Jen June

Jen June, a female Pau'an from Utapau, served as a police inspector in Pau City during the era of the Clone Wars. She offered her assistance to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker as they conducted an investigation into the vanishing and subsequent death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh.


During the Clone Wars, a conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jen June, a Pau'an female, held the position of police inspector within Pau City. Pau City was the primary capital on the planet Utapau. As the war progressed, she and Torul Blom, the city's Governor, became entangled in an illicit arms transaction. This deal involved Endente, a Sugi arms dealer, and the Separatist faction. The Separatists agreed to procure a substantial kyber crystal from Endente, with the exchange planned to occur on the plains surrounding Pau City, where members of the Amani species could guarantee a secure environment.

Inspector June greets Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

While the Separatists and Sugi were engaged in negotiations within Pau City, Tu-Anh, a somewhat unconventional Jedi Knight, began to look into the deal. She did not inform either the Jedi Order or the local inhabitants about her intentions. During her investigation, Tu-Anh met her death while observing a clandestine meeting between a Sugi and several IG-100 MagnaGuards. This led June to contact the Jedi Order to retrieve the body of their fallen member. Upon their arrival in Pau City, the Inspector herself welcomed Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, both Jedi, and escorted them to the morgue where Tu-Anh's remains were being held. During this time, she questioned them regarding the reasons for Tu-Anh's presence on Utapau. Following their examination of the body, the Jedi departed, leaving June behind to investigate the circumstances surrounding their comrade's demise. They soon uncovered information about the meeting that she had been observing when she died.

The Jedi then delivered samples of a peculiar substance discovered at the meeting site to the Pau City Police Station. There, June arranged for the substance to be analyzed, which revealed that it was slime originating from the skin of an Amani. She informed the Jedi that while certain Amani tribes resided on Utapau's plains, others dwelled deep beneath the surface, cautioning them about the potential dangers posed by this species. The Jedi began to consider the possibility of Separatist involvement in the conspiracy, but before they could make further progress in their investigation, June informed them that Blom desired to meet with them, as he wished for them to leave the planet. Despite the order to depart, the Jedi remained on Utapau and continued their investigation, eventually uncovering evidence of the Sugi's involvement, which they presented to June. The Inspector then revealed to the Jedi that the police were aware of the presence of a few arms dealers on the planet and offered the resources of the police force to aid in the investigation.

After June identified the Amani involved in the arms deal as belonging to one of the plains tribes, the Jedi formulated a plan to search the plains for additional information. However, prior to their departure, a funeral ceremony was conducted for Tu-Anh. June, Blom, Kenobi, and Skywalker were all in attendance to witness the cremation. Following the Jedi's departure for the plains, where they successfully seized the crystal from Endente, three shuttles arrived in Pau City, carrying the Separatist General Grievous and his forces. Endente had informed them that the location for the exchange had been altered. June and Blom greeted the General, who then proceeded to execute Endente upon the Sugi's arrival in the city. Subsequently, the General, accompanied by his MagnaGuards, set out to apprehend the Jedi. However, the Jedi managed to return to Pau City with the crystal. After evading the Separatists, Skywalker and Kenobi were confronted by the Governor, the Inspector, and several other armed Pau'ans, who revealed their collaboration with the Separatists.

June and Blom are held captive by Skywalker and Kenobi.

With the Jedi now captured and the crystal secured, June and Blom contacted Grievous via hologram to report their success. They were then instructed to dispatch the crystal to the cyborg's vessel. Once the crystal had been loaded onto an escort shuttle, Blom issued the order for the Jedi to be executed. Consequently, the Pau'ans and B1-series battle droids present opened fire. However, Skywalker and Kenobi swiftly dispatched several of their attackers before leaping behind the Pau'ans and seizing them to use as shields. With Skywalker holding June and Kenobi holding Blom, the Governor ordered the droids to cease fire, allowing the Jedi to destroy them. Kenobi and Skywalker then released the Pau'ans and boarded a nearby starship, pursuing the escort shuttle. Grievous then arrived and executed Blom in front of June for allowing the Jedi to escape.

Personality and traits

June possessed white skin adorned with red markings, and she had black eyes. Upon the arrival of the Jedi to retrieve Tu-Anh's body, she asserted that she had notified them of their comrade's demise out of respect, despite her involvement with those responsible for the Jedi Master's death. She questioned Kenobi and Skywalker to ascertain the extent of their knowledge regarding Tu-Anh's mission on Utapau, and she requested that they maintain discretion while in Pau City, to prevent their presence from being misconstrued as a harbinger of misfortune.

Behind the scenes

The character of Jen June was conceived for multiple episodes of the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Her inaugural appearance occurred in the episode titled "A Death on Utapau," and she subsequently reappeared in the following episode, "Crystal Crisis." Although the show faced cancellation prior to the airing of the sixth season, the episodes featuring June were released as unfinished story reels on in 2014 as part of The Clone Wars Legacy. Kari Wahlgren provided the voice for June in her appearances.

