
As a male Siniteen bounty hunter, Bric, in partnership with El-Les, an Arcona bounty hunter, was contracted by the Galactic Republic to provide training to clone cadets during the Clone Wars. This arrangement followed the death of Jango Fett. His military rank was Master Chief.


Amidst the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Bric, a Siniteen bounty hunter, was employed by the Galactic Republic to instruct various clone cadets following the death of Jango Fett. Functioning as a drill sergeant and holding the rank of Master Chief, Bric collaborated with fellow bounty hunter El-Les to supervise clone trooper training within Tipoca City.

Bric displayed considerable impatience with Domino Squad's difficulties. He expressed his discouragement to El-Les, believing they would not achieve competence. During Domino Squad's attempt at the Citadel Challenge, Bric was highly critical of their lack of teamwork and subsequently intervened in a physical altercation between troopers CT-782 and CT-1409 within the barracks.

The following day, Bric and El-Les assembled Domino Squad alongside other cadet units in a hangar to observe a lesson delivered by ARC troopers from Rancor Battalion. Commander Colt addressed the troopers and observed their next attempt at the Citadel Challenge. Bric commended Bravo Squad's performance and dismissed Domino Squad as incapable. He watched with amusement as Domino Squad failed the test once more. That evening, he reprimanded clone trooper CT-4040, sarcastically remarking on his disruptive behavior and blaming him for the squad's struggles. To Bric's surprise, CT-4040 embraced the nickname "Cutup" and found motivation in the criticism.

When Jedi Master Shaak Ti arrived to personally evaluate Domino Squad's progress and their next attempt at the Citadel Challenge, Bric sabotaged Domino Squad by confiscating their ascension cables, preventing them from scaling the citadel at the challenge's conclusion. Upon discovering this, El-Les urged the Jedi to halt the test. However, Domino Squad rallied together and successfully completed the challenge despite the setback, much to Bric's frustration. Despite his annoyance, the Siniteen was also impressed by their success.

