Pau City, also referred to as the sinkhole city, stood out as a prominent sinkhole city that characterized the arid landscape of Utapau. Functioning as the planet's capital and main spaceport, it held significant importance. As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion, the leadership of Pau City was under Torul Blom's governance, with Tion Medon fulfilling the role of Port Administrator, and Jen June serving as the Police Inspector. The city extended to a depth of 11 levels, constructed inside the Pau Sinkhole.

Pau City was situated on Utapau, a planet located in the Outer Rim. Its location was within a massive sinkhole below the planet's surface, and a large portion of its buildings were made with Ossic architecture, which used a type of fossilized animal bone known as Ossic. A lot of the city's buildings stuck out from the sinkhole's cliff walls, which could make you feel dizzy. The city was mostly inhabited by the native Utai and Pau'ans, whose ancestors had built it. Amani could also be found in the city sometimes. Pau City was the biggest sinkhole community on Utapau.
Pau City also served as a significant galactic spaceport due to its status as Utapau's capital, providing the required infrastructure for accommodating visiting spacecraft. Utapau held strategic value, positioned near both Republic and Separatist territories during the Clone Wars. During that era, Tion Medon held the position of port administrator for Pau City.
The city comprised eleven distinct levels spanning from the sinkhole's top to its base. Among these, four held the most importance: the Civic Level, the Wealth Level, the Produce Level, and the Mining Level.
The Civic Level, the uppermost tier, housed the governmental and bureaucratic sectors along with the Port Administration. Prominent civic and ceremonial buildings were situated here, along with the residences of the Pau'an elite. Proximity to the surface was a symbol of status on Utapau.
Positioned slightly below the Civic Level was the Wealth Level. Goods produced in the lower levels were transported here for off-world shipment from the docks. This level also housed the city's port facilities, factories, and warehouses, and was home to middle-class Pau'ans and some wealthy Utai. Ossic structures were manufactured here.
The Produce Level was located further down. The majority of Utai resided on this level, which also accommodated heavy industry, functional services, and city services. Its main function was the cultivation of small animals and plants, such as ocean-kelps and cave-molds, for consumption. The breeding and training of dactillions and varactyls also took place here. The Utapauns preferred to eat their meat raw, and butchers delivered meat throughout the city every day.
The Mining Level was the city's lowest level. The Mining Level's main purpose was to mine bone for ossic architecture and rare ores. This was also where waste was disposed of. Miners often ran into dangerous animals here, but there were also natural hot springs that were popular for relaxing.
Long ago, a group of aliens, who would eventually become the Utai and the Pau'ans, aimed to settle on Utapau, even though it was a barren world that seemed to lack natural resources. Because of the powerful hyperwind that often happened on the surface of the world, the colonists who settled on Utapau couldn't live on the planet's surface, so instead of building their settlements there, they decided to build their communities in natural sinkholes and crevices where they would be safe from the storms. These sinkhole communities had to build their structures out of fossilized bones because there wasn't any wood or other natural resources nearby. Pau City was the largest sinkhole community on Utapau that was created.