Bravo Squad is a designation that has been applied to multiple distinct units.
- Bravo Squad — This is the name of a squad of clone cadets within the structure of the Grand Army of the Republic.
- Bravo Squadron — This refers to a ground squadron belonging to the Republic Military. This squadron fought under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Christophsis.
- Bravo Squadron — This is a squadron within the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps, which includes both Bravo Flight A and Flight B.
- Bravo Squad — This designates a squad composed of clone commandos.
- Bravo Squad — This is a squad of clone cadets who were part of the Galactic Republic.
- Bravo Squad — This is a squad that was part of the Galactic Republic and participated in the Battle of Christophsis.
- Bravo Squadron — This is a squadron that participated in the Battle of Thule.
- Bravo Squadron — This is a squadron belonging to the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps.
- "Bravo" Squad — This is a squad of soldiers belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
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