Kwazel Maw

The Kwazel Maw was a sizable aquatic predator that was indigenous to the marshes of the world Rodia. During the time of the Clone Wars, the Gungan named Jar Jar Binks encountered one of these beings while he was on a mission to Rodia. He ended up becoming friends with it, giving it the name "Bogey." Bogey aided Binks in ensuring the capture of the Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray by causing his vessel to crash.


A Kwazel Maw in its swamp habitat

Kwazel Maw were enormous aquatic gastropods that dwelled on the floors of the marshes of Rodia. Their skin was a defining characteristic, notable for its glowing bioluminescent patterns and providing enough protection to deflect blaster shots and even certain projectiles.

These massive creatures possessed expansive mouths which they used to produce loud roars. When these mouths were open, they could swallow large prey, even creatures the size of a human, whole. Their yellow eyes featured eyelids that would shut when submerged in water for sleep. They possessed numerous appendages located at both the front and rear of their bodies, along with a substantial tail.

Despite their natural habitat being swamps, Kwazel Maw seemed to be equally at ease on land.


During a Republic assignment on the planet Rodia, Jar Jar Binks came across a Kwazel Maw and eventually became its friend.

Binks journeyed to the planet alongside Padmé Amidala and C-3PO with the intention of discussing Rodia's continued loyalty to the Republic with Senator Onaconda Farr. The trio was unaware that they were being lured into a trap set by Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to capture Amidala. After Binks discovered Amidala's imprisonment, he hurried to rescue her, putting on a Jedi cloak that he had found on her starship. However, he was quickly discovered by Gunray and his accompanying combat droids and escaped underwater through a grate.

Binks and "Bogey" together

It was there that Binks encountered a Kwazel Maw, narrowly escaping the creature. Later, Binks found himself underwater again, this time avoiding a rocket that had been launched by a B2-HA super battle droid. During this encounter, Binks once again faced the Kwazel Maw and was completely swallowed by the creature, only for it to withstand the missile and then release the Gungan. With the creature appearing friendly, Binks affectionately petted its hide and named it "Bogey."

Subsequently, as Amidala and C-3PO were about to be executed by Gunray, Binks created a diversion for the droid executioners and received assistance from Bogey, who emerged from the water and destroyed several battle droids with Binks riding on its back. As Gunray attempted to flee amidst the chaos, Bogey knocked his shuttle, the Lapiz Cutter, off the edge of the landing bay, preventing his escape. Gunray was then apprehended by Amidala and Farr, while Binks was praised for his courage, with Bogey watching.

Production Notes

The Kwazel Maw's design originated from an unused concept by Ralph McQuarrie, which was initially intended for a swamp slug creature on Dagobah.

