Sanjay Rash, a monarch of Onderon during the Clone Wars, was a male human. He ascended to the throne after deposing King Ramsis Dendup and subsequently secured military support from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A rebel group, however, challenged the Separatist control of their planet and advocated for Dendup's restoration. With assistance from the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, Steela Gerrera's resistance successfully drove the battle droid army from Onderon in a successful campaign. During the retreat, General Kalani executed Rash under the orders of Count Dooku, leading to Dendup's return to power over the royal government.
At the beginning of the Clone Wars, King Ramsis Dendup faced pressure to align with either the Galactic Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Choosing neutrality, he prompted the Separatists to secretly back a coup and invade Onderon's capital, Iziz, against his wishes. Following the CIS takeover, Sanjay Rash was installed as Dendup's replacement, serving as a puppet ruler for Dooku to oversee the planet. With Sanjay Rash now in power, Dendup was imprisoned within the palace gardens.
A small rebel faction initiated fighting against the droids and Rash's regime, eventually retreating into the jungles. From there, they sought assistance from the Jedi High Council and the Republic. The Council dispatched Jedi including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, along with Clone Captain Rex, to train the insurgents. Upon arriving on the planet, the Jedi were guided to the rebels' jungle base. Utilizing captured Separatist battle droids and munitions, the Jedi instructed the rebels on how to disable tanks and droidekas with grenades, as well as providing target practice.

Simultaneously, in the city, probe droids were deployed to investigate the location after the Republic ship that transported the Jedi to the planet failed to register. The droids discovered the rebels' base, prompting the dispatch of a battalion to eliminate them. Following a brief engagement, the rebels successfully defeated the battle droids and prepared to enter the capital.
Once inside the city, the rebels launched minor attacks against droid patrols. This information reached the false king Rash, who, believing Dendup was responsible, ordered him to cease the attacks, despite Dendup's lack of outside access. Dendup suggested that the only way to halt the attacks was to end the droid occupation.
That same night, the rebels targeted the city's power generator, permanently disabling it. The lack of power prevented the droids from recharging, leading to their gradual deactivation. Under the cover of darkness, the rebels were able to easily ambush battle droid patrols. These actions further agitated Rash, who requested additional troops from Count Dooku. Although displeased with the king's inability to manage the rebels, Dooku agreed to send reinforcements and dispatched a super tactical droid named Kalani to succeed where Rash had failed.
As the Onderon rebels persisted in their attacks against the droids in the city, Rash prepared to counter them. Back at the palace, General Akenathen Tandin identified Steela, Saw Gerrera, and Lux Bonteri as the key figures within the rebellion. General Tandin proposed that the Royal Onderon Militia handle the rebels, but Kalani refused, suspecting potential rebel sympathizers within the militia. Increasingly frustrated, Rash summoned Dendup to his throne once more and demanded that his predecessor halt the attacks. Again, Dendup denied any involvement with the rebels, asserting that their actions were justified by the will of the people. The King, exasperated by the terrorist acts, ordered Dendup's execution for the following day, hoping to demoralize the rebels and end their attacks.
That night, Saw Gerrera attempted to liberate the former king but was captured, becoming part of the execution. However, before the executions could commence, the rebels attempted to rescue Dendup, incapacitating King Rash in the process, but were thwarted by the arrival of droid reinforcements. Consequently, they all joined the execution lineup, but before proceeding further, General Tandin betrayed the Separatist King and aligned with the rebels, along with the royal guard. With Tandin holding Rash hostage while the others escaped, Ahsoka Tano emerged from the crowd, disabling the droids and escaping to the rebels' secret hideout. Rash's droids attempted to pursue them, but were halted by the crowd, which now sided with the rebels.
With the king now free and General Tandin having joined the fight, the rebels prepared for the final phase of the battle. They established a base in the mountains east of Iziz. Rash and Kalani dispatched a massive army, accompanied by new HMP droid gunships, to eliminate the rebels. Initially, the new gunships appeared impervious, but Anakin Skywalker managed to acquire a few effective rocket launchers from Hondo Ohnaka at Ahsoka Tano's request. The rebels successfully destroyed the gunships and won the battle, but at the cost of Steela Gerrera's life.

Back in Iziz, King Rash was desperate and demanded more troops from Count Dooku. However, Dooku, uninterested in a prolonged conflict, instructed Kalani to withdraw the remaining army to Agamar. Dooku then signaled Kalani to eliminate Rash, who protested the Count's orders. Before Rash could finish, Kalani fatally shot him. As Kalani and the droid army retreated from the planet, Dendup was restored to power, ending the Separatist occupation.
Sanjay Rash, a human puppet king of Onderon, stood at 1.74 meters (5 feet, 9 inches) in height. He possessed brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Rash ousted former king Ramsis Dendup and other Onderonian officials, proclaiming himself the new king of his homeworld. Rash's inexperience and impetuousness prompted Dooku to dispatch Kalani to Onderon to advise the king and prevent any mistakes that could cost the Separatists control of the planet.
Rash utilized his leadership abilities to govern Onderon as a puppet leader for Dooku and the Separatists. He was also skilled in negotiations, attempting to persuade Dooku that he could independently rule Onderon and requesting additional droids. The Count granted his request but also sent a superior general, the super tactical droid Kalani.
Sanjay Rash debuted in "A War on Two Fronts," the second episode of the fifth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kirk Thornton provided his voice.