Arcona represented a sentient species of humanoids adapted to desert environments, with their origins on the planet Cona; this was their homeworld. They were distinguished by their triangular-shaped heads. Among notable Arcona was El-Les, a bounty hunter who played a role in the training regimen of new clone troopers, and Hem Dazon, an Arcona who found himself marooned on Tatooine.
The sentient species known as the Arcona were humanoids from the planet Cona, their homeworld, and were adapted to life in desert regions. A defining characteristic was their triangular heads, featuring widely spaced, large eyes, and hands that had either three or four fingers. Their skin could exhibit a range of colors, including blue, brown, gold, gray, green, or purple.
Arcona organized themselves into family-based communities and were well-known for their strong craving for ordinary salt.
During the Clone Wars, a male Arcona bounty hunter named El-Les contributed to the training process for new clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic.
A green-skinned Arcona attended a Riot Racing event on Serolonis around 19 BBY. Tragically, they died when a blaster shot, accidentally fired by one of the racers, struck the crowd.
Nearly 20 years later, not long before the Battle of Yavin, a brown-skinned Arcona named Hem Dazon resided on Tatooine. He had become stranded there after exhausting his funds on salt and juri juice. The Arcona Boggs Triff headed a mob on the moon of Nar Shaddaa until IG-88B hunted him down.
Reeg Brosna served as an Arcona pirate within the crew led by the Crimson Corsair, Sidon Ithano. During a search for a long-lost treasure, Brosna was caught in a sandstorm and swept away on Ponemah Terminal.
Garma was an elderly Arcona woman who lived on the Colossus.
The Arcona made their debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, specifically in the cantina scene. Hem Dazon, the Arcona seen there, was represented by a simple puppet featuring illuminated eyes. Due to the character's unique shape, the production team nicknamed it "T-head."