Clone 99

Designation 99, or simply 99, was a male human clone grown from the genetic material of Jango Fett to serve as a clone trooper within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army. Due to a genetic defect during his creation, he was deemed unfit for combat and instead served as a maintenance duty clone on his planet of origin, Kamino. During his time there, he developed a strong bond with the clone cadets training to become [troopers](/article/trooper], seeing them as individuals and brothers rather than mere numbers. Despite their struggles, he became a friend and mentor to Domino Squad as they underwent their training. When CT-782, whom he nicknamed "Hevy," considered abandoning Domino [Squad](/article/squad] before their final evaluation, 99 intervened, inspiring him to recognize his value as a team member. This intervention proved crucial, enabling the squad to overcome their challenges and successfully graduate. Upon their official induction into the army, Hevy gifted 99 his medal as both a token of gratitude and an invitation to visit him on Kamino.

Later in the conflict, Domino Squad graduates Fives and Echo, along with many other clones, returned to Kamino in response to the impending invasion by the Separatist forces. 99 was overjoyed to see them but saddened by the news of Hevy's death. Undeterred, he resolved to contribute in any way possible. 99 joined the clones in battling the invading battle droids, ultimately sacrificing his life while attempting to replenish their supplies during the conflict. Following their victory, the clones mourned 99, recognizing his efforts as proof that he was one of them—a true soldier. In recognition of his bravery and sacrifice, Clone Force 99, an elite Republic clone commando unit composed of genetically altered clones, was named in his honor.


Maintenance clone

Created on Kamino from the DNA of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Clone 99 was intended to be a soldier for the Grand Army of the Republic. However, genetic errors during his creation resulted in physical disabilities, causing him to age at an accelerated rate compared to his clone brethren. While other clones trained and departed Kamino to fight for the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars, 99 remained on his home planet, serving as a maintenance duty clone within the Military Complex of Tipoca City.

Mentoring Domino Squad

99 remained on Kamino instead of going to serve in the war

Throughout his service, 99 witnessed numerous clone cadets graduate and become clone troopers. In 22 BBY, he observed Bric, a Siniteen bounty hunter hired to assist with clone cadet training, harshly criticizing Domino Squad, a group of cadets struggling as their graduation neared. 99 felt compelled to help Domino [Squad](/article/squad], providing advice and encouragement, particularly to the impetuous trooper designated CT-782. Following their failure in a battle simulation at the Tipoca City Training Facility, Shaak Ti, the Togruta Jedi Master overseeing the clones' training, tasked 99 with cleaning up the droids. As the cadets left, they apologized for the mess, and 99 reassured them, praising their effort despite their shortcomings.

In the barracks, CT-782, in frustration, threw his [helmet](/article/helmet], which struck 99's leg. The older clone advised him not to worry, noting that most clones passed their final tests. CT-782 countered that while most did, not all succeeded. As Domino Squad argued, 99 observed a fistfight erupt between CT-782 and CT-1409, whom the former derisively called "Echo" for his habit of repeating orders. Bric intervened, ordering the clones to attention and remarking that even 99 possessed more sense than them, despite being merely a maintenance clone, causing 99 to lower his head and object that the squad was not being given enough credit. Bric dismissed them as a waste of his time before departing.

Despite 99's efforts, the squad failed the Citadel Challenge, their final graduation test, leaving their training incomplete. That night, 99 overheard Bric and the bounty hunter El-Les discussing Domino Squad's failure in the barracks. Following them, 99 listened as El-Les expressed his intention to request another chance for Domino Squad. However, Bric scoffed, revealing that he had requested their assignment to maintenance duty.

Later that night, 99 found CT-782 packing his gear in the barracks. When 99 inquired about his actions, CT-782 explained that he was leaving because he and his squad were failures. 99 urged him not to abandon himself or his brothers, but CT-782 insisted that he had no choice. 99 delivered a passionate speech, imploring him not to squander his opportunity, one that he, as a genetically defective clone, had never been granted. He emphasized the importance of his brothers, addressing him as "Hevy." CT-782 retorted that he was just a number, not a person. 99 countered that, to him, he had always had a name. Reconsidering, "Hevy" embraced his nickname and, with newfound resolve, prepared for his squad's retake of their final test the next day. Hevy stepped up as the leader his squad needed, leading them to success in the challenge.

99 helped Domino Squad, and specifically Hevy, find their way

99 watched as the squad received their graduation medals in the barracks. Following the ceremony, Hevy approached 99, acknowledging that he had been right. 99 smiled, noting that he had heard Hevy had been a strong leader. Hevy insisted that they were a team, not led by one individual, which pleased 99. The older clone told Hevy that the army was fortunate to have him, and Hevy responded that he was lucky to have a brother like him, presenting 99 with his graduation medal as a gift. 99 initially refused, but Hevy insisted, telling him he would retrieve it later.

Defending Kamino

99 is reunited with Echo and Fives

When many clones were summoned back to their homeworld to defend Kamino from an imminent Separatist invasion, 99's responsibilities shifted from maintenance to assisting with defensive preparations. He aided in distributing weapons to the other clones and was carrying several DC-15A blaster rifles when he encountered Domino Squad members Echo and Fives in the corridors. He greeted them by name, surprising the two clones, but 99 insisted that he remembered all his brothers. He inquired about Hevy's whereabouts, and the two sadly revealed that Hevy had been killed during a incident on the Rishi Moon, adding that he had saved their lives. 99 was saddened by the news and revealed that he had hoped to return Hevy's medal, displaying it to the two clones, who were surprised to see it. 99 then offered his assistance in any way possible.

99 dies in Echo's arms

When the Separatist forces, led by General Grievous, arrived, 99 witnessed the demise of ARC Trooper Havoc. Later, he encountered Echo and Fives again, who were assisting a group of lost young cadets. 99 guided the group to the armory and devised an ambush for the droids in the barracks. Together, with Clone Captain Rex and Clone Marshal Commander Cody joining their ranks, they lured the droids into the barracks, allowing the cadets, hidden in the bunks, to launch a surprise attack from above. As Fives and Echo exhausted their supply of EMP grenades, 99 ran to retrieve more but was felled by enemy fire. He died in Echo's arms, affirming that he was content to die as a soldier, fulfilling his purpose.


In recognition of his sacrifice, Clone Force 99, also known as "the Bad Batch," a clone commando unit comprised of clones with genetic mutations, was named in his honor. The squad also adopted a tactical code phrase called Plan 99, which involved a member sacrificing their life to ensure the squad's safety when jeopardized. Bad Batch member Tech executed this plan on Eriadu, mirroring his deformed brother's sacrifice years prior. Years later, Task Force 99, a special forces Imperial stormtrooper unit, was modeled after Clone Force 99.

Personality and traits

99 was kind to all of his brothers

99 possessed a kind and insightful nature, enabling him to mentor the cadets of Domino Squad effectively. He took pride in his clone heritage and consistently offered support and assistance to his brothers, especially the cadets. Despite not serving as a soldier, he possessed knowledge of military tactics. 99 regretted not having the opportunity to train and serve as part of a squad. This perspective fueled his desire to assist brothers who did not appreciate such opportunities, particularly Hevy. Although Hevy initially resisted his advice, he respected 99, affectionately calling him "Shorty" on at least one occasion. Eventually, Hevy grew to appreciate 99's support even more. 99 considered all clones his brothers and remembered them by name.

As a clone of Jango Fett, 99 had brown eyes and fair skin. However, his significant physical deformities resulted in a height of only 1.68 meters (5 ft, 6 in), a hunched back, wrinkled skin, and a limp.

Behind the scenes

99 made his debut in "Clone Cadets," the premiere episode of season three of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on September 17, 2010. His identification as Clone 99 was confirmed in the 2021 reference book Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!, authored by Jason Fry.

