Ramsis Dendup

Ramsis Dendup, a human male, held the position of king on the planet of Onderon during the Clone Wars. He attempted to maintain a position of neutrality during this time. This neutrality, however, proved to be a miscalculation, leading to the Separatists invading and occupying his planet. He was ousted from his position and confined within the garden of the Unifar Temple. Meanwhile, Count Dooku placed Sanjay Rash on the throne as a figurehead ruler. A group of insurgents rose up against the Separatist presence on their homeworld, championing Dendup's claim to the throne against Rash. With assistance from both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, Steela Gerrera's rebel forces initiated a military conflict to expel the battle droid forces from Onderon. The rebels received support from the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, as well as the eventual assistance of Akenathen Tandin and the Royal Onderon Militia. Working together, they successfully freed Dendup from imprisonment during his scheduled execution and reinstated him as king following the conclusion of the civil war.


Early years and Clone Wars outbreak

King Dendup in his younger years

Prior to the Clone Wars, Ramsis Dendup reigned as the male king of the planet Onderon for a substantial duration measured in years. Despite Onderon's traditional alliance with the Galactic Republic, King Dendup advocated for non-involvement in the war. He viewed both factions as inherently flawed and believed that Onderon's best course of action was to remain neutral. However, as the war intensified, Separatist forces launched an invasion of Onderon, seizing control of Iziz, the capital city. They removed Dendup from power and installed Sanjay Rash as his replacement, a puppet ruler controlled by the Separatist leader Count Dooku. Rash's government imprisoned Dendup within the garden of the Unifar Temple and governed Onderon as a dependent territory of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Prisoner of the Separatists

Following a string of attacks carried out by rebels against battle droids in the jungles and within Iziz, Rash commanded commando droids to escort his predecessor to the throne room. Upon Dendup's arrival, Rash rebuked him, holding him accountable for the surge in activity by the Onderon rebels. He insisted that Dendup issue a cease-fire order to halt the attacks. Dendup countered that Rash was contending with the will of the people and that it was the king's responsibility to "embrace, bend, or break it," a power Dendup no longer possessed. Rash reiterated his demand for Dendup to call off the attacks, threatening Dendup's life if he refused. Dendup retorted that Rash could end the attacks by ending the droid occupation.

Saw and King Dendup are detected and arrested in the Unifar Temple courtyard.

Following further rebel assaults on the droids, Rash once again ordered Dendup to be brought before the throne. Dendup maintained his denial of involvement with the rebels, asserting that their actions were justified by the will of the people. Consequently, Rash decreed Dendup's public execution in Yolahn Square for the following day, hoping to demoralize the rebels and quell their attacks by publicly blaming the former king for their actions. Saw Gerrera, a rebel leader, defied his sister Steela's orders and infiltrated the city with the intention of rescuing Dendup. Using a grappling hook to gain entry into the Temple's garden undetected, Saw eliminated an unsuspecting B1-series battle droid before bowing to the former king. Saw explained to Dendup that he and his allies were attacking the droids to remove Rash from power and restore Dendup as the rightful king. Dendup recounted how his decision to remain neutral in the war had led to the Separatist occupation. After Saw informed Dendup of the Jedi's support for the rebels, he deployed his grappling hook to facilitate their escape. However, the Temple's one-way shield was activated, trapping them both.

Failed execution

Dendup in the electroguillotine

On the subsequent day, Rash and the Super tactical droid Kalani, accompanied by four IG-100 MagnaGuards, led King Dendup and Saw in chains to the Unifar Temple steps overlooking Yolahn Square for their planned executions. Hundreds of Iziz citizens gathered to witness the event and listen to Rash's speech, in which he declared Dendup and Saw as traitors deserving of death by beheading. Rash instructed his MagnaGuards to ready their electrostaffs to execute Dendup using an electroguillotine. However, the rebel Dono, having informed Steela and Lux Bonteri of Saw's capture, initiated a raid to liberate Dendup and Saw from the Separatists. Bonteri threw smoke bombs into the Separatist ranks, causing confusion, while Steela used her sniper rifle to shoot the MagnaGuards, and the other soldiers extracted Saw and Dendup. The retreat was cut short when B2-series super battle droids reinforcements surrounded Dendup and Steela's extraction team, forcing her troops to surrender their weapons, much to the dismay of the Onderonian citizens, who had come to view the rebels as allies and Rash's Separatists as unwelcome invaders. Having regained control, Rash prepared to execute Dendup and Saw once more, along with the newly imprisoned Steela and Bonteri, much to the resentment of the citizens, who protested angrily.

Dendup was placed back in the electroguillotine as the MagnaGuards readied their electrostaffs. However, General Akenathen Tandin and the Royal Onderon Militia charged down the Temple's steps, ordering Rash to halt the executions. They freed Dendup and the rebels escorted him to their safe house. Rash ordered the droids to pursue and kill them all. The angry citizens blocked the droids, protesting that Dendup was the rightful king and they wanted the Separatists to leave Onderon. In the safe house, Dendup asked Tandin why he had waited until then to defect from the Separatists. Tandin replied that it was time for a new approach. Tandin and the royal guards then pledged their support to Dendup, as did the rebels. Dendup then told Bonteri that his mother would be proud of him. As he stood up, he told the army and the rebels that they needed to win the will of the people in order to achieve victory. He also said that Dooku would want him dead more than ever before.

War in the Highlands

Dendup addressing the people of Onderon

Shortly thereafter, Dendup, the Royal Army, and the rebels relocated to a new base in the Onderon highlands. Ahsoka Tano deployed a holographic disk in the middle of Malgan Market, enabling Dendup to address his people, while she and Bonteri returned to the nest on a ruping. Dendup informed the people that Rash and the Separatists were spreading falsehoods and blaming him for instigating the "terrorist movement" to tighten their control over Onderon. He clarified that he had not met the rebels until then and convinced them that the rebels were the true patriots, striving to liberate them all. Dendup also conveyed that the rebels were unwavering in their efforts, and he had come to regard them as the "true sons of Onderon," urging the people to unite to protect their home. Dendup's speech was so inspiring against the Separatist forces that the people in the market began to protest the droid occupation, to the misfortune of three battle droids who witnessed the speech.

As Saw and Steela debated where to continue their attacks, Saw advocated for fighting in Iziz, taking the fight directly to King Rash, while Steela argued that they should fight at their current position, since fighting door to door would lead to no one being safe. Dendup and Tano both sided with Steela. Dendup declared Steela the commanding general of all their forces, including the Royal Army.

After Hondo Ohnaka delivered rocket launchers, the droids closed in on the nest. Dendup was guarded by two Royal Militiamen, but a HMP droid gunship forced them to flee back inside the mountain. Steela destroyed the droid gunship, while Dendup and the guards ran back outside. Dendup ran to the edge of the cliff, with Steela using her sniper rifle to destroy both BX-series droid commandos and subsequently, one of the royal guardsmen. Saw fired a RPS-6 rocket launcher at the last gunship. It spiraled out of control, right into the nest. Noticing what was happening Steela ordered Dendup to get down. The droid's collision caused the edge of the cliff to crack and fragment. As it began to crumble, Steela pushed Dendup to safety, then attempted to jump up to the ledge herself. However, she fell to her death after Tano was wounded in the shoulder by the droid gunship while she Force lifted her to safety.


Dendup speaking to the freed people of Onderon during Steela Gerrera's funeral.

Following the rebels' victory in the highlands, Dooku lost interest in Onderon and instructed Kalani to withdraw all forces to the planet Agamar, citing the rebels' apparent intention to wage a prolonged conflict. Before departing, Kalani executed Rash on Dooku's orders. Subsequently, the rebels returned to Iziz, where Dendup was reinstated as Onderon's king. A funeral was held for Steela on the steps of the Unifar Temple in Yolahn Square. During the funeral, Bonteri informed Tano that Dendup had appointed him as the new Senator of Onderon, and he would follow in his mother's footsteps, bringing Onderon back to the Republic. Dendup then addressed the people of Onderon, urging them to remember the day as "the day Onderon became free again."

Personality and traits

Ramsis Dendup, a human male, held the position of king on Onderon. He stood at a height of 1.68 meters (5 feet, 6 inches), with gray hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and a tattoo on the back of both hands. Dendup was hesitant to align himself with either side in the Clone War, as he viewed both the Galactic Republic and the Separatists as corrupt regimes, choosing instead to remain neutral. However, this decision proved detrimental, as the Separatists invaded Onderon, removing Dendup from power and installing Sanjay Rash as his puppet successor. Dendup and his allies were subsequently imprisoned as Rash seized the throne.

Skills and abilities

Dendup served as the king of Onderon, guiding his people until the early stages of the Clone Wars. For a significant portion of the war, his reign was usurped by Count Dooku's puppet ruler, King Sanjay Rash. However, with the assistance of the Onderonian rebels, Dendup was reinstated as king, resuming his leadership of his people. Dendup was also skilled in persuasion, although this often led to debates with his adversaries, such as Rash insisting that Dendup call off the rebel attacks or he would atone with his life. Dendup responded that Rash had to end the attacks by ending the droid occupation, in hopes that it would convince his successor to resolve the matter.

Behind the scenes

Character illustration of Ramsis Dendup by Chris Glenn

Ramsis Dendup made his debut in "Front Runners," the third episode of the fifth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His voice was provided by Barry Dennen.

