In lieu of accepting an identification code, Kalani became the designation for an ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid exhibiting masculine programming. This droid functioned as a general within the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. During 20 BBY, Count Dooku, the Separatist leader, dispatched Kalani to the planet Onderon following a request for reinforcements by the appointed king, Sanjay Rash. This was to support Rash in a planetary civil war against a resistance movement that threatened the Confederacy's control. After extended combat operations and increasing casualties among his forces, the super tactical droid determined that securing the planet would necessitate more time and resources, which Dooku was not willing to allocate. Consequently, the count instructed Kalani to initiate an immediate withdrawal of all remaining forces and equipment, retreating to the planet Agamar to await further assignments.
Upon retreating to Agamar, Kalani and his troops awaited additional orders from Dooku while stationed in orbit aboard a DH-Omni Support Vessel. As the war neared its conclusion, Galactic Republic forces attacked the super tactical droid's ship, resulting in the DH-Omni's crash landing on the planet's surface. When the war ended, Kalani, along with the rest of the Separatist Droid Army, received orders to deactivate his droid forces and himself. However, the super tactical droid, suspecting a Republic deception, refused to comply. Therefore, Kalani remained on the surface of Agamar for several years.
Seventeen years following the war's end, a group of rebels encountered Kalani and his still-operational droid forces. These rebels had traveled to Agamar seeking munitions to aid their fight against the Galactic Empire, the Republic's successor. Consequently, Kalani captured the rebels and compelled them to participate in a simulated battle to conclude the Clone Wars in his preferred manner: a Separatist Alliance victory. However, as they fought, the Empire arrived on Agamar to eliminate the presumed rebel presence, leading Kalani, his forces, and the rebels to unite against the Empire and escape the planet. Following the battle, Kalani, his droids, and the rebels parted ways. The super tactical droid acknowledged a slim possibility of the rebels mounting a successful resistance against the Empire, and he conceded that the Clone Wars had finally ended.

Kalani, constructed by Baktoid Armor Workshop, was an ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid programmed with masculine programming. He achieved the rank of general within the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. Due to his rejection of his assigned identification number, the droid adopted the name "Kalani" throughout his service to the Confederacy.
In 20 BBY, after Sanjay Rash, the puppet king of the planet Onderon, informed Separatist Head of State, Count Dooku, about the ongoing civil war involving a rebels group, Dooku, prompted by Rash's request for reinforcements, expressed dissatisfaction with the king's report but approved the dispatch of additional Separatist forces. These forces were to be commanded by General Kalani, who was sent to the planet shortly thereafter. Upon his arrival, Kalani assumed command of the droid army alongside King Rash from the throne room of Unifar Temple in Iziz, the planet's capital city. While in the temple, the droid predicted that his forces would soon eliminate the resistance and informed General Akenathen Tandin of the planetary militia, who sought control over security, that the rebels were likely receiving assistance from within the militia's ranks.

Shortly after, Kalani and Tandin identified Steela Gerrera, who spoke against Rash and the droid army, and Lux Bonteri, the son of the late Senator Mina Bonteri, a fact previously unknown to Kalani, nearly leading to a conflict between the droid and Tandin. However, Rash intervened, summoning his predecessor, King Ramsis Dendup, into the throne room, believing him to be the mastermind behind the attacks. Kalani then ordered Dendup to force the rebels to surrender. Despite their assumptions, Dendup denied commanding the rebels, resulting in Kalani ordering the deposed king's public execution. Before the execution, however, the rebel Saw Gerrera attempted to rescue Dendup but was captured by Kalani's droids and subsequently tortured by the super tactical droid in the temple.
During Saw's torture, Kalani demanded the location of the remaining rebels, but Saw refused, stating that the Confederacy had no authority over the Japrael system, prompting the droid to continue the torture. However, as Saw endured relentless electrocution, Tandin ordered the EV-series medical droid to stop, explaining to Kalani that Saw's survival was essential for defeating the rebels. The super tactical droid, however, suspected that Tandin sympathized with the rebel. Tandin then explained that while he could control Onderon's inhabitants, he could not hold them against their will, and that Saw's suffering would only fuel further resistance and ultimately lead to their defeat. Kalani remained unconvinced.

Shortly thereafter, Kalani oversaw Dendup's execution, standing alongside Rash with a small contingent of B1-series battle droids. However, before the Separatists could proceed with the execution, the rebels revealed themselves from the crowd and deployed smoke bombs onto the stage, disorienting Kalani, who was knocked down by Saw. Before falling, he ordered several B2-series super battle droids to surround the rebels, preventing their escape as he demanded their surrender or death. Bringing the rebels onto the stage, Kalani resumed the execution, placing Dendup's head into the device, but was again stopped by Tandin and the militia, who surrounded the droid and allowed the rebels to escape with the former king alongside the rest of the militia. As Tandin stayed behind, Kalani ordered his super battle droids and two droidekas to eliminate the general, but Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano intervened, using the Force to knock the droid general and his troops to the ground.
As the Confederacy's trust on Onderon waned, Kalani explained to Rash that fear would compel the people back into the Confederacy, asserting that Tandin and the militia, nor the rebels, could withstand the Confederacy's droid forces. Immediately after, Kalani was informed by one of his BX-series droid commandos that their scouts had located the rebels' main base in the eastern mountains. Rash questioned how they could destroy the rebels while their droid forces were occupied with suppressing riots within the city. In response, the super tactical droid stated that their capabilities should not be underestimated and that the citizens' courage would collapse with the rebels, leading to the reestablishment of the Confederacy's control over the planet.

Shortly thereafter, Kalani summoned four HMP droid gunships to the balcony and ordered them to proceed to the eastern mountains to destroy all rebel forces alongside the droid army, which would follow. Later, as the rebels gained ground against Kalani's forces, Rash contacted Dooku again, requesting more reinforcements. However, at Dooku's direction, Kalani explained that, due to their losses and the location of the rebel base, achieving victory and control over Onderon would require prolonged fighting and resources, which Dooku was unwilling to provide. Consequently, the Count ordered Kalani to salvage the remaining Separatist weapons and withdraw the army to the planet Agamar. When Rash protested, Dooku instructed Kalani to execute him. Kalani then boarded a transport and departed for Agamar.

Upon retreating to Agamar, Kalani and his remaining droid forces from Onderon awaited further instructions from Dooku aboard a DH-Omni Support Vessel above the planet, as the war approached its end. However, while the super tactical droid waited, his starship and droid forces were attacked by Republic forces. As a result, the DH-Omni carrying Kalani crashed on Agamar's surface, but the super tactical droid and his forces survived the battle.
Sometime later, as the war concluded, Order 66 was executed. Kalani, along with the Separatist Droid Army, received the order from Darth Vader to immediately deactivate all battle droids, as the war had ended with the deaths of all Separatist leaders. Kalani prevented his and his droids' deactivation, believing the order to be a Republic trick. Consequently, Kalani and his droid forces of B1 battle droids and droidekas remained on Agamar's surface for several years, awaiting the arrival of more Republic forces.
Seventeen years after the war's end, the wreckage of Kalani's supply ship was visited by members of the Phoenix rebel cell, including former Republic Clone Captain Rex, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, his Padawan, Ezra Bridger, and the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios. Upon the rebels' arrival, seeking munitions from the supply ship's armory, such as proton bombs, they were trapped within a ray shield protecting the armory and captured by the still-active battle droids under the super tactical droid general's command. After being confined within the ray shield, Kalani instructed his OOM command battle droid, B1-268, to subdue the rebels and bring them aboard the bridge.

On the bridge, the droid general explained to the captive rebels that, near the Clone Wars' end, the Separatist Droid Army significantly outnumbered Republic clone units and that his calculations indicated only a 23.6% probability of Separatist defeat. However, the Clone Captain pointed out that, following the execution and successes of Order 66, the droid army was deactivated and inquired how Kalani and his forces remained operational. In response, the droid general stated that, while the war publicly ended with the Jedi betrayal and the deactivation order, he believed the command to be a Republic ruse and refused to comply. Despite Kalani's explanation, Rex demanded their release, as the war had ended. Kalani countered that he considered their meeting his only chance to conclude the war as he intended, with a Separatist Alliance victory, compelling them to participate to determine whose tactical strategy was superior.
Thereafter, Orrelios objected, but Kalani stated that, as the Lasat species were not involved in the Clone Wars, he would serve as the hostage his allies had to rescue. The super tactical droid continued, explaining that the "Jedi Rescue" tactic was a recurring scenario throughout the war, based on 132 battles he had analyzed. The droid then asked Jarrus if Bridger was his apprentice, which the Jedi Knight confirmed, prompting Kalani to state that the presence of Jedi and a clone trooper would make their battle authentic to the Clone Wars. However, Rex continued to object but was forced to participate under threat of termination, leading Bridger, and eventually the others, to agree. The rebels agreed to the battle, requesting that, if victorious, Orrelios would be freed and they would be allowed to take their complement of proton bombs, to which Kalani agreed and left to prepare.

Shortly after, Kalani executed his battle strategy, deploying forces around the entire ship as the rebels exited the hangar. Outside, the droid general announced the battle's commencement, stating their objective was to reach and capture the bridge, prompting several battle droids to advance towards them. As Kalani observed the rebels' progress, Orrelios commented that his allies were performing well and that the general should concede defeat. Kalani responded that his programming did not allow for the comprehension of humor, feigning laughter as the Lasat clarified he was not joking.
As the rebels advanced, the droid general ordered droidekas to attack, forcing his enemies to split up as he anticipated. With them divided, which the droid stated occurred 76% of the time, the super tactical droid ordered a squad of B1 battle droids to engage Rex and Jarrus while Bridger sought a way to destroy the droidekas. After a short time, the rebels defeated Kalani's destroyers and returned to the back, resulting in Rex disarming the super tactical droid of his blaster.
Attempting to destroy Kalani, who ordered a battle droid to hold Orrelios at gunpoint, Bridger stopped Rex from blasting the droid general, stating that if Kalani's droids had not malfunctioned due to their age, they would have lost. Agreeing with the Padawan, the droid proclaimed that the droid army would have prevailed, thus declaring his victory, although Bridger stated that neither had won. As a result, the Padawan questioned who truly won the Clone Wars, as all three factions were defeated. Neither Kalani nor Rex had an answer, but Orrelios stated that the Galactic Empire was the victor and proclaimed their arrival on Agamar.

As Imperial forces moved in, the Padawan inquired whether Kalani's forces could fight the Empire. The droid general stated that, while his resources were depleted, the droid army was not fighting the Empire, and ordered several battle droids to investigate the invaders' intentions. Despite their hospitality, the Imperial forces destroyed the droids, leading Bridger to state that both factions had a common enemy in the Empire. As a result, the Padawan asked once more why the Confederacy fought the Republic, to which Kalani stated that, according to his programming, he was fighting the Republic's tyranny, leading Bridger to conclude that the Empire was always Kalani's adversary.
Accepting his logic, Kalani stated again that he did not possess the forces to stage a counterattack, resulting in the rebels and droids joining forces. While strategizing on the bridge, the droid general stated, in response to Jarrus' query, that his ship had three unarmed Sheathipede-class transport shuttles. Suggesting they could use them to escape, Kalani expressed that escaping from the hangar was improbable due to the position of the Imperial walkers.
Remembering the proton bombs, the rebels asked if they could use the explosives to destroy the All Terrain Armored Transports, but Kalani explained that they lacked cannons to fire them from, or he would have used them during their battle. As a result, Rex suggested that they could roll the proton bombs into the walkers' feet and blow them up. Kalani stated that his droids were inaccurate and that, due to Jarrus and Bridger's accuracy, his battle droids would fire their blasters at them so the two Jedi could redirect the bolts into the proton bombs, detonating them and destroying the walkers.

Inside the hangar, Kalani stated aloud that he had never attempted such a desperately planned strategy, prompting Rex to retort that this was why the Republic always won, although the droid disagreed. Beginning their attack, the droid general remained behind while Orrelios threw a detonator at the feet of an All Terrain Defense Pod. After the bomb exploded, Kalani's droids and the rebels immediately opened fire on the stormtroopers, holding back the Imperial forces. Thereafter, four of his droids proceeded to roll the proton bombs toward the walkers, prompting Kalani to order a squad of battle droids to open fire, resulting in the destruction of an AT-AT, which provided them an opening to escape from the remaining AT-AT and the AT-DPs.
Boarding the three shuttles, the droids and rebels escaped into the atmosphere. However, the lead shuttle did not bank right as they passed the remaining AT-AT, and half of Kalani's remaining droids were lost with the ship. In the atmosphere, Kalani stated that, while they survived the battle, he did not deem it a victory but a successful strategy nonetheless. However, Rex objected, stating that it was a victory for both forces, explaining that all of them had won the Clone Wars and that Bridger officially ended it, a feat that a galaxy of senators could not achieve, and that neither an army of Jedi, clones, nor battle droids could understand the reason for fighting: to find the middle ground.
Despite this, Bridger explained that he only pointed out that neither side was meant to win or capable of winning, although Rex stated that both he and Kalani needed to hear it. Agreeing with them, Kalani stated he was satisfied and that, based on the outcome of their battle, he calculated that the rebellion had less than a 1% chance of staging a successful resistance against the Empire. As a result, Kalani bade the rebels farewell as he and his remaining droids fled the system. Kalani's final destination and eventual fate remain unknown.

The super tactical droid, known as "Kalani," transcended mere programming, developing a distinct personality. This allowed him, like others in his series, to reject numerical designation. Kalani's height was 1.94 meters (equaling 6 feet and 4 inches). His programming was masculine, he possessed three orange sensors, and his plating featured a green and grey color scheme accented with gold. Powerful servomotors were responsible for the movement of his droid limbs. Furthermore, magnatomic grip panels were integrated into his palms and the inner surfaces of his hands, enabling him to securely grasp and utilize most weapons, tools, and equipment designed for organic beings, preventing slippage.
Programmed by the Separatists for military command, Kalani was a cold and logical super tactical droid. He was a skilled battle strategist, singularly focused on achieving victory and producing tangible outcomes. Kalani was a firm believer in overwhelming force as the key to defeating adversaries. As a commander, he exhibited arrogance and brutality, relentlessly pursuing his objectives and attempting to suppress rebellion, although his methods often strengthened the opposition. Kalani was not opposed to employing torture to extract information. He was prepared to torture Saw Gerrera, the Onderonian rebel leader, for intelligence, a reflection of his programmed lack of empathy. Kalani identified General Tandin as the leader of the Onderonian resistance and was prepared to eliminate him. Indeed, Kalani's methods of torture were the catalyst that drove Tandin and the Royal Onderon Militia to align themselves with the rebels.
Kalani served as an advisor to Sanjay Rash, but held the king in low regard, particularly as he was dispatched to Onderon to ensure the inexperienced and impetuous monarch avoided errors that could cost the Separatists control of the planet. Following the Onderonian uprising against the Separatists, Kalani concurred with Dooku's assessment that maintaining control of the planet was not worthwhile. When King Rash voiced his objections, Kalani executed him without hesitation. As a super tactical droid, Kalani possessed a comprehensive understanding of Separatist military strategies, tactics, and protocols. Upon receiving the shutdown order, Kalani, suspecting a Republic deception, disobeyed the directive. During the Age of the Empire, Kalani led a Separatist remnant force on Agamar, fixated on securing a Separatist victory in the conflict, despite the dissolution of the Separatist Alliance. He dedicated years to analyzing countless battles involving Jedi and clone troopers to formulate a winning battle plan. Kalani's continued operation made him the longest-serving super tactical droid by a considerable margin.
Despite the diminished state of his battle droid forces, Kalani remained confident in his ability to defeat former Clone Captain Rex, Jedi Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger. Hints suggested that he held a degree of care for the droids under his command, treating them as more than mere hardware, and he was willing to assist the Rebels in their survival. Although consumed by the pursuit of victory, Kalani was pragmatic enough to accept Ezra's proposition that the rebels would retain the proton bombs if they emerged victorious. Despite possessing superior numbers and firepower, Kalani underestimated the dilapidated condition of his forces and the capacity of his rebel adversaries to devise effective counter-tactics. Kalani's adherence to logic made it difficult for him to accept the rebels' victory.

However, Kalani set aside his animosity towards the rebels when the Empire's forces arrived on Agamar. Upon realizing the Empire's hostile intentions towards his battle droids, he collaborated with Ezra and Rex to devise a makeshift escape strategy. Ezra successfully swayed Kalani by pointing out that the Empire was the successor to the Old Republic. During their escape, he admitted that he had never before attempted such a risky maneuver. When Rex asserted that desperate tactics were the foundation of the Republic's victories, Kalani defensively countered that they were not always successful. Initially, Kalani did not view the retreat from Agamar as a victory until Ezra and Rex presented a different perspective. He expressed gratitude to Ezra for persuading him to cease hostilities with Rex, who represented the Republic. Due to his programming, he declined to join the Rebellion, believing that they lacked the capacity to overthrow the Empire.
As is typical for super tactical droids, Kalani's body was protected by armored plating. He proved to be a highly effective leader, demonstrating his abilities during the Battles of Onderon and Agamar. He maintained command of his garrison for many years following the Clone Wars, ultimately leading them in battle against Rex, Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger. Kalani subsequently led the remnants of his garrison in joining forces with the Rebels to escape Agamar and the Galactic Empire. Despite his rank as a general and his expertise in tactics, he confessed to Rex that he had never before attempted such a desperate strategy. Kalani also possessed advanced strategic programming and demonstrated resistance to interrogation techniques.
Although typically not present on the battlefield himself, Kalani was occasionally armed with an E-5 blaster rifle, as evidenced on Onderon when he executed Sanjay Rash, and later on Agamar, when he aimed his blaster at Captain Rex, only for the clone to disable the weapon with a shot.
Kalani's debut occurred in "Front Runners," an episode from the fifth season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His voice was provided by Gregg Berger, who later reprised the role in "The Last Battle," an episode of Star Wars Rebels.
In the Rebels Recon featurette accompanying "The Last Battle," Henry Gilroy speculated that Kalani might offer his services as a military advisor to various organizations, such as the Hutt Clan, due to his belief that the Rebellion stood little chance of defeating the Empire. However, Gilroy further suggested that the destruction of the Death Star could potentially alter his perspective, demonstrating that the Empire was not invincible and that the Rebellion had a legitimate opportunity for success.