Torul Blom

Torul Blom was a Pau'an male who held the political office of governor for Pau City on the planet Utapau during the time of the Clone Wars.


When Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi journeyed to Utapau to look into the death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh, Blom encountered them. He told them that their presence disturbed the citizens of Pau City and denied the presence of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the planet.

It was subsequently discovered that the Pau'an governor was secretly collaborating with arms dealer Endente and Separatist leader Count Dooku. Blom was waiting for Endente to arrive with a significant kyber crystal, which was valuable to the Separatists, when he received news of the arrival of Count Dooku's enforcer, General Grievous. He was present in his office when Endente arrived empty-handed and witnessed Grievous decapitate the Sugi for his failure. When Kenobi and Skywalker returned to Pau City to ask for Blom's assistance, he had them arrested and secured the crystal for his Separatist allies.

His triumph did not last long. His forces and B1-series battle droids were defeated and the two Jedi managed to escape. Grievous arrived shortly after their departure and appeared furious. Realizing the gravity of his error, the governor apologized to the cyborg warlord for the complication. Grievous then fatally stabbed Blom with a lightsaber, scornfully commenting that only now was Blom truly sorry.

