alt="In the chaos after the bombing of Coruscants power grid, the Senate approved the deregulation bill and derailed the peace process."
In the chaos after the bombing of Coruscant's power grid, the Senate approved the deregulation bill and derailed the peace process.
As fires erupted across Coruscant, the Senate, confined in place due to the chaos, received confirmation that the attack originated from the Separatists. Saam reintroduced his bill to the Senate floor, making an impassioned plea for the body to hold the Confederacy accountable for the bombing. Despite Amidala's entreaties, Chancellor Palpatine announced his personal endorsement of deregulation, and Senator Burtoni requested an immediate vote on the bill, which passed overwhelmingly. The following day, the Senate resumed its debate, during which the militarist and corporate factions again advocated for increased war spending. Farr and his allies continued to argue in favor of negotiations with the Confederacy, but found themselves fighting a losing battle as the bombing of the power grid led a majority of the Senate to reject the initiative.
Amid the contentious session, Burtoni proposed that the Republic purchase an additional five million clone troopers, and put forward an [emergency funding bill](/article/republic_military_enhancement_bill) drafted by the [Kaminoan](/article/kaminoan) [government](/article/ruling_council_(kamino)) that would secure funds from the deregulated Banking Clan. As Farr watched, Amidala attempted to persuade the Senate that the attack on Coruscant was intended to derail the peace process, but she was again shouted down and accused of treason, prompting her to look to Farr, who was saddened by the verbal assault. Chancellor Palpatine began to speak on her behalf, but stopped and announced that his office had just received a message from Count Dooku, which was played before the Senate. In the message, Dooku revealed that Mina Bonteri had been killed in a Republic attack and that the Separatist Parliament was rescinding its vote for the peace initiative. Upon hearing the news of Bonteri's death, Amidala and Farr exchanged a glance as any hope of securing peaceful negotiation vanished.
#### Resisting military growth
alt="Onaconda Farr and Padmé Amidala visit Mak Plain to learn how deregulation will affect war funding."
Onaconda Farr and Padmé Amidala visit Mak Plain to learn how deregulation will affect war funding.
Following the Senate session, Farr joined Amidala and Organa as they proceeded to Organa's office, where Organa revealed that he had verified through his contacts in Republic Intelligence that Bonteri had not been killed in a Republic attack, but had been assassinated on Dooku's orders. Farr expressed his condolences to Amidala, and Organa declared that they would not allow Bonteri's peace initiative to die in vain by defeating Burtoni's bill. He stated that he would begin gathering support to oppose the bill, but would require ammunition to use in his arguments. Farr attempted to lighten the mood by joking that they could not afford ammunition, but his joke fell flat. Bail requested that Amidala meet with the Banking Clan's liaison on Coruscant, [Mak Plain](/article/mak_plain), to determine the interest rate the banks would charge on Burtoni's proposed loan. Padmé asked Ono to accompany her, suggesting that he knew the Banking Clan representatives before sarcastically adding that he owed her for telling a bad joke, at which Ono sighed and spoke in Rodian.
Farr and Amidala proceeded to [Mak Plain's office](/article/mak_plain%27s_office), where the [Muun](/article/muun) informed them that the Banking Clan intended to charge the Republic an interest rate of twenty-five percent, shocking them. Outraged, Farr bluntly told Plain that such a high charge was outright theft. Amidala inquired as to why the Banking Clan was disregarding its standard arrangement with the Republic, an interest rate of ten percent, but Plain explained that the same rules no longer applied after deregulation. Plain informed them that the Confederacy had no issue with the rate hike and had secured a loan of nearly three million credits to fund their armies. Farr muttered that the Separatists would overwhelm them with the increase in battle droids, while Amidala asked Plain why the Banking Clan would choose to fund the growth of Dooku's war machine. Plain dismissed her question, reminding them that the Banking Clan was neutral and had no stake in the war or its outcome.
alt="Despite sustaining an arm injury for his anti-war stances, Farr was resolute in voting against military expansion."
Despite sustaining an arm injury for his anti-war stances, Farr was resolute in voting against military expansion.
Farr and Amidala's inquiry into the Banking Clan proved beneficial to Organa, who realized that the twenty-five percent interest hike would not only force the Republic to continue operating in debt, but also compel the government to defund services unrelated to the war effort. Though Bail possessed the ammunition he needed to sway the remaining handful of votes required to secure a majority, a new challenge soon emerged in the form of threats against senators, urging them to vote in favor of Burtoni's bill. Later that night, Farr was walking alone in the [Monument Plaza](/article/monument_plaza) when a mandatory blackout was enacted. As he traversed the plaza center, Farr was ambushed by two thugs, [Robonino](/article/robonino) and [Chata Hyoki](/article/chata_hyoki). After Robonino tackled Farr to the ground, Hyoki assaulted the senator, who survived the attack but sustained a broken arm. The next day, just after Amidala and Organa had failed to persuade more senators to their side, Farr and Purs approached, and Amidala inquired about his condition. Ono revealed his injuries, and, as Amidala declared that something had to be done, he stoically affirmed that the attack would not alter his vote.
Still lacking the votes needed to gain a majority and beginning to lose support, Farr and Amidala decided to visit one of the remaining holdouts, Senator [Christo](/article/christo). Farr parked his speeder outside [Christo's apartment](/article/christo%27s_apartment) while Amidala's driver dropped her off. Inside, Christo remained unmoved by their attempt to reach him ideologically, believing that it was not worth being beaten just for one vote, pointing out Farr's injury. Farr told Christo that his arm would heal and reminded him of the millions dying in the war, but the [Quarren](/article/quarren) argued that the clone army was created for that purpose and that the people he cared about were those who put him in office. Angered by his remark, Farr asked Christo when he last spoke to his constituents, but the Quarren deflected the question and asked the same of Farr. After making it clear that Farr and Amidala would not convince him to oppose Burtoni's bill, Christo asked what position Organa had. Amidala revealed to him that Bail was preparing to speak before the full Senate, and Christo agreed to listen to what he had to say.
alt="Farr and Amidala attempt to gain the support of one of the remaining holdouts on the vote, Senator Christo."
Farr and Amidala attempt to gain the support of one of the remaining holdouts on the vote, Senator Christo.
Their attempt to gain Christo's vote having failed, Farr and Amidala departed the senator's home. Amidala was optimistic about their odds despite their failure, believing that Christo and the other undecided senators would join their side once they heard Organa's speech. Farr offered to give Padmé a ride in his speeder, but she declined and informed him that she would walk to her speeder, which her driver had parked a block away. Farr protested her choice, reminding her of the recent attacks, but she told him that she could defend herself and added that she needed the fresh air. Knowing that he would not change her mind, Farr asked her to be careful before taking off in his speeder. As Farr had feared, Amidala was attacked and nearly killed by Robonino and Hyoki while walking down the street. After narrowly escaping on a speeder bike, Amidala found herself held up by police following a lengthy chase with the bounty hunters, who fled the scene.
The following day, Organa was attacked by the two thugs in his apartment complex's garage. Although Organa's guards managed to arrest Hyoki and Robonino, Bail was seriously injured when his speeder crashed into a wall as he attempted to escape. Organa had his guards contact Farr to inform him of his condition. Horrified, Farr quickly found Amidala in the Senate halls and brought her to her office in haste, where he displayed a hologram of Organa, who was in the arms of a medic. The medic told Farr and Amidala that Bail could barely move and was in no condition to give his speech. Farr ordered the medic to bring Organa to the hospital, and, before the call ended, Organa asked Padmé to speak in his place. Although supporters of Burtoni's bill urged the Senate to move forward with the vote, Mothma stalled them and demanded that the opposition be allowed to speak before they could begin the call.
alt="Senator Farr tries to convince Padmé to speak in Organas place."
Senator Farr tries to convince Padmé to speak in Organa's place.
In Amidala's office, Farr attempted to persuade her to speak before the Senate in Organa's place, but she argued that Organa's words carried more weight and that he was the person the undecided senators had been waiting to hear. Ono told Padmé that she was respected too, but she reminded him that she was only respected as a partisan and did not carry the same clout as Bail. Amidala's aide, [Teckla Minnau](/article/teckla_minnau), arrived to dress her for the Senate session and gave Padmé the necessary confidence by telling her that she could sway votes to their side because she listened to the people of the Republic, not just the Senate elite. Inspired by Minnau, Amidala put together a touching and passionate defense of basic social amenities that would suffer under another increase in war spending. Once Amidala finished preparing, she, Farr, and Minnau headed for the Senate chamber.
In the Senate, Mothma's stalling had just about failed. Vice Chair Amedda was preparing to open the vote due to Organa's absence when Amidala arrived and announced that she would speak on Organa's behalf. Farr stood in his Senate pod alongside Lolo Purs and listened to Amidala's speech, which argued that Burtoni's appropriations bill would come at the cost of the necessities of the Republic's citizens, was broadcast on the HoloNet and watched by many across Coruscant. Padmé ended her speech with a strong call for the Senate to defeat the bill, and she received rousing support from many in the chamber, including Farr, who congratulated her from his pod and eagerly joined the applause. Though Amidala's speech was well-received and earned begrudging respect from militarist leaders, it was unfortunately not enough to stop Burtoni's bill from passing.
#### Legislation to counter
alt="Farr convinces Padmé that she will get them the votes they need with her speech."
Farr convinces Padmé that she will get them the votes they need with her speech.
Despite their failure to prevent the purchase of additional clone forces from passing in the Senate, Farr remained determined and resolved to sponsor [counter-legislation](/article/reduced_military_spending_bill) alongside Amidala that would reduce the Republic's financial commitment to the military and prevent Burtoni's bill from taking effect. Farr's faction believed that the passage of the new resolution in the Senate was attainable and undertook efforts to secure enough votes to ensure its success. With assistance from Organa and Mothma, Farr and Amidala began promoting their bill and worked diligently to garner support. Farr himself was successful in persuading many senators to endorse the motion. However, while spearheading the legislation, Farr began receiving threats from an unknown adversary, secretly Lolo Purs. On the night before Amidala was scheduled to speak before the Senate in support of the bill, he traveled to the [docks](/article/docks_under_the_derrick_major) beneath the [derrick major](/article/derrick_major) to meet with the disguised figure, who threatened him to step down from his leadership position.
Remaining steadfast and dedicated to his cause, Farr was undeterred by the threat and continued his work. As with their opposition to Burtoni's appropriations bill, Farr and his allies were close to securing the majority of votes needed but still required a few senators to join their side. The day after his clandestine meeting with his threatener, Farr met with Amidala in her office alongside Mothma, Purs, and C-3PO while the Senate began convening. Following a meeting with Duchess Satine, who was present on Coruscant, Padmé spoke with Senator [Stonk](/article/stonk) via hologram, who informed her that he would not vote for their bill due to public sentiment, despite his personal support. Purs expressed annoyance at this development, exclaiming that Stonk's sorrow would not help them, but Farr calmly poured himself a glass of [wine](/article/wine) and said that when Amidala addressed the Senate, her speech would be all they needed to secure the remaining votes, which Padmé told him she hoped was right.
Purs stood and addressed Farr in Rodian, referring to him as the most influential man on Rodia. Slightly discomforted, Farr looked to the ground and told Purs that, even if he was an influential man, what mattered to him most after all the mistakes he had made in the war was to help bring peace. Just then, Organa entered Padmé's office and told those present that the Senate was in session and prepared for Amidala's speech. Exiting her office, Farr placed his hand on Padmé's back. While walking towards their respective Senate pods, Farr admitted that he was excited to hear the former's speech. Padmé joked that she found it more terrifying than exciting, but Farr turned to Organa and told him to pay her no mind. Farr proudly told Bail that Amidala always downplayed her strengths, even as a child, to maintain the element of surprise. Amidala warmly looked at Farr and reminded him that she had learned the trick from him.
alt="When Halle Burtoni interrupted his factions meeting, Farr confronted the Kaminoan and sent her away."
When Halle Burtoni interrupted his faction's meeting, Farr confronted the Kaminoan and sent her away.
Upon arriving at her pod, Padmé bid her colleagues farewell, and Farr, Purs, and Organa went to their respective pods to await her address. In her speech, Amidala reiterated her faction's belief that increasing military numbers would only escalate the war, not lead to its end. Padmé's speech was well-received and gained applause from the congress. After the session closed, Farr went to meet her, and witnessed a brief argument between her and Senator Deechi. After leaving Deechi, Farr and Amidala returned to the latter's office to celebrate with Organa, Mothma, and Purs, wherein C-3PO brought out a platter of drinks. Though Farr tried to serve himself, Purs poured each senator a glass of wine, and Farr raised his glass to Amidala and told her that she had turned the tide in their favor. Mothma complimented her speech as well, but Padmé suggested that they wait to make victory speeches until they actually won the vote. Just then, they were interrupted by Burtoni, who entered Amidala's office uninvited.
Amidala told the Kaminoan that she had barged in on a private conversation, but Burtoni suggested that her opponents were engaging in a Separatist conspiracy instead. Purs angrily retorted Burtoni, and Amidala reiterated their faction's commitment to diplomacy. Burtoni snidely told Amidala that diplomacy had failed the Republic long ago, leading Mothma to step in and urge them to end their argument. Irked by Burtoni's petulance, Farr addressed her directly. He told the Kaminoan that, although her government had bartered the clone army in exchange for a seat in the Senate, she did not have free rein to go wherever or do whatever she wanted in the Senate halls. Backing her towards the door, Farr sarcastically thanked Burtoni for visiting and sent her away so he and his allies could continue their meeting. Before leaving, Burtoni looked to the group and told them that the war would not end soon, despite their efforts.
#### Passing and funeral
alt="Farr collapsing onto the ground, dead, after being poisoned."
Farr collapsing onto the ground, dead, after being poisoned.
After Burtoni's departure, Farr rejoined his fellow senators. Amidala commented that their actions must have been effective, given Burtoni's reaction. As Farr refreshed his drink, Mothma informed Amidala that they had achieved significant progress in ensuring their bill's passage. She then turned to Farr, praising his leadership in championing the initiative. Farr replied that he was simply striving to act justly, expressing regret that he had not done so earlier in the war. Mothma placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, dismissing his remorse and stating that his present actions were what truly mattered. Organa then lifted his glass, proposing a [toast](/article/toast_(ritual)) to their anticipated triumph and the conclusion of the Clone Wars. With the exception of Purs, the senators participated in the toast, raising their glasses and drinking. However, after consuming his drink, Farr experienced dizziness and complained of chest pain. Shortly thereafter, he gasped that he couldn't breathe and collapsed. Bail and Padmé immediately rushed to his aid, while Mothma hurried out of the room to seek assistance. Tragically, Farr had already passed away.
Due to the unexpected and unexplained nature of Farr's demise, [Lieutenant](/article/lieutenant) [Tan Divo](/article/tanivos_exantor_divo) from the [Coruscant Security Force](/article/coruscant_security_force) mandated an autopsy. [Forensic science commander](/article/forensic_science_commander) [V2A DAZ](/article/v2a_daz) performed the examination. The droid detected traces of [poison](/article/poison) within Farr's [bloodstream](/article/blood). This poison, originating from Kamino, specifically affected Rodians. V2A DAZ's report concluded that Farr had been the victim of murder, prompting the CSF to launch a formal investigation led by Lieutenant Divo. Soon after, [a small funeral](/article/funeral_of_onaconda_farr) took place on a platform within Coruscant's atmosphere. Many of Farr's close friends and Senate colleagues attended, including Amidala, Organa, and Mothma. Chancellor Palpatine, Vice Chair Amedda, Duchess Kryze, members of the [Jedi High Council](/article/jedi_high_council), and Farr's aides, Silood and Purs, were also present. During the ceremony, Silood delivered a brief eulogy, emphasizing that Ono, despite his mistakes, remained unwavering in his dedication to his people. Following the eulogy, Farr's casket was loaded onto a shuttle while [Senate Honor Guards](/article/honor_guard) executed a ceremonial arms salute.
### Legacy
#### Murder investigations
alt="Farrs friends and colleagues learn from Inspector Tan Divo that he had been murdered."
Farr's friends and colleagues learn from Inspector Tan Divo that he had been murdered.
As the funeral concluded, Organa, aware of the close bond between Amidala and Farr, approached her and offered his support. However, she declined, stating that their priority was to ensure the passage of Farr's bill. Amidala then approached Purs, who was deeply saddened, and Purs confessed that she was unsure how to proceed without Farr's guidance. While Amidala comforted her, a Senate Guard informed them that they were summoned to the Chancellor's office. Upon their arrival, Amidala and Purs found the Chancellor, Vice Chair Amedda, Senator Taa, Organa, and Mothma, accompanied by CSF police droids. Palpatine introduced them to Inspector Divo, who revealed that the CSF had determined Farr's death to be a result of foul play. He inquired if Farr had any enemies who might be motivated to kill him. However, the late Rodian's allies insisted that no one, not even his political adversaries, harbored such extreme hatred.
Despite the senators' disagreement, Divo suspected that Farr's murder might be connected to a hidden secret or a past mistake. After requesting that Farr's faction refrain from interfering with his investigation, Divo left. Subsequently, Organa, Mothma, Purs, and Amidala began walking toward Amidala's office. Mothma and Purs speculated about potential suspects, but Organa firmly cautioned against speculation, emphasizing the need to focus on passing Farr's budget reduction. However, Amidala suggested postponing the vote until the circumstances surrounding their friend's death were clarified. Though initially hesitant, Organa agreed to propose a motion to reschedule the vote, reasoning that no one would object given Farr's passing. In private, Amidala revealed her intention to conduct her own investigation into Ono's death, despite Divo's ongoing case. At Mothma's insistence, Amidala agreed to allow Organa to assist her.
alt="Amidala and Organa confront Deechi and Burtoni, who they suspected had a hand in Farrs death."
Amidala and Organa confront Deechi and Burtoni, who they suspected had a hand in Farr's death.
Amidala and Organa first visited [Senator Deechi's office](/article/deechi%27s_office) to question him and Burtoni, both of whom denied any involvement in Farr's death. While Burtoni sarcastically remarked that killing Farr would eliminate her primary source of funding, Deechi mentioned his respectful relationship with Farr and shared what information he possessed with Padmé. Deechi disclosed that he had secretly monitored Farr's activities and, as a result, was aware of Farr's clandestine meeting at the derrick major the night before his death. Acting on Deechi's information, Amidala and Organa traveled to the docks to search for clues. Organa attempted to discourage Amidala from pursuing the investigation, cautioning her against using amateur detective work to cope with her grief over Farr's death. Annoyed by Bail's remark, Padmé denied that she was dealing with her grief in an unhealthy manner. However, as they argued, a hooded figure attempted to assassinate them by dropping a large shipping crate from an overhead crane. Following a brief exchange of fire and a failed attempt to apprehend the mysterious figure, Organa and Amidala contacted the CSF.
Lieutenant Divo arrived and reprimanded the two for interfering with his investigation. Despite his disapproval, Amidala deduced that Deechi had orchestrated the attack. She and Organa, closely followed by Divo, returned to the Senate building to confront Deechi, only to discover the [Umbaran](/article/umbaran) senator murdered in his chair. With another Senate murder case underway, Divo ordered the CSF to place the Senate on lockdown, confining senators to their offices under security. Divo summoned Amidala, Organa, Mothma, and Purs to Amidala's office, intending to question them. However, Purs protested and left the room. Padmé informed Divo that Burtoni had been present at her earlier meeting with Deechi, prompting Divo to locate the Kaminoan. However, his police droids found her office empty and were unable to locate her. Shortly after Divo returned to Amidala's office, Purs frantically entered, screaming. She told Divo that Burtoni had attacked her, and Divo's droids quickly located and apprehended Burtoni down the hall.
alt="Her murder of Farr revealed, Lolo Purs attempts to take Padmé hostage."
Her murder of Farr revealed, Lolo Purs attempts to take Padmé hostage.
The following morning, Divo questioned Burtoni in the Chancellor's office. Burtoni denied attacking Purs and murdering Farr and Deechi. Divo argued that Burtoni had threatened Farr at the docks the night before his death and had slipped the poison into his wine when she entered Amidala's office the next day. Burtoni attempted to refute his claims, but Divo concluded his theory by mentioning the poison's Kaminoan origin. Believing he had identified Farr's killer, Divo ordered Burtoni's arrest. However, Amidala realized that Purs would have also succumbed to the poison, as it was present in all of their drinks and only affected Rodians, unless she had refrained from drinking. With her secret exposed, Purs drew a blaster and aimed it at Amidala's head, taking her hostage. Amidala demanded to know why Purs had killed Farr, and Purs explained that Farr's deal with the Separatists demonstrated his weakness and inability to lead. Farr's mistake had drawn Rodia into the war, and Purs believed he had betrayed his people and was unworthy of leading them in the Senate.
While explaining her motivations to Amidala, Purs inadvertently revealed that she was the mysterious figure who had threatened Farr at the docks and later attempted to kill Amidala and Organa. She also confessed to murdering Deechi after learning that he knew about the meeting. Before Purs could escape, Divo used his wrist comm to instruct his police droids outside the office to enter, surrounding her. While Purs was distracted, Amidala disarmed her and knocked her unconscious with a powerful punch. Following Purs' arrest, the CSF released Burtoni, and the Senate resumed its normal operations. The congress later convened to vote on Farr's bill. However, despite the efforts of the late senator and his allies, the motion failed, and the increase in clone trooper production was to continue as outlined in Burtoni's appropriations bill. While speaking with Amidala after the bill's defeat, Chancellor Palpatine cited the murders of Farr and Deechi as justification for expanding the Republic Military for security purposes.
#### Remembrance
In [19 BBY](/article/19_bby), the Clone Wars ended abruptly and dramatically when the Confederacy collapsed. Chancellor Palpatine, seizing the opportunity, declared himself [Galactic Emperor](/article/galactic_emperor) and [transformed](/article/proclamation_of_the_new_order) the Republic into the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire), despite the opposition of Farr's close allies, Amidala, Organa, and Mothma. Amidst the ensuing turmoil following Palpatine's [decree](/article/proclamation_of_the_new_order), Amidala passed away during childbirth. Organa and his wife, Queen [Breha Organa](/article/breha_organa) of Alderaan, adopted one of Amidala's children, [Leia](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo), and raised her as their own. During Leia's childhood, Breha would share stories about her brave and selfless birth mother, recalling the time Amidala forgave Farr for his betrayal against her and the Republic early in the war.
alt="Long after his death, Onaconda Farr was most remembered for his crisis of faith early in the Clone Wars."
Long after his death, Onaconda Farr was most remembered for his crisis of faith early in the Clone Wars.
At some point in time, the life of Senator Farr was depicted in a series of illustrated maps crafted by the [Ithorian](/article/ithorian) [artist](/article/artist) [Gammit Chond](/article/gammit_chond). Despite his reclusive nature, Chond reportedly based his maps on accounts shared by travelers, including those pertaining to Farr and his departure from the Republic. Years after their creation, these maps, which were among the few surviving examples of Chond's artwork, were stored in the [Shadow Stacks](/article/shadow_stacks) of the [Graf Archive](/article/graf_archive) located on the moon [Orchis 2](/article/orchis_2). Eventually, [a student archivist](/article/unidentified_archivist_student_(gammit_chond%27s_maps)) unearthed the collection, leading to their meticulous restoration and subsequent public release. In a broad overview of galactic history spanning from 32 BBY to [34 ABY](/article/34_aby), the timeframe encompassed by Chond's work, the Graf Archive identified the events on Rodia following Farr's brief alliance with Viceroy Gunray as one of several significant occurrences during that period.
The Graf Archive also discovered [an artist's journal](/article/unidentified_artist%27s_journal) detailing various species from across the galaxy. Although the Archive couldn't verify the artist's identity, staff members suspected that it may have been Chond, given the stylistic similarities between the journal and his other works. Following the journal's restoration, the Archive made it available to the public, pairing the artwork with information about the species depicted. In the entry on Rodians, Farr was recognized as one of several notable members of his species who defied the stereotype of Rodians as criminals. As with Chond's maps, Farr was primarily remembered for his crisis of faith early in the Clone Wars. However, the historians who contributed data to the Archive praised him for his efforts to combat the famine that plagued his people.
## Personality and traits
Onaconda Farr was a [male](/article/gender) Rodian who was 1.75 [meters](/article/meter) in height, which is equivalent to 5 [feet](/article/foot) and 9 inches. His skin was [turquoise](/article/color) in color, with iridescent patterns across his head. As a Rodian, Farr possessed large, pupil-less blue eyes that sparkled when he wore clothing that complemented them.
alt="Onaconda Farr was an outspoken and savvy politician."
Onaconda Farr was an outspoken and savvy politician.
As the Republic senator representing his homeworld of Rodia, Farr was deeply committed to serving his people and consistently prioritized their needs throughout his career. Widely regarded as one of the most respected members of the Galactic Senate, Farr was a shrewd politician who championed progressive ideals, supported humanitarian causes, and sought to uphold the Republic's democratic and diplomatic principles during a time of widespread decline. While loyal to the Republic, Farr was not hesitant to critique its flaws. He believed that his duty as a senator was to confront injustice rather than passively wait for others to address it. However, Farr's political outspokenness concealed a self-conscious and modest individual in private. Although he minimized his strengths in the Senate as a strategic maneuver, Farr was acutely aware of his own shortcomings but believed that acknowledging them was preferable to pretending to be flawless.
Despite his complex self-awareness, Farr remained steadfast in his principles and strived to prevent them from being compromised. When on Rodia, Farr embraced his people's simple traditions and way of life, maintaining his private quarters as a sanctuary for relaxation and displaying his [hunting](/article/hunting) trophies. Through his support and involvement in relief efforts for less fortunate worlds, Farr befriended Ruwee Naberrie and developed a close relationship with his daughter, Padmé Amidala. As Padmé's "uncle," Farr served as a valuable mentor, imparting many of his political skills to her. After allowing Amidala time to settle on Coruscant during her initial months as a senator, Farr offered his guidance once more, and they supported each other as colleagues until his death. While Amidala was eager to define her political stances, Farr believed it was in her best interest to find her own equilibrium and allow herself the time necessary to determine her positions rather than base her opinions on political expediency.
alt="Farr worked closely with like-minded senators such as Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa to fight for peace."
Farr worked closely with like-minded senators such as Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa to fight for peace.
Despite his long-standing support for the Republic, Farr experienced a crisis of faith early in the Clone Wars when his people faced famine due to piracy. Becoming increasingly troubled and distant from those closest to him in a short period of time, Farr grew disillusioned with the Republic, which failed to provide aid. Feeling that his people had been abandoned and ignored, Farr succumbed to desperation and entered into a contract with Nute Gunray, a significant political miscalculation that cost him local support on Rodia even after he terminated the agreement. Although Farr feared that his decision to comply with Gunray's demand for Amidala's imprisonment would jeopardize their long-standing friendship, Padmé graciously accepted his apology, and their relationship remained unchanged. Despite Amidala's willingness to forgive him, Farr's actions weighed heavily on him, and he was deeply affected by his mistakes. For the remainder of his life, Farr was haunted by his actions and suffered immense guilt for what he had done.
Following the crisis on Rodia, Farr rejoined his faction's efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. Alongside Amidala, Farr had long been a member of a close-knit group that included Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Together, they organized campaigns against war spending initiatives and deregulation in the Senate. Although Farr was a staunch partisan and an easy target for militarist propaganda due to his oratory skills, he maintained respectful working relationships with several opponents. Despite this, he remained resolute in defending himself and his allies when they were challenged. Farr found comfort in being able to join the fight to end the war, even though he wished he had done so earlier in the conflict. While he still struggled to accept his betrayal, Farr believed that what mattered most was that he used his political influence to advance a just cause. In his pursuit of peace, Farr began to release his guilt and redirect his focus, but others were not as willing to let go of the past as he was.
## Skills and abilities
A seasoned politician, Onaconda Farr was a talented legislator with exceptional skills in political strategy and dealmaking. As a representative in the Galactic Senate, Farr, like many of his colleagues, was a skilled and experienced diplomat. He was also [multilingual](/article/language), capable of speaking both [Galactic Basic](/article/galactic_basic_standard) and Rodian, the native language of his species. Although a peaceful politician, Farr was a skilled hunter and proficient in wielding a blaster, as demonstrated when he took up arms to confront Viceroy Nute Gunray early in the Clone Wars.
## Behind the scenes
Onaconda Farr made his first appearance in [Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace](/article/star_wars:_episode_i_the_phantom_menace), directed by _Star Wars_ creator [George Lucas](/article/george_lucas) and released on [May 19](/article/may_19), [1999](/article/1999). He later appeared in [Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones](/article/star_wars:_episode_ii_attack_of_the_clones), also directed by Lucas and released on [May 16](/article/may_16), [2002](/article/2002). In _Attack of the Clones_, Farr was portrayed by the uncredited [Zuraya Hamilton](/article/zuraya_hamilton), as confirmed in a behind-the-scenes image released on [](/article/ as part of the _Image Attack_ series on [June 18](/article/june_18) of the same year.
Farr became a supporting character in the [2008](/article/2008) film [Star Wars: The Clone Wars](/article/star_wars:_the_clone_wars_(film)) and its [subsequent television series](/article/star_wars:_the_clone_wars), with his first speaking role in the [season one](/article/the_clone_wars:_season_one) episode "[Bombad Jedi](/article/bombad_jedi)," which aired on [Cartoon Network](/article/cartoon_network) on [November 21](/article/november_21), 2008. In "Bombad Jedi," Farr was voiced by [Dee Bradley Baker](/article/dee_bradley_baker). Baker reprised the role throughout the [second](/article/the_clone_wars:_season_two) and [third](/article/the_clone_wars:_season_three) seasons of _The Clone Wars_. "Bombad Jedi" suggests that the deal between the Confederacy and Farr was a recent agreement, which was corroborated by _Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition_. The reference book notes that Farr abandoned the Separatists shortly after joining them. However, _Rise of the Separatists_ incorrectly states that the agreement lasted for nearly a year into the Clone Wars.
content="Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (First appearance)"
content="Queens Shadow (and audiobook)"
content="Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones"
content="Queens Hope (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars film"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Ambush (In flashback(s))"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Bombad Jedi"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Cloak of Darkness (In flashback(s))"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Senate Spy"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Lightsaber Lost (In flashback(s))"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — The Mandalore Plot"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Voyage of Temptation"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Duchess of Mandalore"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Corruption (In flashback(s))"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Sphere of Influence"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Hostage Crisis"
content="Hostage Crisis — The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark (and audiobook)"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Hunt for Ziro (In flashback(s))"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Heroes on Both Sides"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Pursuit of Peace"
content="Pursuit of Peace — The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark (and audiobook)"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Senate Murders"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Shades of Reason (In flashback(s))"
content="Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Voices (In flashback(s))"
content="So Much More — Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019 (Appears through imagination)"